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Morning folks! Bug has his preschool graduation tonight.



He isn’t old enough yet…


Don’t post chasing level 3, let it happen.


:musical_note: Please stick to the forums and the posts that you’re used to :musical_note:


Thank you so much vrak for explaining your the man!!:slight_smile:

Alright mastodon lets get to work! Level 3 here we come WEE!!

Oh man, I’ve been trying to gradually change to every character and get their settings the way I like them … but the Change Character list reorders somewhat which is making that more difficult.

Given that one of the steps of level 3 has to do with visiting at least half of the last 100 days, there’s really no working at it needed because any sort of active forum behavior will get us there by then.


Tell me about it, Scoob! I can’t believe how quickly he’s growing up. You should see him in his kindy uniform!


Oh yeah >.< KEK alright then MASTODON LETS KEEP DOIN what we’re doin.

I hate rainy weather then I dress really warm and get sleepy at work >.> I totally zoned out for the last 15 mins I forgot what I was doing lol!

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I’m :singing: (aw, no emote for singing?) in the :cloud_with_rain:, just :open_mouth: :notes: in the :sun_behind_rain_cloud:, what a glorious feeling, I’m :smile: again.

I just layer, so I get to work and peel everything off, put it all on to go home and peel it all back off again. And we don’t even get :snowflake: :cloud_with_snow:.

Oops – LethieDrake alt :smirk:


Great. Now the beat is stuck in muh head

And Ug, it will happen when it happens. Or it won’t. I don’t even know what is needed. I like the carrot saying you can get it. But about the only difference in my posting style is having a little fun with the emoji system. But still that carrot looks tasty haha.

If you have started it yet. Just FYI, the D3 Switch port is a battery hog. Feels like it drains faster than Zelda.
Also runs the cooling fan on what sounds like full power when it’s docked. It gets hot.

Ahh bummer! Can you play it offline tho?

waiting for classic in the meantime thinking about playing eq2 anyone have any experienc with that game

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Yes, you can.

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Aw that’s sweet, how long does it last on the go? I wouldn’t mind taking that when I go do some band stuff coming up.)


BotW lasted around three hours. Close to three for people who stress tested it by leaving it going full boar and not letting it go into standby.

I carry the plug with me, a stand built to allow the plug and a battery pack. So I leave it plugged in while I play during the slow times at work.

With D3 it feels like it dropped to the 70s in about an hour’s worth of play.

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