Darkspear Troll Heritage Armor Set Looks Terrible

it looks 10x better than the draenei one though


Neither looks any good


Seems like a perfect match to zappy boi’s mog.

Head piece seems ok, I guess? Plenty of options from other sets to replace it with, in case you don’t like it.

Might be nice to have alternative options, though. Like the Draenei one.


I do hope they add alternative options its not gonna be easy adding other armor mogs to it since its more updated armor look unlike the other troll armors thats already in the game


Everything is great, except the mask. I know trolls face are hard to look at but dang man, we don’t look dat bad.


At most, the second is really close to the Farraki tribe. :robot::thought_balloon:

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May add for the alternative armor most parts like gloves,shoulders,chest and other they should add more warrior and shadow hunter feel like wood pieces as armor or like the rattling bone armor set we got in bfa or the other armor sets from zul’gurub and zul’aman im including mail,cloth and leather armors from it as well those armors felt more troll armor then this type the cloth mask may need a redesign tho definitely that mask


The drape over the face is too long and skinny. Makes it look like a bird beak. I’m sure they intended on it looking like Zappy Boi.

I’d have loved this for my Troll.


Of course it does, because they design these things on the Human model for some reason. It’s how the Blood Troll set still doesn’t work on Trolls.


I agree with even i tried to mog it in my troll toon and it doesnt look right

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How did they forget about the feet? They never even bothered to fix it either.

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they fixed it but not for the trolls tho even i dont like how it looks on the feet of my toon and im still hoping it gets fixed

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The mask is the biggest issue with it. Which is really glaring since we’ve seen decent troll mask models before.


Just update and recolor that.


That was one of my big issues with the mask on the heritage set, the wood is fine but it’s too flat on the top, the asymmetry is paramount to Trollish design. Something like this would have been preferable. I am honestly really glad they added the cloth part, but it should be under the nose, and maybe even have an alternate option.



The female version looks a bit better, but this feels half-baked overall

EDIT: Just saw the Draenei armor, I think it’s better, but there’s still something not quite right
Got it (for my sense of aesthetics anyway)! With the veiled versions of the helm, the color of the veil should match the sash.


I enjoy looking at the new Darkspeak Troll Heritage Armor set! It looks very much fitting for the Darkspeak Troll tribe characters and I look forward to wearing it upon the arrival.

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Draenei armor looks Greek inspired to me, which feels off for them.

Draenei style/culture has always a weird mix of Greek, Indian, and Gypsy.

I never got the Greek thing from them. Guess I didn’t enough attention to it.

No it doesnt what you talking about?

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