Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Elves? Elves!

Can we say this the same thing to you about the Alliance High Elven theme?


Short elves are all right.

And it’s nice they’re multicolored in follicles and in skin tone.

In fact, I could use more variety.

And black and white hair for every race. Also appropriate scars. A back toggle for forsaken, worgen and troll boys… Dragonmaw skins for orcs… and generally everything Blizz will give me.

Right now I’d like more than ONE Bronzebeard tattoo.


What about Goblin Elves. They got to be something?

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Blizzard are so so so so soooooo close to making a huge portion of the community happy (e.g. everyone whos wanted Alliance High Elves)… Even if it’s a limited colour palette, please please blizz… consider giving us some more hair colours to express our identity… seem as this is what all the recent character changes have been about!

Is it such a bad thing to want to have the same hair-colour i have IRL? (e.g. Brunette!!! >:( )


Hey, I wouldn’t mind that. Considering my hair is black… Well, died black.

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I think it’s quite the claim to argue it’s a “huge” part of the community.

You have many in the BE fan base who oppose it as well. And something of a compromise should be upheld and was done.


I don’t think it’s a far fetched claim at all… Since Burning Crusade there has been a significant (even if its a minority it’s a significant minority) vocal desire to have High Elves as part of the game, and from a lore perspective it’s completely plausible.

The entire philosophy behind this expansions character customisation has been about player expression and representation. You could equally claim there are people who were opposed to races getting increased skin tone options (e.g. darker skin humans etc)… Which is ridiculous.

The “BE fan base” shouldn’t get to say how a player wants to express/see themselves represented, just like a racist shouldn’t tell someone they aren’t allowed to have there skin-tone in-game because it doesn’t conform with there backwards thinking.

That’s a really silly argument.

Either way, there is a large portion of the community who have wanted High Elves in the game for a long time, and we finally (kinda) have them with Void Elves and the new skin tones… And my original post still holds true, that blizz are very close to pleasing a large percentage of them by going all the way, and not holding short by a few feet.


The difference is arguing diversity options for races with already existing theme to be human skin toned, vs Void Elves who are Void in theme, and the issue is VEs now have two visual themes, that is hardly fair.

You do realize one can applaud the diversity options, but not support VEs getting an entire second visual theme which allows them to essentially also be “Regular” Thalassian Elf… the theme of the BEs.

I’m just elaborating for clarity, I am on record being happy for the current compromise, where I differ is on the issue of even more bringing it even closer to BEs main visual theme.


Have you seen Alleria Windrunner in-game recently and her “void elf” theme? Please explain.


Said it before and I will say it again YOU ARE VOID ELVES. Dont give me that well Allieria looks this way. Saying you wanna look like Alleria would be like Forsaken players asking why they cant look like Sylvanas.

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Is there something about the intro quest of VEs you need explained? I thought the intro showed exactly to the extent Alleria was involved.

That’s not the same at all. Forsaken are humans, Sylvanas is an elf.

Apples and oranges.




I’m failing to see how her intro quest and her transformation and yet keeping her current looks doesn’t translate over to the rest of her brethren.


Well, that’s been requested as well essentially I think with the fight over whether or not forsaken should get darkfallen* as a model toggle since they’re technically undead or if BE should because they’re undead elves.

Welcome to the forums.

Edit: darkfallen not dark ranger since dark ranger is an occupation, not a race.


Thank you for reminding me while we are at it male pandaren should be able to have tails like females. When I say Sylvanas I mean the fact that she just looks like a grey skinned elf and not very “undead” compared to regular players.


Especially since there are High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars in the Velf starting zone Telogrus Rift studying the Void from Alleria’s same teacher as we speak, who have normal skin and hair colors :face_with_hand_over_mouth: