Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yeah, for reals. It’s super icky to read personal attacks like that. It’s why I’ve been posting less than usual.


I’ve not made any allegations. I’ll rephrase my shallow comment if that can bring us back to the matter of High elf customization:

Real life bad. Game good. Don’t make game real life. Give Void Elves stuff if there’s a demand for it.

Please have mercy.

My biggest customization dream would truly be for all playable races to share all hairstyles. It’d be such a huge task for Blizzard but I think it’d be really cool.

Certain combinations will naturally gravitate to eachother, such as orcs more often using troll hairstyles than say blood elf ones, which makes me think this won’t take away from the perceived uniqueness of races.


Love over hate sister!

I support to kul’tiran hairstyle idea and would like to see what the art team does with the idea on actual models.

Also Model toggles for LFD (human/dwarf/High elves) And forsaken (NE/HE dark rangers, undead other races such as trolls with mummy wrapping) Forever!


Or at least shared hairstyles/hair colors within the corresponding faction.


I think that would be a great solution to keep the identity of the factions feel more in tact.

Which would be great for as long as the faction system is one of the key identities of WoW.


refined as in Gentlemanly refined? or do you mean looking like that white wig era of britain?

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You guys too? I’ve been getting tired of the circle arguements that eventually lead to personal attacks too.


Lanny did not deserve to get dog piled like that. No antis have engaged in group bullying like what occurred like that from what I have seen. I am not getting drawn into some attempt to rationalise it, it was poor form.


I’d agree, except that I’ve been dog-piled on by them on allot of times too, normally with lann starting it.

I don’t think any party is innocent of this.


I’d love it if they’d remove mog restrictions, or at least let Hunters mog leather. I could more or less get Ranger tattoos just by mogging Spirebreaker’s Harness.

This picture is from my Armory. I equip it when I log out, but I’d love to be able to use it in combat without a big stat loss.


You’ll have to show me where I implied something as low as this, and or supported someone implying that about you.

You’re the only person now to like this, that an is an real life implication alluding to something pretty low.


It is as valid as any other opinion on these forums. It’s a request.

Some people will not want void elves to be further focused into high elves, others see it as removing the aesthetic of blood elves from the Horde.

It is their right to voice their opinions.

I don’t understand this.

Blood Elf players want more customization, want it to be unique to them, and don’t want to see such things exactly the same on the Alliance after years of being Horde.

Void elf fans want more of what actually makes the race void elves and not to be reduced to high elves.

They don’t want to be dumbed down in either races case, and they are clearly not giving up.

This assumes much. So far they’ve added no void options beyond maybe the purple eye option. Even that is suspect.

Given they didn’t add natural hair colors and how long it took to fix the underwear, assuming that time and work isn’t spent is foolish.

People wishing to see the focus on blood elves, and the void part of void elves is fair.


I see you failed to look upon your own actions from the last time we interacted. I’m sorry, but I am not going to engage with you atm.


Oh I never claimed we got along.

In fact here is our last exchange, where I blatantly pointed out your push for another Thalassian model via the LF toggle.

You are claiming that this is the same, of which they are not one of the same, in any regards and your failure to see that is another reason we do not get along.

I dislike your attempts at controlling conversations and I’ve said that but other than that the times I’ve most engaged with you, you were picking on Starla to which I did interject, so again not the same at all.

ok lann, let’s ignore your own history and pretend to be innocent then…

Moving on.


We can finally play as the alliance Silver Covenant ranger army. Just missing Vereesa white hair.

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Well… technically the silver covenent isn’t a full ranger army, but your good this time.

Its an army for Dalaran. It just works with the Alliance.

Its also made up of Rangers, Warriors, and Magisters. In relatively fair amounts to each other.

Not missing anything.

Void Elves should get a Stark White and Void Black though. Since thats on theme for the VOID.


Oh cool, I get to be toxic again for pointing out that people may be exaggerating a dev statement a bit.


:man_shrugging: I guess it’s just the way of things Tarrok lol I wouldn’t take it seriously though I don’t think you are, it’s just what happens when people try to demonize people based on their support or not for HEs.