10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

So I went back to BFA the other day thinking I would solo a dungeon for an achievement I needed.

Turns out I couldn’t. I was doing the same level of damage I was in BFA at level 120 (now 50) before the pre patch.

Thinking it is just a dungeon issue with the squish, I went and attacked uldum nzoth forces to test… and found some trash pleb npc… who yup you guessed it… took JUST AS LONG to kill now at 60 than it did at 120 (50).

I actually have gained 10 levels with 0 reward or progression. That is quite literally the anti-MMO. What the actual hell blizz?! 10 levels above I should have decimated that NPC.

Can blizz please address this, this is NOT right and it does not feel rewarding.

Edit: this just in from wowhead. Oh boy…


Edit 2: As of newest hotfix, still not fixed still scaling incorrectly. Grey trivial at 50 and taking rotations to take down. And a level 50 is decimating lvl 50 mobs faster than a 60 on the same mobs.


Edit 3: Ion is HAPPY with how scaling/ilvl/losing power is.

Bad news guys, Ions words straight from interview on wowhead:

Q: Any plans to fix old raid tuning?

Game Director Ion: “They’re curious to hear specific examples. There was a bug in the first week of Shadowlands where the scaling benefit against Legion content went down as you leveled. That should be working as intended. Players who compared themselves at the end of the last expansion and the beginning of this expansion and find that it’s talking longer is an unfortunate thing about leveling up in WoW and the way combat ratings work.”

So blizzcon is over, and the new patch doesn’t address scaling at all. Don’t even know what to say at this point…

Breaking news: So Ion has said we will be able to solo legion at the end of SLs meaning they INTEND for it to be this way. Never mind the old 11 levels they used to say.


I’d love to be able to just solo legion mythics already. I haven’t actually tried it yet but I’d hope at 175ish ilvl it should be easy now…


Actually, we’re 10 levels higher and half as strong as we were at level 50.


Oh… that’s even worse than I thought then :woman_facepalming:t2:


I tried to solo Mythic Antorus on my DK, and I only managed to get past the first boss thanks to Frost spec DW with the barrier talent and using plenty of Death Strikes to heal. I was doing maybe 12-14k total DPS the entire battle. Legion Legacy damage boost, I don’t think it’s active; It totally feels to me like it’s just stat scaling right now that’s doing that much.


I really would rather not put any actual effort into legacy farms honestly, lol. I hope they fix this and make it as easy as like WoD raids.


Probably because your azerite was deactivated and you don’t have corruption. I would imagine maybe possibly that could be why


No. I made sure my HoA was active. I wasn’t using the Azerite items though, I admit that much. Probably could have helped a bit.

Also, Corruptions are de-activated permanently.


I feel your pain… I tried yesterday to take out some dinos on Zuldazar and turned out the same. I even think that at level 120 (50) I could kill then even faster.

It’s not the ilevel difference, we should have some multiplier now since we have 10 levels difference (which should be something around level 140 now).


you’re comparing endgame of one expansion to pre-raid pre-mythic+ of another. you’re not at the end of gearing so duh? or do you think we should just get infinitely stronger because reasons?


Is something actually broken/a bug etc? 10 levels above should not lock us in combat for the same amount of time as mobs our own level.


Open world trash on BfA is as strong as they where on BfA with all the gear and level difference. Hope I made it more clear to you.


Ever since they introduced scaling, progression doesn’t exist anymore. You can level as much as you want, you will sill hit like a wet noodle. They completely destroyed any sense of progression.


Trying to do BFA right now would be incredibly difficult. Legacy is only meant to kick in at 10+1 levels ahead of previous content, which means Legacy should be activated right now for Legion content–But it’s not (Except for Legacy Loot. They made sure to activate that.)


do i need to quote my stuff for you again. we’re always not as strong at the beginning of an expansion before we get stronger. duh?


Yeh genereally that is how the mechanics have worked so far for this game… gain 10 levels, gain the ability to obliterate trash 10 levels below. Never before in all the early releases i have played, have I not destroyed mobs 10 levels below me.


any time we have a squish before a new expansion this has happened. have you not been here for all of them? if so i can see where you’re coming from. as the game has been for like the last 8 years or so. this is old hat.


Actually no its not, the last squish I could still easily kill things when I made leveling progression. Seems you weren’t here for the last squish or your memory is failing you there.


I was in Legion doing world quests on this character and with a newly leveled 50 of mine. A flagged alliance player landed next to me, and as usual I clicked on him to look at his health bar.

He was a skull level player, so a 60. I joined mid-expansion and did no PvE content outside of normal dungeons. His health was 2/3 of mine.


check my achievements bro. its not faulty memory. there were the same complaints as now and when blizz got around to it they randomly nerfed things.