Season 4 affix

So it’s effectively the Season 2 affix without the player choice of buff. Sounds like it keeps the flow of the run going smoothly instead of bogging it down with having to choose a buff. I see that as a good thing. Get in, get out.

Its way better than season 3.

You get to choose your stat buff at beginning of dungeon.

Oh, so you choose the stat to buff and then power through the dungeon like normal? Sounds great.

To me, it sounds like a better version of the season 2 affix.

The best part of S4, to me, is going to be watching everyone regress 4-5 key levels trying to learn new dungeons.

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Same thing I’ve thought since season 4 was announced.


meh it’s not the worst idea. i’m def gonna play season 4 :100:


Well season 1 could brick your key if someone pulled a mob by mistake and your prides were ruined the entire run

Season 2 was buggy as hell and just gave wrong stats/wrong powers at times

Season 3 is alright in a group, but crap in pugs cuz people just mindlessly AoE

4 is just stats, no nonsense, just have some stats and do more damage, its great

Looks like its intentional given the fact there will be in effect 6 new dungeons in rotation and the rest removed. That way people can focus on the dungeon and not crazy things with the affix.

It’s current form is a step down from the current form of encrypted, but it’s still on PTR so there’s still change possible.

I just really, really, REALLY hope this is not their logic with Dragonflight - "Oh, its okay for the S1/S2 affix to be lame and boring because all the dungeons are getting / got rotated.

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Doubtful because the season won’t be as short. My guess is S4 will be 4-6mo and not 8mo like “normal”

/sigh, 5-6 months “should” be normal.

Not this 8 month garbage that SL did.

8 month tiers, especially not final tier, is NOT normal.

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Encrypted is the best affix we’ve had this xpac, this seems like a big step down

Any indication when s4 starts ye?

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I’m going to give it a shot. It’s something new. Plus we have grimrail. The dungeon I always wanted :roll_eyes:

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as a healer all I know is I’m going to miss uhr and actually having to pay attention to my mana :frowning:

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I just like that in Dragonflight they have said that leaving keys or failing to complete keys in time will result in 1-3 pieces of gear being destroyed or dropped in ilvls.

You choose the buff at the start of the dungeon, 1% haste, 1% crit, 1% vers, or like 69 mastery per stack
it doesn’t leave negative side effects on you if you ignore it on the last boss
It gives you mana and hp restoration for like 5 seconds after you kill each one.

Does not sound like the season 2 affix.

Yup, that is how it was posted

I reread this a few times and wanted to hate it but as a tank main I am actually eager for something like this.