DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

I wrote this topic in my mother language but I would like to know your opinion, who are the majority and probably most influential in the community regarding Feedback …

I don’t know about you, but I am deeply disappointed with this characters’ level nerf in relation to Making old raids and other old content.

Still in BfA, I was able to do, for example, Make “Antorus, The Burning Throne” in the mythical difficulty Solo.

Well… today I went to try solar “Tomb of sargeras” Which in theory would be easier than Antorus, behind Tmogs, and look what a surprise… I CAN’T PASS THE FIRST F @ # $ # BOSS… has almost hitkill skill

I was loving an expansion, I started to see it…

One of my favorite hobbies in wow was discovering, soloing and exploring old Raids for Tmogs, Mounts, gold etc… But now it’s impossible

I would like to leave an appeal to anyone who identifies with this problem, to be able to comment below, to claim changes in this parameter, as it is completely RIDICULOUS, BIZARRO, DISCEPTIONAL and FRUSTRATING, to advance an expansion, but we cannot do more, content that was previous expansion …



Ion is a raid logger. He doesn’t do old content. He doesn’t do transmog. He doesn’t do PvP. He doesn’t do professions. Yet he is in charge of all these things and more.


have you seen his char? it’s unmogged and hideous. ofc he doesn’t care about the transmog collectors lol


There’s a few hot topics on this if you’d like to check them out.






What Ion seems to be missing is raiders 2 expansions and older are supposed to have the “legacy buff” which where you swing for the unrestricted damage, like doing a million DPS on Lich King. BfA should feel hard to solo because it’s the previous expansion, just like Legion was in BfA and yeah it got mostly easier as you got better gear. But Legion isn’t supposed to be like that. It’s supposed to be like the other old raids.

I still destroy in the other expansions, but for some reason Legion isn’t “on” and they’re not getting that.


You’d think they’d be going to extra mile to get more use out of old content. It’s all paid for already, nobody expects or even wants more development on it.

I get that they’ve got their best and brightest on the latest and greatest, but maybe have someone spend an afternoon dialing down some numbers so people can use the stuff you’ve already created, too.


Isn’t dynamic scaling AWESOME!?! /s

I’m usually the first to blow raspberries at the Classic mongers when they rear their nostalgia addled heads, but there are features from the WoW of the Bush Administration that would be nice to have back. Like having stable, non-floating, concrete numbers that don’t turn all progression into the RPG stat. equivalent of Monopoly Money.


I’ve had no issues doing all the Legion raids on mythic as my ilvl has increased but I get the frustration. Boost the ilvl to 180 or so and none of the Legion raids should be a big issue if you play your cards right.

Are you ok with coven/aggramar?

They’re impossible on mythic solo but if there’s a technique for them I’m all ears.


Right here.


Please don’t forget my one…



Having trouble understanding much of the thread, but I did want to alert people to a post I made a few hours ago if there is going to be a fresh discussion happening.

I am still confused what the actual issue is, and hope to continue to learn more and see people post their logs so I can get a better understanding of what is tripping people up.

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Going to summarise as best as possible here:
Mobs in old world content such as BFA Nzoth assault force mobs have as much health as SL mobs and take SL level toons (60) as long to take down when they are level 50 as a level 60 mob.

Yet level 50 toons seem to be able to take down 50 mobs faster.

Mobs continue to scale PAST their level, ie on a 60 DH they will see a BFA 50 mob at 150k health. A level 50 will see the same mob at 100k health.

Old world raids and dungons are too hard and haven’t been scaled properly, when we got squished, they didn’t get squished enough to match our squished stats. Things we could one and 2 shot before are taking rotations and killing us now.


I have not experienced anything out in the world with that regard. Do you have some logs or other evidence to consider on that topic?

In terms of raids, I think there must be some confusion here still.
Have you checked out my post I linked to there, and the logs and video in it?

The content offers zero challenge to me, to the degree that I see the word “miss” spam my screen constantly. This is NOT happening for you, is what you are saying?

Furthermore, what scaling are we referring to here?
The Mythic encounters I tested always have the same health. There is no scaling present there, yet I hear people say something isn’t working properly.

I would believe you about this

if I didn’t know it to also be false, as I was able to solo this content in the prepatch at level 50 as well.
Its logical, but it is not the issue at hand, if there is one.

From what I see, the bosses do take quite a while to die, but they are nearly incapable of killing me, so I am trying to understand how or why that is not the case for others.

I have many screenshots and you are free to read all the above threads which also show the evidence numerous and countless times.


Sorry, I knew I was missing one!


You’re in gear comparable to endgame BfA. You couldn’t solo that raid then with that ilvl, why would you now?

I know a lot of people are responding to OP in agreement, but OP at least needs to get some gear.

Can you point me at where to start please? I have read many of those threads when they were made, and I did not see any hard evidence of anything at the time, so I am unsure where to begin looking.


You can clearly see a 51 DH sees the mob as 126k health, and the 60 sees it as 154k. It is a level 50 capped BFA mob. Should not be scaling.


Oh ya, I have seen that.
I was more interested in discussing the raid stuff though, if you were still interested in that?
If not, no worries!