Can I join your guild? LF RP Guild on Alliance! I am cool, I swear

Hey hey hey, how it is going? I just returned to the game after some rough dog days for one year and I am looking for a cool gang to hang around.

  • I am 30yo and I don’t have any prejudice towards any group
  • I am a Roleplayer with some good years of experience, although I prefer casual RPing to events, but I can partake
  • I will be playing for at least 30 days, but I didn’t do much DF content yet, so I am willing to renew my subs because I am LOVING so much this expo
  • I can do PvP and PvE, when I gear myself up, I play this since 2012~? and I am not good, but I am dedicated and fast learner
  • I learnt English all by myself, I live far away, abroad America, but I love Roleplaying and I don’t know any RP realms outside the US
  • I have a Discord, I can’t talk much due to the language barrier, but I can understand almost everything and I write well
  • I had good experience with several guilds along my years on MG, I am a chill, drama-avoider guy, I can help in any way I can
  • I play usually around 19pm Server Time for 3-4 hours a day

My toon is based on Mihawk from One Piece, although it ISN’T Dracule, I changed his lore and took only his name as an inspiration since I am an One Piece nerd lol

I was born in Kul Tiras, was a royal guard from House Proudmoore, then after the events of BFA I set asail to the world trying to help Alliance in any way I can. I can change my lore, it is still a HUGE wip, but at first I thought of this. I can adapt to most guilds that accepts humans.

My allignment is neutral good? I don’t know much of this, but it isn’t certainly not true neutral neither evil at all.

I am looking for, primarily, a group of adventurers. But I can enroll in most guilds, from military to mercenary to pirates. I just don’t kill innocent people, I avoid conflict at all and I don’t ERP. lol

And at the moment I am exploring the Dragon Isles, barely level 62~? But I am training my swordsmanship too. I aspire to be a great swordsman!

Dracule is 22~24? IC, I am at work, so I can’t see rn, but he is +18y, he can adapt to most lores and he is pretty cool GIVE HIM A CHANCE.

LF primarily:

  • Human major factions, or human based factions
  • Military, Mercenary, Piracy guilds
  • Not racist at all to any race on Azeroth, but has a grudge against the Horde for reasons…

So this is an appeal - help me find a home. It is boring to play alone with an empty chat. I usually stay for a LONG time on Trade, not talking but observing for guild posts, sadly I don’t see much these days, only AOTC sellers. ;/

I am free to any job. And I don’t like much noble houses.

Thank you, God bless.

We may work for you. Look up The Blackwater Company. While we do a lot of event RP, there is still plenty of casual as well, and we don’t require someone to go to events if they are active in other ways. We only remove people when they go entirely inactive.

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Thanks Persefani, I’ll read your thread and perhaps send you a letter to flavour the RP, or simply add you. I’ll check your thread. :heart_eyes:

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Lmao, bringing back memories, my first character on moonguard was based on Zoro from one piece. Though they’ve changed quite a bit since then

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