Darkspear Troll Heritage Armor Set Looks Terrible

Here’s a link to the Poll Results from this post plus a comprehensive breakdown of each piece.

3/10 Honestly not impressed, I was really hoping for better.(Everything wrong with The Mask can be found in bold near the bottom of the post) The gloves, belt and legs are super bland, even the back piece is a bland version of their Race Symbol (Icon of Shadows), 0 skulls, the chest is bland, even the shoulders are kinda meh. The mask was the direction I was hoping to see I love the wood and cloth combo but the nose and above is sub par. They could have done so much with this set, this looks really lazy like someone drew a Shadowhunter from memory. 2 color options and neither of them incorporate the Teal Blue color in keeping with the actual Darkspear Tribe Colors as seen on the Tabard and Vol’Jins old mask. No Voodoo pouch or Mojo. JUST LOOK HOW BLAND THAT BELT IS AND HOW DEEP IT CLIPS INTO THE MALE MODELS LEGS. Mask clips deep into the female models chest…

Could’ve had skulls (even 1 would have been nice), more colorful Tiki like wood plates, feathers on the arm bands, some warpaint on the torso, I’d have liked to have seen them build upward more especially with the back and shoulders. Maybe some optional head hunter throwing javelins like the Darkspear Headhunters always have (Been wanting these forever, they’re in the game). Why the sword? The Darkspear almost never use swords don’t get me wrong it looks ok but a more kukri style blade would have been more fitting and in keeping with the official Shadowhunter art work or a Troll Glaive. Not to mention didn’t humans get multiple sets for different armor types? This kinda calls for that in my opinion since this in no way resembles what I’d expect Darkspear plate to look like.

The gloves are just a sub par version of the Bloodhunter set, the boots look like discount version of the Antorus set, same with the shoulders. The nose being covered on the mask isn’t how Sen’Jin wore his but some Shadow Hunters in Draenor did, their fabric wasn’t so thick. IT SHOULD BE AROUND THE TUSKS AND JAW LINE, has the person who made this never worn a mask before? Trolls have TUSKS you gave them a trunk, now they look like elephants! The mask clips deep into the Female Models chest… This is awful. Most of my characters are Darkspear Trolls and I likely won’t be incorporating a single piece of this set on any of them. Almost every fanmade iteration that came before this looked better.

They better not do my boy Vol’Jin dirty in the quest chain after this. They still haven’t fixed the feet on Bloodhunter set for Trolls, it’s a Troll set! They went back and fixed them for every other race!


It looks good except for that AWFUL looking helm lol.


ya… what even is that hanging off their faces?


It appears to be a cloth boogie, or perhaps a cloth turkey neck.


What the ??? is up with the helmet.


It’s a callback to Sen’Jin former Chieftain of the Darkspear Vol’Jins dad. It’s in the old school official artwork, but this iteration really doesn’t do it much justice. TO be honest a lot of Darkspear players wanted something like this mask, but maybe an alternate option for more heavy armor wearers.


Sen’Jin at least knew to wear it below his big ol’ honker.


The pain points for me are the cloth going over the nose instead of under it and the random gold snake on one wrist. I’d change the cloth mask location so it fits the Warcraft 3 Troll Witch Doctor look that Blizzard is clearly drawing from, remove the rest of the head flair (the awkward cap and the goofy earrings), hide the right shoulder piece, and remove the gold snake as it has no matching part with the rest of the set. Overall it’s better than the Draenei one though.


I mean considering what we are receiving last few years this is considered premium


Since trolls don’t wear shoes, they had to find a use for socks somewhere.


If I recall correctly, Zekhan in a cinematic did used that…mask or whatever you think it is. I thought that’s a nice touch.


Zekhans mask was pure wood, which would have been better.



Everything but the mask is great. Maybe another color would be nice too, but Darkspear/Horde themes are good enough.


Meh. Cloth, wood, leather. What’s the difference.

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About 10-20 minutes extra in the bathroom depending on how much you ate


I like the Darkspear one, except for the helm
That Draenei one though… UGH

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I understand where the Draenei came from but I don’t like it.

If the nose sock goes away it’s fine to me. I can understand it being minimal but I mean…That’s the Darkspear.

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I agree i give a 1/10 it just looks awful honestly and i play troll main alot i was hoping more options for certain armors like plate and mail but it doesnt really fit my character its just like the orcs and human armor sets


Agreed, I think they could have implemented a serpent somewhere since serpent iconography is common in Darkspear encampments and the Shadow Hunters use the Serpent Ward totems but the one on the glove feels inconsistent with the rest of the set.


Lol the face mask clips… that’s horrible and it looks so strange like that!