Can we get an ignore feature back already?

These new forums are still lacking a really basic feature.


I know Blizzard can not directly fix this problem, but we’re almost a year in and I think someone could at least be making weekly calls to try to get this added.

I’ve never used forums without an ignore feature before this and quite frankly it sucks. I can’t believe in 2019 we’re not given this very basic forum tool.

These forums now more than ever are full of toxic people and trolls. Quit giving them more power by forcing everyone to see their words.


Its easy to ignore things. There is no obligation to click on a thread and read it.


More ignores and less flagging would definitely improve this forum by a mile. I actually never thought about that till you brought this up OP…


…I don’t think I’ve ever actually used a forum that HAD an ignore feature.

Then again, maybe I wasn’t paying attention.


We had it in the old forums and most forums have it if you look.


They can’t even get our portraits right, and you want an entire new feature added to the forums?

Well, we always have our dreams…

That’s just a joke on you “fun sized” people.

A new feature that we had before. It’s not asking that much.


Maybe soon they’ll give you Gnomes a box or something to stand on.

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I don’t like the idea of an ignore feature on a public forum.

The whole point of a forum is to discuss ideas, many of which will be contrary to your own.

General Discussion trolls and jokes around a lot but I have had some legitimately interesting conversations and debates here.

Akston comes to mind as someone I enjoy talking with, even though we often disagree with one another.


The portraits show we already have our own boxes thanks. Gnoem portraits have an issue with weaponry showing. It’s not a height thing.

Actually if you look below the last reply in a thread where it says “Bookmark”, “Share”, “Flag”, and “Invite” you’ll see a little pull-down button that has a blue bell next to it. It’s default set to “Normal”, or “Tracking” if you’ve replied in the thread, but you can select “Mute” from that and that’ll make the entire thread just disappear from view when you reload the main forum. Unless you were talking about just ignoring specific individuals, in which case yes please


They need to move to another forum package. This one sucks in every conceivable way. Its pretty obvious it had that ‘grind’ quality that blizzard enjoys and thats the ONLY reason it was chosen to replace the old software.


So much this. Forums as a retention method.


I’d say that the forum moderation is heavy enough on this forum, that discussing idea’s that may be contrary to your own is just a fast way to earn a suspension. It’s bitten me more than once for certain. I think this is literally the only social media platform I’ve ever earned any sort of ban, temp or otherwise.

People get way to sensitive here, and the forum mods coddle those people.


You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.

We have it in game as well. Can you imagine if we didn’t have it there?

People are people. Some I don’t want to converse with or read their words I should have the option to not see it. Adverting my eyes from the text when I simply don’t want to see it at all should be an option always in this day and age.

Yes, this.


Trust me, I feel that. That’s an entirely separate issue which we aren’t really supposed to discuss though.

I haven’t been suspended from any other forum before either but… it is what it is.

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Discussing specific moderation actions details is against the rules. General complaint I’m pretty sure is OK, but with these mods… geez who knows anymore.


Let me ask you a question.

Are you pro-queue or anti-queue?

That will determine if the forum ignore feature is needed. I prefer the Echo Chamber life.

I’d argue that that is an entirely separate issue because they can whisper you, follow you around, and actively make your experience worse as a whole.

Ignoring someone because they disagree with you, though, isn’t okay in my opinion.

As far as anything that violates the coc that you don’t want to see (and I don’t blame you) those people get vacations or bans anyway.


I tend to agree. If you only follow and listen to people that agree with you or you agree with, you just live in an echo chamber. It’s partly why people are so polarized these days and refuse to listen to contrary opinions. People are so Us vs Them right now. It’s kinda sad.