[N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring!

Hey Yveti! I would love to meet them sometime.

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They be decent folks. Willing to work with us “filthy Scarlets” , so they’re good in my book :slight_smile:

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Staniwick Felmeter looks up in a vague direction that could only be described as ‘straight ahead’

“Hi there, I’m Staniwick Felmeter. You might have seen me at The Ironforge Market or The Stormwind Job Fair, or maybe as the host of Sin’Dorei Get Sinful. I’m here today to talk about Blackwater Company and what it can do for you. Come with me and find out.”

Cue Distant Saxophone music played at a corporately approved tempo

"Here at the Blackwater Company, we strive to meld the perfect synergy of legally grey privateering with paramilitary and transportation services. It’s a handshake between those clients who want grandma to get her Winter’s Veil blanket in a timely manner, and those who need a protection detail because they are involved in multi-level smuggling operations involving selling weapons to Defias renegades in Stranglethorn in order to facilitate proxy attacks against Grom’gol. Like our saying goes: By Land, Sea, or Air… Blackwater is there! We’re also pleased to announce our new ‘subterranean service’ in partnership with our Dark Iron allies. By Land, Sea, or Air… or Underground… Blackwater is there!

Now you might ask yourself, what can Blackwater do for me as a prospective tradesmen and-slash-or privateer? Well how about full insurance coverage with a guaranteed 69% fair market value payout of whatever job you were working on going to your next of kin? Competitive pay and promotion opportunities? Access to both local and international markets? Opportunities in the field of land, sea, and air-based trades? Blackwater may be the answer for your post-war economic concerns."

“But, you may ask? How can I get in touch with a Blackwater official? You can always find us wandering around Stormwind, and we are a common feature both at the Stormwind Job Fair hosted by the Stormwind Guard and the Ironforge Market hosted by the Ironforge Guard. In addition, feel free to contact our friendly recruitment and deployment staff here at Blackwater.”

“Blackwater - We are more than a company, we are an adventure in the making.”

End of up-tempo saxophone… at a corporate approved volume


Blackwater is looking for several “still have both hands” individuals. An unfortunate accident while trying to protect one of our trade routes coming out of Desolace has left us short-handed. Don’t worry, proper compensation was issued!


Come for the good times, stay for the gnome and his creative solutions! Been a real blast opening the doors again with Sefi!


Dear Diary,

I’m sitting here, sipping a Gadgetzen ‘Mek on the Beach’ and feeling contemplative recently. I’m watching my friends as they play on the beach. Their shoes are off, boots and shoes made of leather are thankfully tucked away so that the surf and sand splash across their feet. The water’s off the coast of Tanaris are bright turquoise. Crystal clear, the water only becomes opaque when you sail into the outer depths and end up on a great plane of glass, broken only by the leviathans that swim beneath. I watch the smiles, listen to the laughs, the glowing eyes as the Humans and Quel’dorei I work with enjoy each other’s company and I wonder why… why so much drama?

Isn’t it enough that Blackwater is the premier trading organization, with offices in several ports of call? That there is fair pay and fringe benefits, including medical services and life insurance? That there are jobs for land-based mercenaries as well as seagoing sellswords? Why must Blackwater also include, in addition to a major drama that affects the company as a whole, but also smaller dramas that focus on individual members of the Company- with possible revelations throughout the week between our major missions? That stories can include secrets of an individual’s past? Or simple, slice of life troubles, like how one woman loves one person… but is also attracted to a second person creating a triangle?

Why so much drama? It must be the way of Humans… and Quel’dorei… and Half-Elves. All I know is, when I think of a semi-legitimate trading company that attracts quality individuals who happen to bring a lot of drama with them to explore with. I think… Blackwater Company.

Staniwick closes his book and looks out to sea. So concludes another small chapter of As Blackwater Turns.


Blackwater is looking for a few more that don’t mind getting their hands dirty and discretion is key.

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The Blackwater Company crew came in from the southeast winding their way through the harsh landscape from rock to dying shrub to rock. Using the movement of the mammoth packs for cover as they did so. They were at a disadvantage being on the open plains spread out blow the rocky outcroppings where the Hegdir Clan was scouted to be staying.

The Hegdir Clan was one of many clans that made up the Wyrmskull Pirates, based out of Northrend, they are a brutal bunch that had often giving the Dragon of the Sea a rough time. But none so much as about a decade ago when Octavior Hall brought the clans together to fight for him or die against him. He left nothing behind in his raids, burnt the lands and laid salt to ruin the area for generations. His reign would end, but his legacy lived on. As the different clans scattered without a unified leader, many held resentment towards the man that banished Octavior, towards Blackwater, but lacked power to be a threat any longer and nearly forgotten about until recently.

As the crew scanned the rocks for signs of life, they found some guards. Healthy and strong looking. Maybe the found the wrong group. Was their intel bad? They needed to get closer. Motioning to a steep side entrance, several used their grappling hooks to get ropes to climb up. Each well timed with a release of a geyser to cover the sound. The crew began their assent into the camp.

One employee rubbed her shoulder, still feeling some residual pain from the last battle, delaying her assent for a moment longer. It was then when she saw the man on the ridge set back from the rest, she recognized him from the last fight. She called over the internal communication system, “Hey! There is a man from last time. Careful before he rec–” She was caught off. Someone triggered the alarm. The camp was instantly ablaze with sounds of combat. Though the man the employee saw didn’t move. Not yet. She took the sounds of combat to be her cover as she rushed up and over to tackle the man, bringing a knife to his throat. He didn’t fight her, and it was now time to talk….

Enjoy adventure, action, deep history, and exciting stories? Learn what happened at the battle, with the clan, and what is next for Blackwater by joining today.

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This crew is fun to rp with and they put out a killer newspaper. So win win.


Blackwater Company is extremely active with a great RP environment! I’m having a good time on my mage, Taren Karth. So give it a look!


I’ve seen these folks around, they seem like a good group.

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The Blackwater Company is a heavy RP guild with a massive campaign (world). We have 20+ pirate crews, 10+ black market families, 15+ specialty guilds (thieves, mages, etc.), and of course, political intrigue to keep the story going that spans Azeroth and Outlands. [We do not ICly recognize Shadowlands or Dreanor as a place we can ICly waltz in and out of.] If you are looking for a guild that has a big story, fighting, problem-solving, and surprises consider checking us out.

We are a capped guild with limited openings right now and always looking for other guilds and people (not guilded with us) to get involved with the story as allies or antagonists.

We are also open to being a part of your stories as well!

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These guys are a bunch of dorks and nerds and I love them. Awesome crew!

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Thank you all for the wonderful rp as of late <3


I give these folk a rating of 5 guitars.

:guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:


Thank you folks for the kind words. We love to have interactive RP with other people, groups, and factions on the server.

Internally, we are just starting our sixth chapter in the guild campaign: “Operation: Endgame”. We know it is nowhere near the end, so what could it mean? If you are looking to get into a heavy RP guild with a very in-depth and large guild story from pirates, to mercenaries, to black markets, to shady government deals, now is a great time to check us out.


Bump for a Bestie! <3 <3


Happy to have been able to RP with this guild the last few occasions. Great guild!


This time I get to bump the thread on my actual character in the guild! Still a great one and we’d love to…acquire your belongings if you RP with us!


The Blackwater Company slows down the number of events hosted by themselves between now and the new year as we value and respect the holiday season both in the game and in real life.

Personally, it can be seen as a great time to reflect on the year and plan for the next. Enjoy friends and family or begin to totally relate to Uncle Bob that stopped coming to these horrid get-togethers over a decade ago. Maybe start collecting cats. Whatever your spice is, enjoy it!

And for those that still enjoy roaming the lands of Azeroth and beyond during the holiday season, it is a great time to get to know The Blackwater Company and our story without the trial by fire joining during the rush of the campaign. Seek out any employee to be directed as there are business fliers at almost every port.