Coming Later This Year: Shadowlands Season 4

Maybe just get 10.0 out. M+ raids sound awful and more time in Tazavesh sounds like torture.


Soooo no 10.0 this year then. This sounds great, but it makes me worried about how much longer Shadowlands is gonna be around.


So we’re getting a “new content” made of old things with the excuse that there will be “affixes” into it?

First thing I checked after reading this was my computer date. Now I’m scared because we are not in April 1st yet. Please tell us you are not giving up an expansion later this year for this.


Voting anything but Skyreach and Everbloom (or mayyyybe Auchindoun) is just trolling.


As long as I wont need to dust off my Shards for SoD I am 100% okay with Raid+ like Mplus but 10man. I want old raids to have relevance again, I want to feel like they are worth doing. I think if done right this will be a great thing for wow moving forward. Bring on challenge raiding!

Also Thank you for bringing back all the mega-dungeons for a season! I loved both mechagon and kara and this will be hype! Well as long as the tuning is good…please get the tuning right.

Grim Depot/Iron Docks/Blackrock Spire!


10.0 coming in 2023 it seems but to be expected.
Seems the team is trying to ‘‘finally’’ shake some stuff up.

From reading the post, I don’t pug or anything so doesn’t concern me BUT the ideas are nice and making the tier-raids relevant with bigger loot etc as an experiment for future iterations is welcomed.

I hope it isn’t just a one off thing to inject relevancy into the content since it seems 10.0 will be from what it looks like, a long while from now.

10.0 onward can definitely strip away some of the season format and push this idea that OP had for season 4 to simply keep more content feel relevant. The rest of the people just need to learn some self control instead of pandering to the crowd that feels they NEED to do this that and the other all day, every day.


Why not add good dungeons like Freehold and Underrot instead?


As a m+ player I really like the idea of bringing back old content and making it relevant again. Not quite sure about the selection of dungeons as they’re not my favorites and from what I remember some of these weren’t exactly popular, but if there will be more seasons like this then I guess we’ll eventually get to more of the dungeons I like. Voting is a good idea.

I hope seasons are shorter if you go with this idea so we have variety more often, bringing back a selection of old dungeons every few months. This is how the game should be going forward, not just throw all the content you made away every new season, there’s a massive backlog of good content waiting to be utilized like this.

Of course, as long as there’s also new content added just as regularly on top of revamping old content. I like that you are trying something different here.

Only issue I guess is I worry this means 10.0 is very far away if there’s still another season left of Shadowlands and it doesn’t start till end of this year, unluck.


Can’t even begin to express how bad the idea of Raid+ is. More dungeons to the M+ pool is nice, but keep the trash affix system out of raids. Also, who is asking to redo raids we already spent 6+ months doing? Terrible waste of time and resources. Just get the next expack out as fast as possible so we can get out of this terrible expansion.


So instead of new raids, we now get recycled old raids with an affix.

This is the biggest steaming pile of garbage you’ve ever served up in 17 years, Blizzard.


Okay yeah, agree with this haha. Especially as I already got rid of my dom socket gear… xD


As an addendum:
There will be no Hall of Fame for Season 4. We’re not looking to position this as a competitive event.


u thought u were done farming mythic sylvanas for edge of nights?


ps: i hate this so much


Please don’t make me play SoD ever again. That raid is Not Good and making it required as part of a new raid tier legit makes me want to unsub. I cannot do sylvanas for stupid daggers and bows for another raid tier please god no


So a few preliminary thoughts after my guilds initial reaction.

1.) A season like this for m+ is what we’ve been asking for for a long time now. Being able to do old content while having it be relevant to the current xpac breathes new life into the old world which has always been what the developer team wants, for their creations to matter to players.

2.) Eternal gladiator is a banger title

3.) Having all 3 raids incorporated into this will prompt people to want to clear all 3 every week for gear which honestly is way too much content weirdly enough. Part of the challenge with this revamping is that old gear will be very powerful when pumped up to new item levels. I’d love to see alternate rewards to gear so that it still promotes doing m+/pvp/raid but doesn’t feel like you’re getting screwed if ilvl 300 jaithys or veinripper just doesn’t drop for you.

4.) Examples of these rewards can be mirrored from the newer rewards put in over the last couple seasons. New meta achieves for raids awarding different mog recolors, mounts, titles. Personally I’d love to see new takes on class/spec mogs from the new KSM rank or even hero rank, maybe a sick class weapon mog ie: Shadowlands take on the legion artifact skins

5.) Please please please keep doing stuff like this. It won’t be perfect the first time almost guaranteed but we love experiments like this!


I’m kind of blown away that people are voting for two of the more annoying dungeons to be granted Mythic+ affixes. Do you people not realize how miserable it was running Grimrail Depot and revamped UBRS back in the day?

I feel like Iron Docks HAS to be one of the dungeons chosen.


This sounds AMAZING. The only thing I don’t like is that we only get 2 wod dungeons. I want to see so many more.

adding in a little edit: can this be a seperate keystone too like legion timewalking was? since this is a for fun season I would still kind of like to do some of this xpacs dungeons I like, maybe I won’t mind when it comes to it, but only doing mega dungeons+the 2 wod ones for multiple months might be draining on me especially since theoretically we only get “5” dungeons with the theme of 6 of them being 3 dungeons. im unsure though. almost wish it was just 8 voted for dungeons with 2 from each xpac.


feels like 2024 at this point


I think it’s obvious we weren’t getting a new raid or anything, all attention is practically on 10.0. These ideas it reads like, a test for something they want to do moving forward and I personally like it. This game needs a shake up. Not the same old song and dance constantly…


Then it won’t have competitive level loot right?