DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

That’s because of your trust level. I believe you can do it at level 3, but I think you’d be limited either way.

Right now soloing Legion content is a pain, this is true. And it sucks.

It will be fixed. It’s a side effect of the level squish. This happened in the past when there were two ilvl squishes, so really, just hang on and be patient. For now stick to soloing WoD and earlier raids (which have been fixed).

In the same way that people are reporting old world isn’t working correctly they are reporting raids and dungeons are harder to clear or impossible now. I can easily show you scaling because I have access to that. I can’t pluck videos of proof that I downed x boss in y seconds prior to the squish as most of us didn’t expect that to happen. The best evidence you have is the hundreds of posts saying the same thing and going by the fact that they are probably reputable as we are saying the same thing with world scaling which we can prove.


I am starting to get the feeling you are intentionally avoiding the things I have posted on this topic.

I presented evidence to the contrary and would like to understand what specifically is causing issues in raids so I can test that too.

If you are not the person to talk to about that, no worries.

Your best bet is to just ignore that one. :wink:

Here’s your image:



Metro, your own logs show the problem. Look at the M Goroth fight you did.

You took 173K damage from a legacy raid! The only reason it looked like no challenge to you was because you outhealed it - not much of a surprise since you went in as a blood DK.

You took 1034.9 damage per second, according to your very own logs. You outhealed it at 1061 HPS. Again, you took 1034.9 damage per second.

You only made it just because of how crazy blood DK self-healing is.


Hmm interesting point. I hadn’t even looked at that, because of how insanely easy it was.
I am honestly very surprised to see that number, given that almost 15 percent of the boss’s melee swings missed.

Just so we are clear though, 1k HPS as a Blood DK is nothing - entirely passive. I easily see 5k overall in dungeons alone.
This was zero effort content for me, but now that I see these numbers I am unsure if it would be that way for other specs.

I’ll have another look at this with more depth tomorrow then!
Thanks for the insight, glad some one is looking!

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Kind of funny (not haha funny it’s the that’s just sad kind of funny) seeing mythic current bosses only doing double/triple that to a tank…

Level 45 boss… 1k DTPS
Level 60 boss… 2500-3500 DTPS (random kill I pulled up from guild with no name and character names in funny symbols)

Someone without decent self heals would be boned… in old content.

Edit: It’s 2am, I’m bored at work, and my skill in derp is now over 9000.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, Legion max level was 45, not 50 :wink:


I’m going to assume that the logs aren’t showing all of the overhealing - your demonic fight shows an HPS of 328 with a slightly lower DTPS, for example. I don’t use logs so I can’t say for sure how they work or don’t work.

But yeah, this doesn’t translate well to other classes/specs at all.


Yes, but BfA shouldn’t feel HARDER to solo at 60 than it does at 50, which in turn feels harder than it did at 120 before the squish.

There is a theory that this could be a delusional attempt to force people to group for old content, just like the attempts across the rest of Shadowlands to force grouping.


Yes, the numbers certainly are alarming.
But of course, when we are talking about 90 percent overhealing, I do wonder what the reality will be for other specs.
I literally didn’t have any idea what I was doing in their either. I could EASILY cut that number in half, especially considering I put the Heart of Azeroth back on to test how that was in there compared to the neck I had.

It just feels like something doesn’t match up between the numbers and reality though.
The footage shows me never going significantly below 100 percent health, all without realizing I was taking any damage at all.

I’ll be eager to see what this looks like tomorrow. I only wish I could do it again on my DK as a non-tank spec.

You can thank Ion. The guy who does nothing but raid, but somehow managed to lead the entire game design. He’s terrible.


I’m back! As expected, the opening fight in there was much more difficult for a non-tank spec.
I tried it first as Ret, and could have certainly killed it if I played well, but honestly that encounter is just a bit unfair. It has 3 different punish mechanics and you can’t do any of them alone.

I propose that fight just be nerfed to accommodate better soloing at this point, because if it wasn’t for that Star Burn damage, it would not have been difficult at all.

Just long.

I then switched to Prot and again covered the damage taken entirely passively.

All on an undergeared alt! I didn’t try the heart of azeroth either, which likely would have helped quite a bit as a paladin, unlike on my DK.


I at least understand the frustration people are having now. I don’t really see anything actually wrong with the encounter though. Its just not well made for soloing, and we aren’t doing enough damage to trounce it yet.

Also worth noting that I still have enormous incoming miss rate, even as Ret.

All in all, seems to be working as intended, we just aren’t matching up well numerically, at least with this specific boss.
They seem hesitant to change that for whatever reason.

I wonder why?

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didn’t some washington lawyer assure us about the “squish” that at level 50 we could still do exactly what we could do at 120?

Funny how stuff like that could be construed as fibbing isn’t it?


I’m going to try it with the HoA as a prot warrior based on Metro bringing up the HoA. I’ve already discovered how screwed up this is.

Ilvl 203 neck with 62 stam, 66 crit and 111 mastery has me at 48k health. My HoA with 38 stam, 45 crit, 45 haste and 45 mastery has me at 58k health, and it’s 56 ilvls lower.



He really does come across like a loose fitting jeans and sneakers kind of guy that would wear a shirt with flames on it


Ok this is completely FUBARed.

I didn’t take logs because quite frankly I don’t know how, but simply switching out my 203 ilvl SL neck for the HOA let me just sit there for 3 minutes and 45 seconds and do my normal tanking rotation to take M Goroth down. I didn’t fall below 93% health. I couldn’t do this on the prot side when I tried several days ago - I got to 35% and was fighting to stay alive the entire time.

Here’s some details snippets though. This is totally busted.



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This is not something I spend much time doing, but even so, I recognize it’s important to many players and if it were my development team of course I’d have someone assigned to making sure this group of players felt like they were getting an expansion’s worth of content out of this area.

Only Blizzard has the actual numbers but my intuition says the bang for buck on this is extremely favorable. There’s no new art or soundtrack or abilities or new systems (ie the stuff that costs real money), just needs a little QA and a little tuning, and I bet the audience that sees this as primary content is not small. Why would any responsible leader let that get messed up?


The only thing that will get their attention is unsubscribing. Follow the money.