Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Seles, what happened to that link on Discord. I replied back you silly elf!


So, would you rather Pro’s to go back to requesting for High Elves, and then watch you deny us what was already on the Alliance because of your Blood Elves?


This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters.

Because again, that wasn’t the topic, nor aesthetic under discussion.

We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

Now this of course isn’t confirmation of more High Elf stuff coming, but it most certainly disproves any sort of confirmation of the opposite.

Again, they never mentioned Void, Light, Fel, etc options in said interview, so I don’t see how I could be disingenuous about different themes that were never under discussion in said interview.

That’s not to say I don’t support any of those options or that I don’t see them happening, as I continue to support said options and would like to see these added as well in addition to natural tones for Void Elves as the two are not mutually exclusive concepts nor do they have to be.

Wrong about what??? The takeaway from that interview for everyone is that there is definitely room for more Natural/High Elf aesthetics in the future and that the prerogative to ask for said options is definitely reinforced by an actual Blizzard employee versus a handful of disgruntled players trying to convince everyone otherwise.

So no, I’m not bothered by being ‘wrong’, though I do find the people trying to scream louder than everyone else and the attempt to drown the people they don’t agree with out fairly distasteful.


Might do more doesn’t indicate HE options what so ever. And very well could be reference to oh you know the people who don’t care about HEs what so ever “We might do more stuff later guys, rn were having HE options” is how that reads to me, and my inference is as good as yours, and you know that. But you benefit by making your inference the only inference don’t you? Because it would infer your end goal, it helps your argument to do so.

It’s like Apple releasing new iPhones and people being like is anything else coming this year. “We might do more in the future” and you’re stuck on the fact they said that when announcing iPhones and taking it as only about iPhones. No their just alluding to more coming, that doesn’t mean its the same topic here, they would be appeasing fans who are interested in other things.

And specifically they didn’t mention more HE options either, they said this is what were doing is some HE options and we may do more later. Your wishful thinking applies that to meaning more HE options.

“We may release Macs later, right now we’re releasing iPhones”

You’re applying that first part with very biased wishful thinking, because you’re inferring as much as I am.

It’s not that’s why it seems to bother you, and you cling to that article with your biased interpretation on it, while trying desperately to discredit others interpretation of it.

That’s literally all you have going for you here Sel. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Guys, lets not bait him or the anti’s anymore. Lets all continue our love and support for High Elves customizations through the Void Elves.


Amazing. You can provide a quote where they mention customizations and HE directly in the same sentence and the quote apparently has nothing to do with HE customization, even though there is no mention of ANYTHING else. It’s spelled out clear as day.

That’s all I will say on it since Sara asked nicely above.


It’s quite obvious they commented on what’s been done and HE customization, applying that as a promise for more is the issue.

You’re talking about it like something obvious which it isn’t.

And yet here earlier you had trouble with the post you were replying to and the definition of everyone? Excuse me if we don’t take your interpretation of things as truth. Telling others what is “obvious” while clearly displaying a lack of knowledge on what is obvious.

First you have the camp that points out it is a might.

I’m flat out inferring just like you seem to be on what might be done later.

“ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now were providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available”

That’s akin to saying the follow :

“We might do more in the future, right now we’re working on world of warcraft” - No other games were mentioned but if they made this statement you think one couldn’t infer it might be about other games?

“We might do more in the future, right now we’re releasing iPhones” - No other products were mentioned but this is akin to you thinking what Apple is working on later is more iPhones?

“We might do more shopping in the future, right now we just got back from Target” - no other stores were mentioned but this is akin to you thinking I said I’ll be going back to Target?

“I might be hungry later, right now I just finished an apple” - I didn’t just promise I was eating another apple later FYI

If you can’t see how it can also be seen how I’m explaining it that is your own bias there and that is totally on you, I disagree with your interpretation of it yes, but I am not saying you don’t have an interpretation of the statement, you’re flat out trying to discredit even having a valid interpretation, of which you too are guilty of inferring based on it furthering your argument.

This is all you have, I’m not saying I’m not also inferring I’m quite explicitly saying this is where I see what’s being said, the difference is you all are taking it as an explicit promise for more, and any counters to that are being scrutinized and belittled, and I’ll tell you why - it has something to do with bias and furthering your argument, it bothers you when people point flaws in your stance out, it bothers you when others can make an inference just like you can.


Nico, Kul Tiran hair colours on Void Elves?


The difference is I have actual, direct quotes supporting my position, can you provide me with a quote, verbatim in said article where Void, Light or Fel themes were under discussion?

You referred to different products in your analogy, Blizzard referred to the same product in the interview.

“We may release another iphone next year, but right now we’re releasing the iphone 12” is a more apt analogy, one that doesn’t help your claim btw as apple has 5 new models for 2020 plus 3 models that were released a little over a year from the 12.

And again, please provide a quote supporting your claim.

Supporting the prerogative to ask for more options is not wishful thinking nor bias.

Your attempt to attribute this to me is truly ironic.

I actually had a source I’ve quoted verbatim. Quoting toxic people who use ad hominem as their go to doesn’t do you any favors either.

It’s not a promise for more, but it demonstrates that more High elf options are still a possibility, therefore people are perfectly fine to request said options.

No one is claiming that they couldn’t be working on more Void options, etc, but you’re the one claiming that they couldn’t possibly be working on more High Elf options for either race when that was the topic explicitly under discussion.

No, we’re not. We’re not a hivemind and I myself have disagreed with taking this as confirmation. What the interview does provide is a citation, verbatim, that Blizzard is open to expanding the High Elf aesthetic further.

I do love the natural tones on the blue skin tones. I myself would have taken that over natural skin tones and no natural hair colors.


You don’t Sel you have your interpretation of a quote that talks about HE customization on one hand and alludes to more customization on the other.

Your bias has you lean in for “its about HE stuff”

The topic is customization. The subtopic is HE customization, they addressed what they have done, and then also alluded to more customization in general their statement on more coming was not a reflection of HE stuff unless it explicitly had said “We will do more HE customization in the future” they said “Were open to more in the future, right now we have some HE stuff” there is a comma there for a reason

Your own quote doesn’t even provide you with citation on explicitly more HE stuff.

It does address what they did do, and their comments on more could very well be in regards to people who have no interest in HE customization, “we’’ do more stuff later don’t worry, but right now we wanted to give HE customization” is how it reads. Your own citation doesn’t support you anymore then it does me.

I’m not going to address this other than pointing out liking comments like this doesn’t do you any favors.

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Get off your high horse already. You’re the one that used that comment as a gateway for a conversation about race and fascism.



You explicitly made those statements yourself.

I find it distasteful, and I find it pertinent to bring up if someone is going to lecture me on supporting perceived toxicity.

As I said here which is valid.

You’ve not been lectured about anything. I’ve made my case about that comment already.
You choosing to ignore that in favour of throwing accusations at people is your own responsibility.

I’d like to ask you a final time to not abuse my comment for the sake of pushing your agenda.

The Kul’tiran color options would be nice. Though I wish there were a couple of less unkept hairstyles as well.

I mean, Alleria seems to retain her braid while in her void form, wouldn’t any of her followers be able to?


Its a public forum, and you explicitly said it how you said it, if you don’t like people pointing it out to you, don’t do that then?


If only all you did was pointing out your distaste for referencing the horrors of the real world, rather than immediatly accusing people of a bunch of unrelated things.


You made it explicitly about such things, in fact you went out of your way to point it out.

I’m fine with pointing out things work both ways, and I stand by what I said, does that bother you? I’m a if you wanna talk about it then lets talk about it kind of a person and this is a conversation you started.

I also made very clear its pertinent to bring up if someone is going to bring up support of alleged toxicity -

Like so, then their support of your comment should also be in question.

Specifically it was not to discuss your comment in depth as it had already been addressed.

But if this is you wanting to talk about it again then that is fine by me.

Specifically this is quite clearly a jab at some form of high ground because I chose to quote

Which is neither toxic or otherwise.

My point to be quite clear was to point out they supported an actual toxic argument so I find being lectured on perceived toxicity to further an argument distasteful given their own actions.

Whatever, I’ve quoted the interview directly and highlighted what was pertinent to my argument, your willful ignorance and misdirection is no longer my problem.

Because that’s what was mentioned in the interview. This is clear for anyone with basic reading comprehension.

Go ahead and quote the part of the entire interview where they state that Void options will take precedence over any and all High Elf customizations and that players are to stop asking for more High Elf options.

We’ll wait.

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

The entire paragraph, literally from start to finish, verbatim, is about High Elves.

Not only does this snippet refer to High Elves, but the entire paragraph.

Both you and the person you’re quoting are highly disingenuous here. The entire point of that paragraph is providing the High Elf fantasy to players.

Don’t throw stones in glass houses? I’m at least not quoting anyone, let alone the most toxic this forum has to offer.

I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to agree with this.

I didn’t perceive it as you did, but then again I’ve seen you beat people in the neck over their preference for hair, which they’ve never meant anything by.

I’ve also seen you not bat an eye when one of your anti friends expressed the same sentiment and you completely let it slide.

You are literally playing the racism card anywhere you can towards your opposition in an attempt to paint us all as racists, all because you didn’t get what wanted and this is very transparent for all to see.

It’s also quite hypocritical to attribute your opposition in this light while as I stated above, you let your proponents slide.

So no, this is not about being fair or impartial for you or actually standing up for a real world issue.

As far as the actual High Elf discussion goes, yes this person does have a sordid history, as does everyone else you seem so fond of quoting.

The point is that they had nothing to bring to the table aside from personal attacks and making stuff up, which seems to be your problem as well.

Like I said, you really shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses.

Again, trying to label me as a hypocrite is highly ironic considering the source as you turned against virtually everyone here supporting High Elves like a Pitbull when you didn’t get what you wanted. I’m also not quoting personal attacks made at your expense for the lulz.

As far as this topic goes, I’m finished with the circular personal attacks with you as that’s all you seem to have to offer these days.

So I’m going to follow suite and move on from this.

I’d definitely like some more refined looking styles for Void Elves. I definitely like a few of the Draenei hairstyles myself as fair as refinement goes, but I also like the Sassy tails style that Night Elves have.

Alleria’s hairstyle with the braid would be lit as well.


I would say that is your own problem you’re actively dealing with as well, as we both have actively practiced inferring, you like I said earlier just actively deny thats what you’re doing, and try to discredit someone else from doing the same.

Quote the part they explicitly state more HE customization is coming they don’t, they could very well just as well have been talking about customization in general which is the more logical conclusion to come to.

And you feel entitled to more?

If they mention it oh so many times, then why didn’t they explicitly say more HE customization?

You’re inferring as much as I am, and I have no problems poking holes in your take of the situation, because you would see the last of the BE theme gone without hesitation, and I would not.

My problem?

When did I insult your reading comprehension?

You’re problem seems to be villainizing and demonizing anyone who doesn’t support your stance and I’m not okay with that, it was most evident by the comment you liked, but you didn’t like my analogies, I guess that was the beginning and the end for your support of real life analogies villainizing people huh? You only like them if it supports demonizing the people you already work hard to demonize.

The point of it addresses how they’ve done that, and loosely addresses more customization to come; you are applying that to mean more HE customization, because you feel entitled to more to come, that is a you problem, I don’t not recognize it is a stance to take, it is just not my stance, you on the other hand actively try to discredit that stance while pushing your own biased line of seeing things.

People do that on their own, which is a reflection of the people who don’t call it out, which I am fine with doing, if you think me calling out people who do these things applies to you as well, then maybe that is telling, if not then what is the issue? The fact you don’t call stuff like that out if it goes against pros? We know that Sel we’ve seen it.

You know what? No, I’ll address you one final time.

Try the entire paragraph.

Because the article all but invites to ask for more. That’s the selling point of the expansion ie player agency.

…they did.

No, you decided to roll over and have a tantrum over Blood Elves, while I continue to argue in good faith, something you haven’t put out in months.

Yeah, you’ve referred to High Elf supporters as a whole as greedy, entitled, racist, to name a few of the oh so flattering terms you’ve used.

When you took what I quoted verbatim and attempted to tell me and everyone else that none of it was actually said, quite frankly.

My problem is that you are demonizing and villainizing people who don’t support your stance, and I have a problem with that. Other people come along and disagree with adding High Elf options for Void Elves and merely make their case, and that’s fine.

You mean the off topic analogies on iphones that was actually counterproductive to your argument?

Yeah, sorry I’m not a fan of stupid and off topic analogies.

Okay, so I provide actual evidence, yet you get to make stuff up. Got it.

And yet the people you quote and look up to become increasingly disgusting as the conversation rolls on. This person is known for their gaslighting, provocation and slandering tactics.

Like I’ve said, I’ve seen your friends make comments that you consider racist with not a peep out you, so you can step down from your soapbox now, as you’ve demonstrated you don’t give two :poop:s about actual racism, it’s just a sick slandering campaign you’ve decided to embark on because you didn’t get your way.

Those people shouldn’t have said that stuff, but it’s obvious you guys are also taking advantage of this situation to slander those that disagree with you, which is arguably worse than simply making a comment in poor taste.

Seriously though, grow up.


Lann, do you not see yourself as a broken recorded, with the same argument over and over and over again. And pretty much that same argument used towards with every Pro on the forums.