[A-H-RP-PvP] The Scarlet Reclamation - THE OLD CRUSADE

I don’t think the word “all” means what you think it means.



Oh is this still a thing?

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Scarlet guild + Emerald Dream = big yikes


Dude really doesn’t run the guild sadly lol vanishes for about weeks pops on for a day and the rest of the memebers leave only reason this thread still exists is he bumps it with alts if ya want better more friendly scarlet guilds there are still a few on server just wouldn’t recommend one with Kormed in it.

That is the point of cross-server roleplay though is that we are able to unite people who don’t get the same things we might take for benefit. For example, I’m sure you’re recruiting other members of the Horde from other RP servers which are not as great at the Sunfury Battalion and as historically awesome as y’all have been on WRA. I don’t think it’s killing RP for WRA because for example other WRA guilds have taken the initiative on Horde side to reach out to MG’s traditionally weak Hordeside to recruit them.
( [H-RP CROSS SERVER] <Shadowtusk Clan> Troll Exclusive RP - #3 by Naztala-wyrmrest-accord )

( [The Sunreavers of Wyrmrest Accord-RP] Are recruiting cross-server! )

I think this is rather a great thing that they are trying to do. Hordies on Moon Guard or any RP server other than WRA doesn’t get to experience the ambience of 30 people chilling in Silvermoon or Orgrimmar on the weekend and the same is very applicable to MG side Alliance. I have accidentally phased over to WRA one time and by happenstance got to see a couple of people without TRP3s competently writing as fantastic writers but outside of them two, Stormwind was vacant. It might be more interesting for my Scarlet character then that as I walk around Stormwind City there I encounter a Death Knight who, I dunno, was at the New Avalon Death Knight starting questline zone and burned the same church my character was hiding at to live? There could be some spicy plots that would unfold that may not be able to happen in, say, a Stormwind City of my 4 people in my guild versus 40 bystanders to enjoy the company of. And when we involve other servers like Emerald Dream and such since now all the RP realms we were on are all linked to our mother server of Moon Guard, when there may be seldom anybody in Stormwind City at all, seeing a bunch of fleshed out TRP3 profiles and civilians interacting in the day may be a unique and first time experience for them that will captivate them and enthrall them with the walk up RP scene!

ALL Dwarves (except the frosty ones)! cough cough

Absolutely! We were on a bit of a hiatus because I had to pause to get my Associate’s Degree but now that I have successfully passed things are going to go GREAT for us moving forward with 1 but up to 3 guild events a week specifically at the times we will poll on Discord to come up with the most opportune days and times in CST (Central time).

This is all a little concerning.

No RP guild that I am aware of that is active on this realm is actively reaching out to other servers to promote persons from said servers to yoink back to the other, even considering our… population issues, be they what they may. Its one thing to promote cross-faction and cross-server guilds and play, but to require the move of a guilds population from one server to the ‘main’ for the benefit on that server/guilds roleplay is likely harming the community these people originate from.

I am trying very hard to avoid the ‘poaching’ or ‘member farming’ terms in this.

It is one thing to have a cross realm guild that promotes healthy populations on all servers it recruits from, but I am getting the distinct feeling this is a bit further from the arguably altruistic nature that should be fostered from a cross-server guild that we truly see from the examples you listed…

Idunno, dont think this is it chief, not sure a lot of people here want to be involved in this one in particular. Myself included.


This does not mean you won’t see us RPing with other guilds on WRA side because it would be awesome to do some collaboration with cross-faction and even fellow Alliance faction guilds and I understand your problems with that but that is why the Scarlet Reclamation does exist on WRA despite the main guild being on Moon Guard. We have existed as a guild at 3/11/2013, and thus, as a still active guild of over a decade long, I think it makes the most sense that people trying to join us who are willing to not join a server-specific guild (although that criteria could be met) would likely have an more well-rounded time because of the couple hundred members we’ve accumulated vs. the handful that we have gotten over time on WRA and other servers.

This is not an attempt at poaching or member farming. In fact, I think this could really grow the WRA roleplay scene on Alliance in a healthy way. By having a potential outlet of a very structured guild with rich and deep history, I think it encourages people who have forsaken the RP scene on Alliance side and not show it some love.

We will not be in Stormwind like many other guilds wasting away the day on Moon Guard. Instead, we will be out in the world in the Northlands from the Tirisfal Glades to the Western and Eastern Plaguelands and beyond, and that is why I think the transition to a cross-server guild would be easy because the chances of us being spotted at the Scarlet Monastery if we’re on WRA RPing instead of MG or whichever home server we’d be phased on will likely equally be slim to none.

I do see your points, though, and so I wouldn’t say it is mandatory by any means that a person who wants to join would have to join MG over WRA if that is their home server. We have a very active Discord and so much depth and history we’ve created with our characters that we have our own Wikia page we call our home!

With the people I’ve spoken to about RPing with us even though our original home is on Moon Guard, they have said that they didn’t even know if WRA had organized Alliance RP that was worthwhile so I have seen firsthand where this idea of cross-server roleplay could really blossom into something awesome if we allow it to happen and give it time. It would be pretty cool to roleplay with other Scarlet guilds over on WRA or MG or ED or wherever out in the Azeroth server universe they’re found on I imagine.

And I don’t see the harm necessarily in the cross-faction RP scene like this.

So perhaps my perspective is a bit difference, but to explain why I think this will be a success, here’s a couple of examples with links: for example, the Sunreavers are actively seeking out folks from MG on WRA who are on a traditionally dead Horde side. To me personally, seeing Silvermoon City not get the love it deserves drives me wild but there’s nothing I can do about it on the Alliance side. They are a longtime Horde side guild operating for well over a decade like the Scarlet Reclamation. They’ve always called WRA a home but I don’t think to myself that they’re trying to poach Horde members from MG on a dry Hordeside. I instead feel bad for them, and I’m glad there’s a very foundationally solid guild that will transition the hard to find good writers that don’t get the love an active WRA Horde side would be able to give them.

In the same situation, the Blackwater Company on MG is doing the same cross-faction RP and even cross-server RP now and it is very warm and receptive. [N-RP xServer] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring! (MG post)

[N-RP | xServer] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring! (WRA post)

I’m not trying to justify my actions just to wrap this up in a way that makes sense by saying because someone dug their hand into the cookie jar, I am justified to do the same. Rather what I’m trying to say is that I wholeheartedly believe this is going to be a phenomenal experience for everyone involved in growing some great character plots and storylines together and I can’t change how you think or view something, nor am I trying to, but just to explain why my perspective is how it is about this and that I respect how you are trying to show some love to your home server WRA especially for the Alliance who needs plenty more of it!

It might be interesting if we reached out to each other as well as fellow Scarlet factions and tried to do some inter-Scarlet RP such as purging heathens out in the Plaguelands or Glades. When we do events over on y’alls server, we could come over to WRA and phase over and if y’all came to do events with us y’all could phase with us. Think it would be a pretty cool “project”, you might say, in trying to reach out to all the active Scarlet guilds around to make that happen! Just let me know how you feel about all of it.

Wouldn’t believe a word this guy says folks really.


why not just main WRA?


We have cross server guilds now, it literally doesn’t matter. Let the dude have his guild. If you don’t like it, don’t join. If he’s a scammer, come at it with evidence. Idk this continual backlash just seems silly. More RP guilds is probably a good thing, not a bad thing.


I think it’s the killer combo of Scarlet guild +Off server + the guy coming across as a little strange or non personable in his responses.

I do think Sarestha has a point, cause rn people are just prodding at him based on vibes and that never went anywhere productive.


prodding because WRA is already dwindling and these ppl are poaching whats left of a once vibrant community

bring up a server merge and listen to MG


I appreciate your response and clarification of issues I have raised and even clarified some other issues others had. If everything you say is true, then I wholeheartedly support it. It is wrong of me to make assumptions, however skeptical I remain about some things.

There are still other issues here, such as some of the unsavory things in and about the other guild you are GM of, “The Wastewander Nomads”, which is what initially heightened my skepticism of this concept, as I was intrigued about this project before learning more details of this guild. Perhaps there has been things taken out of context? I’m not simply looking to some people on here that have nothing more to say than negative things about you and your guild, as I’m sure there’s more nuance to things than just ‘this guy bad, this guild bad’ etc.

I am positive that you and your guild have great things to offer our server and that you have wonderful folks helping you out, I am simply left concerned with a few things and I want to be careful about things such as this. ESPECIALLY so when they revolve around some of Warcraft lore’s more touchy subjects as those you and I engage with when having and or being a part of guilds such as these. I’m certain you understand that.

All of that being said, I have been in this position with my guild(s) in the past and I know it sucks to have to respond to these sorts of question when/if your intentions are perfectly respectable in front and behind the scenes. So, I apologize for some former baseless assumptions, however I believe some of my skepticism in other areas is warranted on mine and others behalf for the time-being. I personally want nothing more for you, your guild, and our server to succeed hand-in-hand, and if this is what you want too, then you have my full support.

Agreed. And the fact is his guild isn’t even good and THATS bad for me to say due to everyone on the server knowing what kormed is and has done no one wants to join the scarlet guild. Other scarlet guilds are good and based Scarlet brotherhood is a good one as they don’t poach.

I am down for guilds that want to host on WRA shard and get involved in community stuff, but I’m hoping there is not cringey things going on, or bad behavior stuff. Seeing some posts on this thread that indicate there are some patterns of bad play going on


I was in this guild for a time, I was in other Scarlet guilds as well.

During my stay on Moon Guard, I thought it good to bring villainous RP to people who wanted it for their events, storylines, and such. The Scarlets are a reliable villain (when not shoehorned into Saturday morning cartoon villains) during this time of truce, and I enjoy playing a villain people can have a common goal against. My enjoyment as such stems from nothing more than my time as a Dungeon Master / Game Master for tabletop roleplaying games.

This guild is - in my opinion and experience - one of the most poorly run debacles I’ve ever bared witness to.

Members are brought in without so much as an interview, vetting process, or second thought. This creates a cesspool of people who treat others poorly or people who have no idea what’s going on or who’s who. Events are haphazardly planned and mass invites are sent out for “based scarlet RP” when event times roll around. Events which I’ve attended as The Scarlet Rec uses its own dice system, and events that Kormed will abandon with little explanation - if he shows up at all - to let other senior members lead.

Regular gatherings occur in the Stormwind Cathedral without so much as an ounce of subtlety and disregard for roleplayers around them as members - even high ranking officers - break into poor jokes or ((ooc arguments)) that sully anyone’s opinion of them, leading to whispers and harassment of members that may have done nothing wrong at all.

The Scarlet Crusade, as a whole, is made of many guilds that converse with one another; even going so far as to network. This guild is blacklisted by them - from Saidanite purists to “old crusader” types with high elves and dwarves (as seen in the Hall of Champions in the Monastery), even those of the Scarlet Brotherhood that use Worgen in their ranks as fodder for the enemies of the Light.

I’ve witnessed smack talk about other Scarlet Guilds; calling them dead or irrelevant while I was in this one - because I’m the one that let the other guilds know about it after this guild offered a false olive branch of community and working together.

Leadership disappears for extended periods - without word or warning, without plan or consideration for players and the schedules they live by outside of the game, only to come back like nothing happened. I’ve seen an exodus or two of members breaking off to create other Scarlet Guilds - ones that communicated and tried to foster what it means to be a guild and community of players wanting to explore a theme in their roleplay.

So Kormed - I write this honest review of my experiences here so perhaps you may have a wake-up call when it comes to leading and learn to manage your officers and respect the time others wish to put into their roleplay. Maybe it won’t. Either way, if you take the time to read this, know that I have offered my advice several times when I was in your guild as Deacon J. Elmric. So I give you this advice as Thokk Sharpfang of Wyrmrest Accord:

Get off my ship.


Well said Thokk sadly it is poorly ran since I had my blood elf in this guild and the amount of smack talk and the way the other officers of the guild even in discord act around new members or treat them as such is a joke Kormed can not and never has ran a smooth or even a competent guild really as he goes on and on about irl (( Yes we all have one )) But contiunes to make false promises and such it’s not worth even giving this guild the time of day. As I regard to writing this I say the OG members that left have made decent and wonderful guilds and can be commended on that. But the guild poaching and server poaching this man does is sicking.

This was unfortunately the experience I also had after being asked if I would like to join (my character was currently in scarlet uniform but marked OOC while in Stormwind. She will dress in civilian otherwise.) I felt lost and like just another number, no vetting or interview - I could have been a terrible roleplayer or person OOC. Same experience for my friend who was invited the same way that I was, just at a later time. We both ended up leaving. As far as Kormed himself is concerned, all the interactions I’ve had directly with him OOC were nice though. I have only interacted with him in 2024, no clue what he was like before, but I don’t have anything bad to attest to regarding him as a person based on own experiences.

Posting about your guild on the WrA forums about your MG guild seems like an effort to take people off of one server and have them move the other, regardless of cross-server guilds being a thing. Having cross faction within your guild tells me that you guys either have roles dedicated to peoples OOC characters or you just simply don’t understand how the Scarlet Crusade works as a whole.

“Anyone is still welcomed to join and we welcome Humans/Kul Tirans/Worgen, (all) Dwarves, Void Elves who are High Elves or Blood Elves as well as Blood Elves on Horde side”

This just tells me again that you don’t understand why the faction became what they inevitably became and that they’ve all been but wiped out, despite constant efforts of people trying to bring them back. For a scarlet crusader to openly invite anyone but a human within its ranks is basically sacrilegious to them. I’m all for having OOC ranks and yada yada yada, but with all the posts I’ve read regarding this group tells me that it’s disorganized and a cesspool on a good day, and that you and your officers don’t understand the RP aspect of your own RP guild on every other day. This whole thing seems like an uphill battle on all fronts if you wan to keep it being heavily emphasized on the RP aspect. otherwise I’d suggest scrapping the RP side of it and just saying “Hey this is a guild name I like so I want to keep it.”

I can think of a few specific cross server guilds that I won’t mention out of the respect of ambiguity for them, and they all give themselves a bad rep on one or multiple instances. Being spread across multiple servers will certainly grant you a reputation you will not want.

Edit: I’m a PvPer and a raider, so I have my own view and opinion on this compared to others that are heavily involved in the WoW RP community. But of course it’s your 15$ so play how you want. Just letting you know my thoughts on it. Especially how disappointing it is for you to openly advertise a Moon Guard guild on the WrA forums.


I sure do appreciate that and I hope that we can connect in the future and make some great things happen in some immersive storylines.

That may be how it seemed during those times, but I will simply call the kettle black at it is. We were on a villainous RP arc and a human only guild participating in events in Gilneas if you recall but then the story arc concluded with one of our own, Vanguard aka Malen, killing the Last Menethil during an impromptu roll check where we found out he was a fraud and a pretender to the throne and basically planted and groomed by the Scarlet Brotherhood who sent us to Gilneas to cull the Worgen so that the Last Menethil could be upon the throne. Then we decided to branch off from the xenophobic Scarlet Crusaders, take up the cause as Scarlet Renegades, and started a sort of Scarlet revolution between the Old Alliance races we went back to welcoming which hasn’t been seen in the Reclamation since 2018 (so that’s 5 years of zealous RP). Originally when we were zealots, we were doing a lot of unique things that I think you would have seen. We wore disguises as a “Silver Hand Chapter” of the “Champions of Peace”. We do OOCly invite some people who are interested in the guild that have intentions of doing an IC interview and a special OOC rank for them till they are intereviewed but the two things that are required to join the guild is 1) having a TRP3 profile or being such a great writer that it is no problem to show you what TRP3 is to enhance your RP experiences and 2) having an IC interview to get your character initiated into the guild. When we were zealots, we never showed up wearing our Scarlet gear in Stormwind. We wore the Blue Lordaeron tabard like the Southshore NPCs did.

We also are not a part of not because we don’t want to or we didn’t try but rather because the community was stifling. Two guilds I won’t name because I’m not a tattle tell were trying to lay claim to the Scarlet Monastery and when we tried to RP there a few times a week, a spot we’ve been at anytime I’ve been active since 2018 that they hadn’t started RPing at till 2023, and we had to deal with vehemence and them constantly trying to make us ask for a hall pass to use the metaphorical bathroom that is the Scarlet Monastery.

I also disappeared and I did give a very big warning twice. I said I was moving 9 and a half hours away back home and I had to get a job so I could live and then work on getting internet and a WoW subscription back. I said 1 month and it happened in 23 days and yet the guild still splintered by Ana and the Sigil.

And the last time was getting my Associate’s Degree which I got and now I am free full time and working on the guild.

So with that all being said, thank you for your constructive criticism and I am here for the long run and one day maybe you’ll hop back on my ship but my ship has already set sail and there is no turning back for me with or without your support.