Can’t help anyone with low level dungeons

Hope they leave it like it is. I enjoy the part of the game where groups are formed to overcome a challenge. Boosting removes all challenge and leads to less players wanting to actually run a dungeon


You’re an idiot

Rofl… See above

See above.

Oh found another.


Who is “they”? Specifically, tangibly, who is making these decisions?


This we can agree on.

Um… Blizzard?

Only reason DKs even have a standing is because it’s bugged af, once that Gargoyle gets fixed they’ll be garbage juice tier DPS where they belong.

This could still be true, they convinced you boomers to sub for 3 months now while keeping the game on maintenance mode. Wouldn’t be surprised if they conned you into watching H+ runs.


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Btw, its kinda funny going through and looking at how many of your threads were locked. I guess we have a pretty good idea why you got suspended.

Please keep it up. Your next one can’t come fast enough


Dk’s are going to be garbage tier DPS? Do you even play WOW? Just holy cow man… You are literally the dumbest person posting on these forums. Hurry up and get banned again already


Go look at DK parses, 90% of DPS is bugged Gargoyle chain casting that the idiot devs can’t even fix after 3 months.

So yes, once bugs fixed DKs will become irrelevant.

No, WHO in Blizzard?

Think through what you are saying. If you seriously believe that somebody is making these decisions - to actively damage their IP in favour of short-term returns - they must be signed off and written down in internal communications, and signed off by relevant executives.

Do you believe this is happening?

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No you’re a Blizzard employee with inside information.

The developers of this game. Wait, you do know this is all just a game right?

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Bro. Think about it.

Ban Dungeon Boosting = Cutting off access to people leveling each other from 1 - 70
Ban RDF = Cutting off access to dungeons to people leveling from 1 - 70

Level 1-70 becomes dead.

If you’re new, you are NOT going to play a single player game from 1-70 with NO XP Buffs or RDF.

They are betting on people buying the boosts by creating an artificial wall.

Why tf wouldn’t they do that? It’s an insane profit margin.

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I know you’re being sarcastic but he’s not smart enough to pick up on that so you’re just feeding him…

Cite where this is a bug and not the ability working as intended please.


I’m not going down this clown fiesta rabbit hole, it’s well documented.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


Just to confirm, you believe that a board of executives at Activision/Blizzard consulted this high-risk proposition with shareholders, signed it off, and are now in conspiracy to hide this information from the consumers?


To further your point, its like this: the shareholders make some choices. The devs have to act on it. The lead devs like Ian have to come out and put some spin an polish on the the changes to heat off of every one while selling a polished turd.

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Wtf you mean high risk? They literally did exactly what I described and made multiple yachts worth of money.

True and based.

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