[Cata] Questline “Never Again!” not available to horde

This is a copy of the EU thread (https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/questline-never-again-not-available-to-horde/510522). I am reposting it here to get more eyes on it. I am holding off on buying 7 faction changes due to this quest being bugged on Horde side.

For horde players it’s currently impossible to begin the questline that ends with “Never Again!”. An item called “Diabolical Plans” that starts the quest is supposed to be on the loot table for certain demons in Ashenvale which it sadly isn’t. Could you please resolve this? Thank you.


Paid for six faction changes and six realm transfers to obtain this ring, the 19 twink bracket has been trying to farm this drop, ‘Diabolical Plans’ since release, but with no success.
Alliance characters have been able to obtain this item drop within their first 4 kills or so. I asked for a refund for both purchases and got denied.


Going to be a massive cashgrab for blizz, either intentionally or not. imagine all those faction changes being purchased for this, up to 2 per character.

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Still waiting. Paid for a horde faction change and unable to get my ring.

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Still needs a fix.

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Still no update from a blue?

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Coming up on 2 weeks. Quest is still broken for Horde side only.

Did they fix it with this reset?

Nope, still broke.

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I put in a few tickets. Was unable to get assistance from a GM. Was just referred back here…

Checked today, still no fix.

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Demon machine still broke

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Fix your game, whole community of people want to give you money and you’re just leaving it on the table.

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It works now for Horde side. Plans just dropped for me.

Took 10 minutes to complete the quest to entirety. Ring acquired.

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