Wrath might’ve killed GDKPs

Naxx is incredibly easy, anyone whose late to hitting 80 or has no gear is about to have a great time just joining pugs and downing it because it’s like a loot piñata raid and virtually no part of it involves you having to try that hard or be good at the game but you will be showered in gear.

I don’t think GDKPs even need to exist with content this easy, I can’t imagine anyone would actually spend gold on any of these pieces in there when they can just walk in with full Lv 80 quest greens themselves and form their own pugs to run lol

If Ulduar is the same way which it most likely will be and nothing changes for the rest of Wrath in other raids, I think GDKPs can finally die out boys.

Wrath might finally kill it off for good.


But how are you going to join PUGs without RDF? :thinking:


Just queue yourself up in LFG.

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Well yes and no, the there are two things gdkp allow to happen and with a barrier to entry being low for first few dungeons there will be not that many gdkp in naxx. With that in mind gdkp will pickup in uld when the healers want their mace. Not sure trial gdkp would work due to the shortness of the dungeon but there might be gdkp for sunwell and bt for the glaives.

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Don’t underestimate there’s always that small minority who will min and max to the fullest. Gdkps will still exist and not going away. The most valuable items that will still sell is legendaries, necks, trinkets, amulets, rare mounts, and titles. People will still pay ridiculous amounts for them.

But what’s there to min max lmao, this content is so easy. It’s not even an accomplishment to min max, this is probably the most retail expansion Classic has seen in terms of difficulty and content.

Nah this is going to be like maybe 2-3 raids selling it and it won’t even be a GDKP, it’ll straight up just be a paid boost to sell legendaries.

Part of what made GDKPs popular like you said which is entry being gated by gear which won’t exist in any Wrath raid and there being some sort of legendary to get but I’m willing to bet only a small minority of people will even go for legendaries in Wrath.

It’s so ways to pug and find groups for in guilds that you can get it for free by just playing the game.

TBC was different because every raid was a gear check so you had to rely on geared people to carry others at a cost.

Remember hard modes haven’t come out yet. Phase one is supposed to be easy don’t be an idiot. Mounts, trinkets, rings, titles, and necks will still be valuable in gdkps. Heroic mode versions of 25 man gear people will buy them. Just because you won’t doesn’t mean others will. There will always be that minority group who wants the best experience and best gear of what wotlk has to offer.


Can you link to any post you’ve started that isn’t completely negative trolling? Just the other day, you hated wrath and you had a long list. Now the content is too easy.

…but you’re here paying to complain?


Lol but this is only going to appeal to a hardcore minority like you said.

You can all of that just pugging and joining a guild, there’s no big barrier of entry to any of these raids and people will slowly raid log due to how easy the expansion is so there will be more than enough room for new 80s to get spots and get geared.

Like you said though the min max guys will swipe and do GDKPs to avoid RNG but at the same time I just dont think it’ll be as many as before.

Alright you never played wotlk 12 years ago and obviously don’t know what you are talking about. You are completely cluesless when it comes to raiding if you think 25 man ulduar hardmodes are puggable.


Nah I’m not talking about hard mode being easy, I’m just saying in general GDKPs will be a lot less frequent because most people can just pug or find guilds easier due to a very low barrier of entry.

I’m sure hard mode is going to be hard but at the same time people have developed ways to cheese all of it by stacking locks in Ulduar HM and it’s not really going to be that challenging with the info we have today.

if easy content were going to kill GDKPs they would’ve been gone since Vanilla Classic


You think some random pug is mentally capable of putting together a top end group to clear hardmodes. LOL. Most pugs are incapable to put a top end 25 man to clear pre nerf sunwell and you think these very same pugs can do the same for ulduar or ICC hardmodes lmao. I don’t think you even raid at all or know the scene actively.


Vanilla and TBC both had gear barriers before you can enter, Wrath has zero gear checks. You can walk into every raid in groups from Naxx to ICC and complete it.

“LF locks to stack for Ulduar HM, pst”

Hard mode is only hard when we don’t have information, we had over a decade of people who already parsed it out and told us how it’s all done.

I highly doubt people who are interested in HM didn’t already look into the many videos in YT of people debunking it before they run it, all of it is easy to do.

“Do you have literally any fire resist gear? Cool, you can stand and hit in Molten Core just fine”

Yeah I guess, but the fact that you needed specific fire resist gear which was marked up in price was also somewhat of a gear check.

From Naxx to ICC you can walk in with greens and get into groups and walk away with epics.

You’re not taking a full green player to even molten core lmao, they would just get stomped where as in Wrath that full green player will probably top parse due to how brainless the game design is.

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I am going to need video proof of this.

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Go YouTube it, plenty of videos of people running raids with greens and blues.

Wrath is Retail, it’s not meant to be hard.

Patently untrue. Someone in full quest greens is not going to have the necessary hit/expertise cap to effectively do any dps in Naxx, and to even suggest that for Ulduar or ICC is hilariously absurd

And God forbid you take a tank in quest greens

And above all that, gear is irrelevant to my point to begin with. You said Wrath is going to kill GDKPs because the raids are easy, but if easy raids were going to kill GDKPs then they would’ve died from the very start

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Lmao ok, this is like arguing with someone who lives in their own bubble but I don’t have the mental stamina to pop it.

Please go look up Wrath content from 2008 and above, virtually no one had gear or knew how to min max and all the raids were completed 2 days after launching.