New Horde RPer Looking for a guild!

Hi there! I’ve been spending the last couple of years off of WoW and even more developing a Demon Hunter background since Legion (Nelf didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped).

But I was hoping to make a BElf DH for a Horde RP guild! I’m new to WoW roleplay but have experience RPing in other games (City of Heroes predominantly, but some FFXIV) and I’m willing to learn. Character is a WIP but hoping to develop a little bit of backstory and learn to interact with more players to help with my Social anxiety!

TL;DR mainly looking for political and beurocratic RP. Nothing too crazy on my part but def want to get involved wherever and however I can.

Character is a Blood Elf Ex-Illidari, that was brought to Outland after the 3rd War, and swore complete fealty to Lor’Themar post-Legion and gained a position as an embassy negotiator, spymaster and magistrate (not magister).

Any guilds that would be welcoming to teach/rp with?

Even though I am but a filthy Scarlet, I have had interactions with various Horde guilds, and, the guild I can suggest is the Phoenix Legion. They are slightly more of a military type guild, but, I think your character could likely fit in.

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Scarlets were definitely going to be a CLOSE second choice, as I have an easier time roleplaying something I’m not (Religious/Zealous).

Well, should you choose the Scarlet route for one of your toons, feel free to check out our website and, should it tickle your fancy, feel free to reach out!

Blackwater is a cross faction guild with full intent to go cross-realm with The War Within, with the hope of having more horde members. Not as crazy as Scarlets (But Embers is an amazing group and I recommend), but we have a lot more fun.

This one escaped the ghoul pit. Hits with Staff. Get back in there.


:starts jabbing with a fiery torch: Looks like we got ourselves one of them heretics! Burn em!


No no, back to the ghoul pit for you. Uqur and I will be having an intense battle of rock, paper, scissors to see who gets you afterwards.

To the OP, Phoenix Legion is the elf home here if you want to give them a poke.