[N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring!

The Blackwater Company

Our History

The Blackwater Company was founded in the summer of 2005 ago by Jerard “Stone” DeSirrus. The Blackwater Company was formed as a mercenary and land trading company with some strong ties to a darker side of the business. The company was founded on the belief that anyone, from dockworkers to mercenaries, can turn opportunity into the market. Most anything can go if the coin is excellent and the alibi better.

However, with the ever-changing times, all companies must re-evaluate. This was no different with The Blackwater Company. When discussing the idea of reforming the business, the talk brought forth a new fire of life within the crew of the ships in the fold of Blackwater. Stone partnered with Persefani in the spring of 2020 to reform The Blackwater Company from the silent to the well-known. Expanding past the lines of just a company but to an entire community.

Our Focus

Simply put, we are in the business of adventure and make money. The means of making that money come from many avenues, trade, transport, and contracts. We are looking for others interested in the same thing.

What we Offer

We welcome all to try their hand, but the work is hard and sometimes deadly. Not everyone is cut out for this line of work, and we understand that. For those that do, we can provide steady pay, warm meals, and camaraderie.

What We Are Looking For

Welcoming any with a need for opportunity, change, and coin as the business is ever-growing. We are not ranchers, we will not herd you. Looking for those with initiative. We are also welcoming anyone to reach out to us if you have a situation that may need to be addressed but do not wish to get your own hands dirty. Always looking to make contacts, work jobs, and find deals.

If Interested, please contact anyone in the guild to be directed to leadership or visit the Free Seas Community: https://discord.gg/dTxR5EwsY9

:small_orange_diamond: We are an 21+ guild for players and characters.
:small_orange_diamond: Guild Discord is required.
:small_orange_diamond: We are an active guild with events multiple times a week, sometimes 10-15 players.
:small_orange_diamond: We are a capped guild, meaning we will never have 100s of members. Quality > Quantity
:small_orange_diamond: Characters must be level 50.
:small_orange_diamond: Criminal themes, lesser evil for a greater good.
:small_orange_diamond: We are cross-server.
:small_orange_diamond: We are cross-faction and cross-server, considered Factionless, meaning we deal with all the major races and many of the ‘lesser races’ in Azeroth in our stories.


This looks really cool and like something that could fit my character very well. She’s born and bred in Kul Tiras and has spent most of her life on ships. Currently she’s doing some relic hunting, mostly for the sake of making money, but she has (and is more than willing) to thread those morally grey lines for the right motivation… did I mention gold? lol

Being part of what seems like a group of like-minded characters would be great. Do you guys have a particular place/time where you hang out or where you can be reached?

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You literally stole my entire character’s rules XD

Well I mean informants have other priorities…

ICly I’d love this from a freelance standpoint.

Reminds me so much of me an my guild before I had to break it…


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Also Perf if you need a freelancer.

Well you did pay me ICly guess I volunteer :heart:

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Sounds like a fun group!

@sinona If you are looking for good times to contact us, generally at the very least one of the main core officers is usually on each night between the hours of 6pm and 2 am server. Always willing to talk in any form, or manner. Hope that helps.

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Never had a bad interaction with the elite rare spawn Perf yet. :heart:

Hey, careful. People might start to think I am nice. :heart:


No your just a complete and under c-------------cutie. Patootie :slight_smile:

(can’t curse but Per knew what I wanted to say I’m sure <3)

“Void Engineer” looking for…well, not even opportunities for profits. Just funding and supplies to build her machines. XD

So, what should have a standard shipping contract quickly turned into something much larger when something seemed ‘off’ with some of the crates. What they discovered could be extremely dangers in the wrong hands, yet very profitable in other hands. Tracking down the source and production of such a weaponized material is turning out to be a larger undertaking than initially thought. Blackwater Corporation is hiring for this and another upcoming contracts.

We are also open to taking on other contracts, both legal and illlegal.

(OOC: D20 Lite Event, Anything Can Happen, Choose Your Own Adventure Style)

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Think one of your guys tried to send me a tell while I was in a dungeon and I never got back to them. ><

Hey all! I’m a proud member of this guild, and I must say how enjoyable it has been. Everyone is laid back and supportive. We all enjoy spending time together from idle OOC chat to some fun IC RP. The theme and premise of Blackwater is great for a multitude of characters. So far, we have anyone from the wide-eyed adventurer who generally stays on the lawful side of things to hard-core mercenaries… and everything in between. It really is open to a variety of “style” of characters, which promotes a sense of uniqueness to each member. You could play a major part in the storyline, or hang back out of the limelight. This uniqueness of fulfilling various niches makes for a diverse guild, which keeps things interesting. I highly recommend it, and look forward to meeting some of your characters in-game. Let the adventures begin!

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The Blue Sky Trading Corp seems to still be a few steps ahead of us. We discovered one of their old abandoned sites and realize we need more hands if we are going to stop them.

As such, we are still looking for new employees to join the company. Both those interested in trade/shipping as well as mercenary work. Feel free to contact any officer if you want to work alongside us before making a decision on employment.

(Our guild campaigns are not limited to those traditionally in roles like rogues or brutes. We are dealing with plenty of things void/shadow and thus have work for those that wield magic. You just may need to have a moral compass that is slightly off .)


Encountering some freaky things in the North, the old derelict company seems to be very upset with the business, but the experiments are not going well for them as well. I love a good choose your own adventure.

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The Blackwater Company is looking for some marauders or brutes to help round out the employment base for our myriad of different contract types. Have a question, ask any member and if he or she can’t help you, they will direct you to someone that can.

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Blackwater Company! It’s great! Unless it’s in your drinking water, like actual black liquid coming out of your faucet. That should be looked at by a qualified Gnomish or Draenei plumbing specialist near you. But the company, the private enterprise created by Persefani DeSirrus and Stone ‘Dragon of the Sea’ DeSirrus is a fine company that specializes in several mercantile ventures: Shipping, courier services, escort services, repair services. By land, sea, air, or underground, Blackwater can respond to your needs.

Artifact Recovery? Blackwater is there!

Lost Item Recovery (Outside of city limits where law enforcement is unavailable)? Blackwater is there!

Lost significant other (due to foul play)? Blackwater is there!

Lost significant other (due to the natural entropy of time, or irreconcilable differences)? Blackwater… well that would require either couples therapy, or an efficient divorce lawyer. That’s outside Blackwater’s jurisdiction…

Need a drink after reading all of that? Blackwater is there! Blackwater is currently performing a Bar or Bust tour of various drinking establishments throughout Azeroth and Outlands. When we are not on tour on Tuesdays, consider visiting Blackwater’s usual watering hole at the Rusty Nail, located in Kul Tiras.

Interested in becoming a client? Perhaps you’d consider joining us? Fair pay and good benefits for those who join in. Speak with a Blackwater representative today!

(OOC: Blackwater Company is a Pirate-Mercantile based guild that does D20 events, guild storyline, and social RP. Our guild asks for persons 18+ and who are also willing to join our Discord.)


May have to seek you lot out on my Kul Tiran. Seems up his alley.


We would love to meet him! If wanted by the Kul Tiras Navy, not that that -ever- happens, he could probably find a safe place among us. :grin:


May know a Kul Tiran. . ."
air quotes
“Transporter”, who is in need of a home

OH!.. and Hi Persefani! … Bump Bump!