Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

I see pros being broken records all the time, if I have to make the same arguments that’s fine you’re doing it too.

You’re talking about people bringing the same arguments to the table and ignoring how you or people who argue in line with you also only bring the same arguments to the table.

Seriously man, I am seeing the same argument you are using towards everyone.

Calm down, go outside, get some fresh air, replace the needle. You’re getting way to worked up over nothing.

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First of all this is funny coming from you who can’t help but prolong the drama off the forums.

Again maybe that is how you deal with things, I am not worked up, I am posting on a public forum, I don’t say, take it off the forums and prolong the drama :confused:

I don’t know what you’re saying here but I find it alluding to something pretty awful.

Dude, seriously, calm down. You’re getting worked up over nothing.


Is this where the most un calm person is trying to make me seem not calm, I am fine thank you for your concern I don’t quite buy it since you have a jab about something pretty uncalled for.

I’m not going to say what I think you just made a joke about and insinuated but I think it’s pretty low.

You liked this comment though.

And this one, so I find that pretty awful. You don’t have the high ground Sel, you never did :confused: I’m not claiming perfection, but I do actively try to hold anyone I see accountable, you actively do not.

… I do not endorse bad behavior on either side, it’s not my fault if only one side shows it more, what am I going to do make up things to call out people you think I should be calling out? That is ridiculous.

The funny part is where you are quoting the part I wasn’t fond of, while it was the other part that warranted the like.

I’m not going to sit here and coddle you over it.

MFW I read this post. I took my like back when I got to the needle part.

No, you absolutely don’t and I called it out in said thread. I also called out your double standards when it comes to your views on racisim. You’re definitely casting stones in glass houses again.

You completely endorse vile behavior from antis. I called out a personal slight made against me and you proceeded to treat it like meme. That would be akin to me saying “Sic em Cezol, lolol” or “Remember that one time Sara made that off colored joke about a needle??? Iconic.”, none of which I have ever done, nor would I ever.

Seriously though, this conversation is childish and I’m through with it.

In my time in the threads and when I was in the discord I’ve seen plenty of horrible things that weren’t called out.

I left the discord because of that toxicity.


The irony of a pro-helf Blood Elf alt that is never played accusing others of gaslighting.


hey, arent you broflake?

No. But you’re a two post alt.

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Alright I know we all have our opinions.

But I suggest you be careful with your words.

These posts recently have been getting more and more personal and downright toxic.


tis me, hyperspace. sorry was checking my alts. so pyreanor…isnt broflake in that guild?

Aed isn’t Broflake.


was just thinking …hey what happened to bro? havent seen him in awhile!

I think Broflake is taking a break from the forums? Idk for sure, I think he’s doing well though :heart: I miss him on here too.

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He’s sort of over WoW, can’t blame him. Especially with the price hike.

price hike? ut oh? i didnt know about this

Just for Australians.

Did I miss some drama? That was some very uncomfortable reading.


Lmao… you are telling me!!

i just noticed a trend of hers to always be @ing him and it’s getting uncomfortable now.