One month in, legion still not properly scaled

what makes it worse, hazzikostas just said it’s properly scaled now in an interview.

that IS NOT TRUE. we’re supposed to be doing the extreme damage, just like all the other expansions.

if there’s one thing that could get me to quit, it’d be no longer letting us solo old crap for transmog stuff. i’m rather furious, and i want this fixed.


In before people come up and say “we’re not in Mythic raid gear yet!! It’s fine!”

My alts who want to farm old raids are not going to be more geared than my main is right now.


I at first defended this under the impression it was being delegated to focus on current content.

But to say it’s working as intended when it’s not! :anger:

Legion is legacy content. Let people farm it!

No good Blizzard.


in bfa, your alts would have farmed wod raids without you even having to look at the monitor, in questing gear you got at level 10.

this is ABSOLUTELY NOT A GEAR ISSUE. they are LIARS if they try to say it is.


You shouldn’t need to be geared to the teeth to do old content, Legion is like 4 year old I think?


Yeah there’s no way this is working as intended. ILvl 182 and still can’t solo mythic Nighthold, let alone Antorus. I hope Riot’s MMO scares them into listening to player feedback.


I went into ICC 25 heroic and bosses take longer to kill at 60 than they did at 50


blizzard fix this or im done with this game, i have farmed all the raids for hundred times and its laughable that i need to take more time to kill them. we should three shot legion bosses, and 5 shot a mythic boss.


I remember when BFA came out and I was able to out pull entire zones in Legion at 115 and never have a risk of dying.

I liked that kind of scaling problem.


Time played metric strikes again


Perhaps the difficulty seen now, is their preferred difficulty of 2 expansion content.

The funny thing is, despite the “this is working properly” claims, they keep putting hotfix notes in that change nothing…and other times changing things behind the scenes with no hotfix notes. So if it’s working properly, why are they still changing things? Maybe he just doesn’t want to publicly admit that it’s not working properly.


Just makes me wonder if they were so worried about the amounts of time-gating, and current content being so boring they did this to try and force this content down our throats. Gotta keep us on that treadmill somehow, and if people dare try to get off it and find something more enjoyable, well can’t have that now can we.


we’re supposed to get multipliers on our damage when attacking a “grey” level mob. we dont. it sucks.

before the squish that would have been a 10 level difference, but they didnt change that 10 level rule after the squish…


Thing is, a casual like myself that spends more time in this game since MoP ended collecting stuff from old content than anything else, not being able to farm a 4 year old expansion that I didn’t play when it was current was something I was looking forward to.

Didn’t they nerf Legion content toward the end of BFA just so we could farm it and have stuff to do and now that nerf was reversed and meaningless months later? I don’t understand the thought process. It definitely succeeded in getting my sub shut off till 9.1.


Oh, I fully agree, my post was more sarcastic when it came to the part about keeping us on that treadmill. It is a very horrible thing to do, telling your players to just sit and wait, and things will get better.


Oh, I was 100% agreeing with you and explaining why I also think it’s BS what has been done.


Half the fun I had in this game is gone. I used to play part new expansion, part old content for roflstomp fun to get cosmetics. It’s one of the few times I actually felt like I LEVELED and GOT MORE POWERFUL. I mean… that’s what we always did in this game: leveled and got more powerful through expansions. Now, not so much and my old content got ruined.

I knew this level squish was going to screw us.


Yeah, this is a huge let down. Legion is 15 levels ago… a whole quarter of the entire game after the squish. It should be stompable and farmable as solo content now.


Sorry but the scaling that Ion mentioned is absolutely fine! Folks need to move past the idea that they can simply go back and one shot old raids, this is a thing of the past! This new innovative change to how scaling works makes it so that the players no longer rely on their level for power, rather their gear! So if these old raids give you some trouble, make sure you get a strong enough item level and a group before trying to go on the adventure!