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She’s always been my favorite.

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If you don’t make any subtle movements we don’t see you :t_rex::t_rex:

Morning morning, running late to work and it’s raining hard over where I’m at >.>.>.>

Does anyone know if you were suspended for a day on the old forums, does that curse me to never get trust level 3?

Raises hand :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

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Do not hold me to this bossman, but I think I read that everything forum wise was reset.

I hope so too, because before I started reading this forum, I went a little too far in a discussion and called a spade a spade, just not in a nice way and had a little cooling off period muh self.

If not, it is not like I would ever take advantage of the trust level 3 abilities anyway, just nice to have something to shoot for ya know? :biohazard:

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Only post counts were reset. Any account actions that happened on the old forums did indeed (or in most cases they were supposed to) carry over.

I’ve seen Vrak mention it in a couple of threads. Here’s an exmaple:

Now, time for me to go empty out our car to get it ready for trade-in. Picking up the new people-mover tonight :slight_smile:


Aw man bummer, thanks guys!!:slight_smile:

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I’ve also never seen it, big science fiction fan who started watching the Doctor when Jon Pertwee had the role, but never was into the horror genre.

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I’m actually scared to go to work due to this storm lol! It’s like a water park, at least someone is nice enough to give me a ride >.> I hope I can make it into the front door without flying away.

Walking dead season 1-3 are pretty good I’d say once the governor was added the show started going down hill very slowly. Latest season has been okay tho, not too bad but not too good in my opinion.

hmm not sure how i’m feeling bout the new forums… also still no sigs :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m sort of glad there aren’t. This forum style already feels like it’s cluttered and bulky to me, and adding more lines (or gifs or links) to each user’s posts would just amplify that. Maybe if they restricted a sig to a max of two lines of text, no code, but the perma-scrolling already goes wonky trying to go back up a thread to find something (because it seems to jump as it is loading, usually passing the post I’m looking for.)


/starts digging through bin of Ws

Hiyas, Shado … w


Do you like the band shadowfall by any chance?

/watches W burn away to ash

my use of this name Predates them by about a year, showing my age here… and I’ve never listened to them


/shakes fist

One day!


:grin::joy: Never gonna happen


Ah! Very cool name non the less:)

Isn’t the VGA next week? :open_mouth: I gots 2 watch it, I been watching it every year since 2010 they’ve been pretty good, I mean a few bad ones and awful but still funny ones >.>

Im just gonna guess hideo kojima might announce a release date for death stranding, love that guy honestly cannot wait for that game!! I still play mgsv here n there <3. Gonna make a Twink warlock tonight, only gonna get fear from crafting and quest, I want to hit a lot of quest zones to help build up my lore master goal, see if I can make it to 60 and cap there ;D.

There is nothing better than a fresh shave. :man_bald: I have been very lazy with it, but eventually it always gets to the point where it annoys me so much I have to deal with it. Today is that day. It is sad when I can feel the hair in the middle, but look in the mirror and I cannot see it :cry: So I choose to just get rid of it all

/mango smoothie

I watched the first season and then fell behind. Now I’m so far behind I feel waiting for the series to end to binge it might be the better way to go.

For clarification, active penalties moved over when we transitioned, not the entire history on the account. So if you were actively suspended at the time this forum was activated it would impact your ability to reach trust level 3.

If you weren’t actively silenced at the time though, you should be able to earn it normally.