Can’t help anyone with low level dungeons

Since the the patch that purports to “stop boosting”, I can no longer help grey dungeons.

While I should be able to help any dungeon, I’m specifically talking about Wrath and 70 TBC dungeons. Any reasonable person would love to take a 80 tank to Nexus. Except they can’t because it ruins the xp gains.

All to stop a nothing problem. It’s time to revisit this decision. If you aren’t gonna do RDF then roll back this grey dungeon XP issue.


Whats the issue? Significantly making the content easier because you bring an 80 should result in less xp. If they have quest, that xp isnt being nerfed.


I wish they would revert your unban.


I dont know why I even bother but…

How does that even make sense? Have you ever made a single constructive post? Ever??


What are you talking about? People complained about boosts all the time. Do you mean a “nothing problem” for you alone?

Also, you’re not “helping” by going to Nexus as a level 80. That’s boosting, even if you aren’t getting paid for it.


1 per account
If someone is that desperate to avoid leveling that they create multiple accounts to abuse the boosts then that is a glaring issue with the system and not boosting as an issue. At that point there is a concerted effort to avoid leveling and should show blizzard that more needs to be done to emphasize leveling as an enjoyable and social part of the game and not something relegated to just buying your way out of entirely.

If blizzard wants to hold true to the social pillars they set forth rather lazily then removing the interaction of players and running through currently mostly dead content should be prioritized and not stop gapped by a one time per account service.

My view on this is entirely 1-58 leveling as that is the more dead part of the process for dungeons outside of being lucky or on a mega realm.



Boosting means more dead dungeons and leveling zones because people are dungeon boosting instead of leveling normally.

But they hurt dungeon boosting by nerfing exp gain

Which means… fewer dead dungeons and leveling zones… which… helps them sell level boosts?

Do you even think about this stuff first or does everything you post here flow just right from :peach: to keyboard?


Working as intended. Pity that players can’t sit at the dungeon exit watching youtube videos and get levelled.



Oh they definitely still can. But you gotta wait until ~69 now

Always viewed players helping players as a good thing since day one of me playing shortly before OG TBC launch. There are places people will hit dead zones and having a buddy give you a push through the content wasn’t as heavily frowned on as it appears to be now.
I imagine it’s because players chose to make a business out of it.


Imagine seriously believing a board room of executives and shareholders sat down and wrote a minute agreeing to actively damage their company’s intellectual property.

Unless it’s a conspiracy, of course.

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I mean it’s simple, they nerfed dungeon boosting to kill off players helping each other level. Then they killed off RDF to further prevent people leveling in 1 - 70 zones and then put out a Lv 70 boost since they put up a ton of artificial walls and they know people are lazy and will buy it. Doesn’t take a genius to put these things together.

Maybe in a phase or two they drop back RDF and say they listened to us the whole time, people will forget the bait and switch as they already spent $50 on an effectively dead MMO remake that’s on maintenance mode, Cata comes out and Wrath servers get dissolved similar to TBC and we go back to deciding whether or not Blizzard is good or evil.


I mean all my posts came true so far, i’m a prophet.


I stand corrected… You’re deluded AND an idiot


Name one post I made that didn’t come true, i’ll wait.


You mostly traffic in opinions and nonsense but sure… took me about 20 seconds of skimming

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This is 100% true, who tf wants a Warrior or Pally in their group if they’re DPS spec lmao.

TBC Rogues 100% never got invited due to too many of them, rn it’s true that there’s too many DPS Pallys/Warrs.

It works out for me as my guild runs GDKPs and we populate our runs with these rejected plate DPS, and in return they drop absurd gold on Betrayer and other drops.

This is also 100% true, Resto for AoE heals is better and HPala is the best healer in all of Wrath.


You’re an idiot…

But continuing on… Here’s a really good one. You missed the boat by a mile here

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Do you even play Wrath? Druids are the red-headed stepchild of healers atm

I think you may be conveniently “forgetting” a plate dps class there


Wait what… But I thought


Low key this is true for some servers, some dude got banned for advertising GDKPs so another point for me.

False, RDruid absolutely slaps and will become A tier surpassing Priest by end of xpac. We have parses and proof from PServers.

Oh DKs? The Bot class? Who cares about them lmao.