Dynamic Flight is Ableist

So you played the entirety of Dragonflight but now it’s a problem?



Actually no I took long breaks between patches cause I feel unseen.


TWW is just explore all areas and do all the quests to get static flying. I get vertigo and dizziness so I do mostly static as well. But this is not pathfinder. Pathfinder was earn all the reps up to a point and find the treasures as well as do the quests and explore.

I wouldn’t mind if they make it unlockable in Dorn, but also it won’t take me long. I’ll prioritize that so it’s done.


Blizzard is constantly working on accessibility updates and I’m still getting research interviews and surveys sent to me about dynamic flying updates, because they will continue to work on things.

Let’s cut the drama. Here’s what one of the devs said earlier about updates they’ve been working on:


Ok, but I don’t remember you making a thread claiming “ableist” when normal flying was locked away for the majority of the expansion lol.

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Omg this is huge news

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And there will most likely be more moving forward. They’ve made this a priority. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, my hands don’t always work well. And I have neurological disorders from Long COVID. So it took me a long time to learn dynamic flying. Check your accessibility options in game and see what helps you best.

Yes, I have stayed quiet too long. I am sorry for that. But even if you doubt me, I promise I am being fully sincere.

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Ok, so explain again how flying in TWW is ableist considering how fast everyone will be getting it.

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Pathfinder achievements are ableist against people with ADD

How fast will people who can’t use dynamic flight to do the unlock be able to do it?

I don’t know, how fast can you level? Considering most people will be getting it while leveling, you tell me lol.

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If people have that much of an issue with dynamic flight then requiring them to level with dynamic flight in order to unlock static flight is where people take issue I believe.


Huh? How is it required? You literally just level like every other expansion prior to Dragonflight lol.

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Here’s a challenge for you: complete all of the Dragonflight content required for its pathfinder with only a ground mount. Then lets talk about what fast means.

Clearly you haven’t actually seen what’s required for normal flying in TWW lol.

Waiting for the thread lock… :popcorn:

Even with how easy it is to unlock static flying, it’s weird that the unlock is even there to begin with. Especially when we’ll have a superior form of flight at launch.


It’s not, because Blizz is on record as saying they feel dynamic is more immersive for the content and environment.

Do you not use flight while leveling?