Trust level 3 Question (Answered ty)

I saw this and I have no idea

Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)

How do we see if we’ve been suspended or anything? I’ve been playing this game so long I don’t know anymore.

edit: If anyone else is looking for that answer, here is the link someone else gave me in the thread:

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welp, if you have been suspended its very likely they sent an email/ticket explaining why.

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you get an email similar to one from an in-game ban or suspension listing the reason of report, and the specific post that was actioned

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From what I remember reading: everyone starts fresh with the new forums.


I hope so because I doubt I can remember anything I would have done as far back as 2005 lol.

do they mean suspended while this version of forums was a thing or in general. since it was harder to kill arthas at 120 than it was to get random 3 day suspensions for not agreeing with people on the old forums.


I just want the cute icons and I see people can post them already. I had like 16k posts before though and I definitely know I wasn’t doing a lot more than recruitment for the last several years.

pretty sure any suspensions before the 2week mark prior to moving forums are lifted

they may have even lifted the ones during the 2week mark before the move

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I’m just trying to figure out the forums and such since the changes. Like I really like how this guy can edit his super old posts and have images and even post new images but I’m not seeing the relationship between the statistics - although he’s viewed more posts than me so that could be some of it. They all seem to be character based too.


I have also read all the posts related to it but he doesn’t meet the criteria from what I can tell (neither do I).

I got an in-game letter from blizz once for swearing years ago. Does that disqualify me from reachi g trust level 3?

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You will get an email stating the punitive action taken against you.

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I wish they would let us SEE things so we can at least know.

Yeah which I mean if everything was reset on the forums like a different user said, then maybe I’m okay. I feel like I got suspended back in the late 2000s for bumping a recruitment post too often, but I honestly have no idea because it was a long time ago and I don’t actually remember if it was even me or someone else. Decades of posts… Haha

Anyways thank you! :slight_smile: I’ll try getting to 500 posts read and see if that helps.

The only thing that carried over from the old forums were active suspensions/forum actions. Anything prior, from what I understand, didn’t carry over.

Here’s a link to a blue post to back that up:

Edit: Start at the part “For clarification, active penalties…”


This answered everything. Thank you!

I did get suspended once a few months ago by responding to a thread that was whining about pathfinder. I still don’t think suspending me for a day was justified but it’s whatever.

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Oh cool, glad this was answered, I had no idea about it myself.

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