If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

Plate wearers are the new TBC Rogue, you are amazing and S tier in PvP and in general fun to play so tons of people rolled Warr/DK/Rets and now every raid is slammed with these classes.

In the last 3 - 4 hours I have not seen a single pug ask for Plate DPS, virtually all of them need Ranged or Casters.

The only hope for a Plate DPS to gear up will be GDKPs and getting PvP gear pretty much, hope you enjoy your Classic experience.


In other news, the sky is blue, water is wet, and politics still depress everyone


If only guilds existed


If you’re not lucky enough to be a core Plate DPS in a guild coming from TBC or finding one that needs one early on, you’re out of luck bud.

Virtually all guild ads are for healers/casters/RDPS as the people recruiting are the Plate DPS themselves lmao.

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So it will be just like original Wrath when everyone rolled DKs. What’s your point?


The looking for guild in discords is pretty entertaining. Ret, ret, ret, rogue, dk, ret, fury warrior, furry warrior, rogue, ret, warrior, warrior, warrior, warrior, warrior, warrior. Lmao. Like class stacking is going to be worse and already is as we saw last night.

I lowkey want to abandon my Warr and go level up my Ele lmao, I primarily wanted to do PvP but knowing that I eventually have PvE on the Warr to get ArP stuff down the road makes me want to just log off on him for good seeing how hard it is to get into virtually any group.

Warriors will be good just going to be rough for a while feels bad

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It’s a real shame people can’t all play the same thing. Oh well, guess people will just have to play something else without gear competition. The horror.


Yeah i’m hoping people get burned out or bored of Wrath when DF drops so people start leaving raids and leave spots open lol

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Did Sarth 25 man last night, A bunch of pallies and DKs… I was the only warrior :smiley:


Why is it that every few months someone has to make a post like this like it is some news flash.

Guess what, it’s called the flavor of the month and it’s been around since day 1 of WoW. Every time a class gets a nerf or buff, tons of players jump on the FotM wave and we are flooded with certain classes.

This is nothing new.


well good thing pvp gear is a lot easier and more viable and preferred for pvp

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Posting in a RDF/LFD/GDKP/Garmuck/Rankoneboost thread.


If only the game wasn’t new and people knew in advance what the fotm would be …

Ok good ez spot. People wanna play easy classes then complain when there are too many lul

Pugged 4 raids last night on my paladin, wasn’t so bad.


Says… the rogue? Think I could train a squirrel to play pve rogue


Odd post, you tryin to get more peeps off of plate? Lots of ways to gear, show this retail dwarf shaman we don’t care for his nonsense.

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Our guild first draft had one frost dk, one unholy, one ret paladin (with tank offspec just in case), one tank dk, holy paladin. No warriors, but that’s only because we didn’t have any warriors to sign for raid.