The game is so broken I literally cannot play

I wanted to work on my low level characters during this prepatch. This involves gathering BoAs, doing low level quests, and working on my alt’s professions.

I’ve faction changed multiple characters to complete some Horde only quests. But one of them is broken, so I can’t transfer them back until it’s fixed - [Cata] Questline “Never Again!” not available to horde

I want to gather BoAs, but I can’t because each one is about 100 dungeons - 3-4x the amount it was before the patch. No problem, there’s always champion’s seals right? Wrong, because even if you get exalted, you are unable to unlock the dailies - [Cataclysm] "Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance" achievement is bugged, daily unlock is not account-wide

Ok, so maybe I can work on my enchanter? Nope, because I decided to boost him and now I cannot use my professions at all - [CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

I’m keeping all my accounts unsubscribed until I can actually play the game.

Yes, this is an airport, peace!


I mean, its not like your sub will lapse before these are fixed. But i get the point

I would be more than happy if all of this is fixed before my sub lapses.

i’m having no problem logging into the game and playing the game. maybe you should try and not equate specific bugs hindering a very niche activity as the game being unplayable?

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I’m having problems playing the game. Maybe you should try and not equate specific bugs not hindering your activity as the game being playable for me?

I do find it ironic you paying money made your game worse (2/3 of these issues are specifically due to faction change and boost)


Faction change has always been wonky, there are quests that it auto completes the “equivalent” one for you. Faction changing to complete all quests on one character is a bit bizarre.

Boosting messing up professions is a bit odd, but I do kinda chuckle when I see it.

Lastly, why is BoA gear farming a problem for you? You just boost anyways right?

It sounds like you’ve spent more money on this prepatch launch than I’ve spent in the last 6 months. It also sounds like I’m enjoying myself more too :slight_smile:

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This is a specific quest that has always worked previously and has been tried. The quest itself is totally broken on Horde, faction change or not.
You are holding off on buying 7 faction changes for a level 19 quest that rewards a green ring?

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Yep! Many of us are.

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I envy your passion for things

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I appreciate that <3

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I just recently finished the new patch content worked fine soon as I hearthed to Valdrakken game went to crap only thing I could do was talk in chat. Task Managered my way off launched the Battlenet app a patch popped up. Logged in went and tried to do stuff worked fine soon as I went back to my guild bank the secon d time first time was to withdawy gold which worked and bought the items needed for te Loamm Weekly thought I would try re deposit a reagent i have that I have been unable to redposit in the last 2+ hours of failed gameplay outside of the new content which took me 15 minutes.

And Now as of writing this I had to force quit again but before i did I disabled all addons did a /Reload and even though i was way outside of the Bank area I still had the gold coin option that you get when standing on top of the gold in that room. I really wish blizzard did proper PTR testing for these patches. I don’t think the PTR even exists anymore Blizzard just release a patch at random we only had patch 10.6.2/…5 going on 3 weeks as of today and now weget 2 gigabytes + of Patches for a mini Story line involving mostly Legion content and quite Honestly they could have done that entire story back in BFA when it was relevant to do so not 5+ years after Legion itself. Once I log back on I guess I am going to have to Play the rest of the day with addons disabled and if it still messes up then It clarly is not an issue on that side but with the incompetence of Blizzard and there Rush to give those people who deem themselves worthy of content given to them on a silver platter every week or they lose interest. Those people are not what this community needs wants or cares about. If we only get 2 major content patches in an expansion and only 1 Raid that is fine by me I only Play to gear up best I can to crush older content anyway and well Make my own fun not cry and demand content patches over and over like the current player base who honestly should be somewhere else.

That and Several changes could have been a boost or 2 lol. May have been cheaper.

Something about change back later too. For all those who left wow before this, faction only mogs grow in number.

One is really better with a horde for life char next to the alliance one(s).

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Dozens! Dozens!


Yep. I faction changed as well. This is the only piece I need and I can’t even do the quest.

Not having any issues sounds like a skill problem

True! Blizzard wouldn’t have any skill problems if the team still had devs though :slight_smile: