Seriously, we need more šŸ’™ to give out

I simply stated that I canā€™t understand how anyone could ever use all their hearts and stated why. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re confused by that.

Also, if you donā€™t want to get into anything, maybe donā€™t direct questions towards someone you feel you may end up ā€œdragging you down.ā€

Congruence yo. Get into it.

It was rhetorical.

Obviously thereā€™s something off here.

Sorry if I offended and/or condescended you.

Thereā€™s still a hostility here I reallyā€¦ donā€™t want to engage.

Thereā€™s no denying that.

Have a nice night.

** /me takes back her :blue_heart:s she gave Lejk and logs out for the night **

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Tee hee, oh you :wink:

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Yes, there is something off.

Youā€™re trying to retcon your own attitude, as evidenced by your edited posts, all while playing the victim.

Itā€™s ā€œoffā€ but itā€™s not unusual.

In standard form I absolutely had to come backā€¦

What would it take for you to not be hostile towards me anymore?

  1. I unconditionally apologize for condescending you

  2. I donā€™t have any further qualms with you

  3. I withdrew the posts because I did regret posting them (as I said, I apologized for condescending you) and so I removed them because they wereā€¦ in poor form.

Having said all that, I really donā€™t have anything else to say, except that my question towards you (about the hostility) isā€¦ rhetorical.

I donā€™t think, personally, thereā€™s a way we could resolve this interaction because you seem to be pretty oppositional towards me at this stage. Thatā€™s my assumption Iā€™m making about you, but I also acknowledge I could be wrong here (I usually am about a lot of thingsā€¦ case in point, the withdrawn posts).

TLDR: Sorry, and if you have any further beef, please consider squashing it.

** /me attempts to log out for the night but probably wonā€™t **

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I appreciate most of your apology, I do, itā€™s not something you see a lot of here on the forums and is worthy of acknowledgement. Mostly.

But, could you please point out where I have been hostile towards you?

Like, please quote me being hostile. Because Iā€™m almost certain I havenā€™t been hostile towards you at all.


Do you consider an individual stating a differing opinion, or pointing out flaws in your logic, to be hostile?

I had to wait hours to like your comment. :expressionless:

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I told you Iā€™d be back. :partly_sunny:

Another questionā€¦ is any of this really necessary?

Also, seriously sorry, I donā€™t want to make excuses butā€¦

ā€¦on another night I probably wouldnā€™t have responded how I did.

** /me lets out a long, drawn out sigh **

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Wait, thereā€™s a limit!?

** /slowclap ** :corn:

Well played.

Necessary? No. Very little of anything is necessary.

But you canā€™t be shocked when someone responds to your negative behaviour.

Give it a rest.

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It was done, and had nothing to do with you. Not sure why you would feel the need to comment.

Feeling lonely? Feeling unheard? Would you like some attention?

Hereā€™s something pleasant you said to me yesterday.

I can say the same thing right back to you after reading this thread.
Youā€™re a salty little ice queen who barely gives out a heart per day. Of course you wouldnā€™t need anymore.

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Cause itā€™s a public forum, your posts are off topic, and you come across as a douche. Also stop projecting. All of your sarcastic questions and the underlying implications could easily apply to you.


I swear, you and people like you, try so hard to find my posts and try to make me out to be a villain. You need a new hobby.

So, because it seems like a foreign concept to you, Iā€™ll walk you through a little thing called context.

An individual and I were having a discussion in this thread, that you werenā€™t a part of, and as you can see above acknowledged they were rude/abrasive, edited their posts to skew the narrative, then started calling me hostile.

Potentially due to unrelated issues.

But, be that as it may, I asked said individual to illustrate where I had been hostile towards them. They couldnā€™t/didnā€™t, acknowledged that they had outside stuff influencing their behaviour and we moved on.

So, because it seems like you really need things like this explained to you, when I asked the question:

It was directly in relation to this thread and the interaction I was having with this individual.

We, me and my fellow individuals that know the difference, like to call that context. Itā€™s important, you should get into it.

Hopefully that clears up some of the confusion youā€™re experiencing.

As for my comments directed towards you in another thread, yeah what youā€™d written was the most abhorrent and narcissistic thing Iā€™ve read all day.


And you come across as a needy little thing that feels compelled to insert themselves into things in the hope that someone will notice them.

Well played.

Go back and read the thread. I was not the individual that derailed it. I know itā€™s a hard pill to swallow but my initial post was 100% ON TOPIC.

It was the reply to my post that was off topic and derailed the thread. Also, you yourself unnecessarily felt compelled to comment which derailed it again.

So GG I guess?

Blah blah blah. Rationalize multiple people calling you a :poop:head, basically, so that you donā€™t have to deal with the uncomfortable reality that you are a :poop:head and have no legitimate justification for being this way.


But take a look at the state of those multiple peopleā€¦


lol Never amazes me how 1 person can simply take an innocent thread and turn it into some sort of platform to demean people. Nice job at tearing down someone elseā€™s post simply to pound that inflated forum ego.

Just because you manage to hang on to your likes and not find anything enjoyable even if on a diluted scale, enough to get a slight chuckle(which is why at least speaking for myself, since I donā€™t speak for anyone else, is usually why I give a like, not just in agreement to something someone states) doesnā€™t mean other people should hold off on showing they agree, or find it something they found amusing.

There is absolutely no reason for your post, other than a seemingly nasty attempt to tear down the OP for the topic, and those of us who shared in their feeling.

Iā€™m not going to go through past threads, wasting my time, to pull up other instances where youā€™ve tried to show your more superior attitude towards other people in threads, itā€™s your delivery and snobbishness that throws people off. Maybe itā€™s your nature, or maybe youā€™re just insecure in how you feel about people on the internet - Iā€™m not psychologist, so I wonā€™t attempt to try to shrink you to figure you out. Itā€™s also not worth it to do so as itā€™s the internet, and youā€™re nothing more than another player/participant in the GCD forums.

But you did pose the question, and it being a public forum as it is, I chose to throw my 2 cents.

I do agree with the thread the person posted that you had brought up bringing the ignore feature to the forums, or what have you - for your sake I hope they do eventually incorporate that function so you can simply ignore to your little heartā€™s content, these horribly beneath you type threads, since thatā€™s the attitude you exuded here.

You, I am almost certain, with come back with a tort response, to which I say - have fun, enjoy yourself. I personally will not give a second thought to it, or you.

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