Mythic Fated raid gear drops 304 item level gear end raid bosses 311, Rank 8 Legendary possiblity?

This isn’t between Blizzard choosing between adding new content and recycled content. This is the choice between recycled content or no content. Blizzard is currently fully focused on making the next expansion and season 4 allows them to add something for players to do without requiring Blizzard to shift their focus from DF. Saying it’s as bad as a drought is a full faced lie at best and you know it.

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You’ll be able to use the Creation Catalyst on the new season’s gear and all the charges you’ve stored will carry over to 9.2.5

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Okay. But I am telling you the people asked for new content. So don’t act surprised when people act unsatisfied when they just get recycled content. Sure, maybe it’s all blizzard can do… supposedly. You’d think they’d have the manpower and money to have two teams, one on the next expansion and the other working on current… but I digress. But the whole notion of “All blizzard can do” right now just isn’t enough in the players eyes.

I will probably grab season 4 ksm and then do the endgame I planned on doing at the end of the expansion, farming some achievements and leveling more alts.

This expansion will already be the longest one they’ve ever had, making another big content drop would push it out even farther. I personally love Shadowlands but a lot of people seem to want it over with sooner rather than later, so Blizzard is trying to oblige them while still giving players something to do.
In terms of manpower, they’ve never stated how they have their split up. I’d guess they have a small team that works on hotfixes or changes to content already released, the bulk of their force on the next content drop (whether that be a patch or the expac), and then another small team that tries to prep for further out content releases without getting anything too set it stone so that they can react to player feedback.

As I’ve said before when season 4 was first announced:

We had heard a couple weeks ago (dunno where it came from, though) that gear would NOT be increasing in season 4 - and everyone I know was overjoyed.

This expansion’s raids have been tedious, unfun, and have burned people out. People do NOT want to do Castle Nathria again and they especially do NOT want to do Sanctum again.

If Cutting Edge remains available through the rest of the expansion - which I very much hope - then we’ll just stick with Sepulcher and ignore the other raids.

Why bother doing the same raids all over again just for gear that will be obsolete the first day of Dragonflight?

It really seems like nobody on the dev team actually raids anymore.

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I would honestly rather just be done with this expansion right now than have another patch of it. I don’t wanna regrind gear on things I’ve already done. I just wanna enjoy my BiS and be done. I have finally achieved that on my warrior. And soon that’s gonna be taken away only for me to do it all over again doing the same things I’ve done again. Clearly this patch isn’t for me. I don’t like droughts perse. But I enjoy the feeling of being finished. It seems that’s really gonna be lacking this expansion.

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I never understood why people were hyped for CN.

When the showcase of a raid with a boss where you actually had to perform a dance received so much positive feedback, I was floored.

Of course, the same people who were Preaching positive feedback ended up leaving shortly afterwards.

Don’t get me started on SLG.

SoD was somewhat fun, especially when I paid 80k for AotC.

Sepulcher of the Trash Ones…no thanks. Way too much trash and even more gimmicks. I’m sure I’ll enjoy heroic Jailer in a couple weeks while I’m AFK’ed and making dinner.

This xpac did a marvelous job at making boosting look like the better option.

Ummm yeah not digging the arms race regrind for gearing in 9.3 especially if 9.2 is shorter than 9.0 and 9.1. The raids were fine it is just that I wouldn’t want to do them all over again being so recent.

Cutting Sepulcher short to have a season of reruns is idiotic.

Hopefully season 4 isn’t until AT LEAST September.

It would make “sense” to just configure an extra rank or two with the cyphers needed to spend past 6 to max everything but nah that’s too much.

It will not be.

Mythic raid gear of the last tier has always last until m0s / first normal raid tier of the next expansion. That held true for me and other mythic raiders I know in SL as well. If you don’t want to get gear, then don’t.

So you want the expansion to hurry up and be over, but you also want them to extend it with another content patch. You want to sit on your BiS, but you also don’t like having nothing to do. You’re quite the paradox.

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You’re right, it will be obsolete in the 1st week of Dragonflight, not the first day. (That’s when we always start doing M0’s.)

Whoop de doo.

It’s hilarious that Clàrk here is posting on a character with an ilvl of 229 and renown 54. So clearly this character has no reason to care.


It’s not that hard to understand. I’m okay with a new patch if they have new content to offer. if not, I’d rather sit on my BiS and just be finished than being forced to regrind all the same gear I have currently again to get back to where I was with the game being near identical to how it is this patch. The few added old M+ in the rotation don’t matter to me at all. I played WoD when it was current, I did those dungeons before. And hell, I hate what they picked. I hate Grimrail Depot. And I hate mechagon with a passion. I’d rather have the old dungeons.

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Why? So you can say:

“I want 10.0 content to be over and done with so I can do 10.1”

You’re contradicting yourself

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I don’t play the same characters per tier

Look hard enough and you’ll find my character that I been enjoying with the most

Should have been well aware of this since I mentioned I enjoyed raiding sanctum of domination with my hunter

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I can see like 6-8 fated rotations with “maybe” a period of 1-3 weeks all up for fated raids open being the their play.

Not sure why people think the current tier will be cut short. They’ve said many times that 9.2.5 release is not when season 4 comes out, nor has any patch been when a season started since they disconnected then in Legion. Tiers usually are 6 months, though SL tiers have been 8. I wouldn’t call SofFO being 6 months (if they stop it then) “cutting it short”, as 6 months is the traditional length of a tier.

How so? I’ll say it again. If they have new content, then a new patch is fine. If it’s recycled, I’d rather it just be over and let me be finished with the game until Dragon Flight.