Tank Perspective on every class in LFG

I’ve been non stop tanking Heroics on Grobb for a couple weeks now through LFG, I’ve come across every type of class and player and I’ve come to a conclusion on each class and the types of people who play them:

DK players are usually high on the toxic scale, they usually demand every single buff and then spam Army of Dead on boss fights to get high on the meters while making my threat non existent in the process.

Very rarely do I see a DK not pump, the class is designed to do that just by pressing a couple buttons, but this is probably what leads to a sense of entitlement due to how easy the class is.

Honestly about 90% of them are bots from my experience, or they are just out of work TBC gold farmers. I’ll get the occasional fire mage that pumps and knows mechs but it’s very rare and I tend to not invite any mages off LFG anymore.

Easily my favorite caster, very rarely do I get a noob lock. They cast seed, drop soul stones and can summon I mean I’ve had great success with Lock players they are the true bros of LFG.

Rarely see them tbh, but a Resto is a great healer and I usually never see a bad tree druid in LFG. Ferals are like unicorns though, they pop up and always top DPS and Boomies are fun too but usually are horrible at spatial awareness and pull way too many packs with star fall.

Ret pallys are usually the least toxic of the 3 plate classes, I prefer them over DK or Warrior and HPala is just straight up OP. Even the worst HPalas I’ve seen have pulled off miracles.

Shadow is rare to find but usually they bottom DPS, not sure why but as a Prot I always beat them on meters but occasionally I’ll get a super pumper shadow but it’s very rare. Disc is a decent healer too, but def a lot slower than both Resto Druid and Hpala.

Ele shams are fun to play with, they do great burst and it’s a 3 button spec so you can’t go wrong with bringing any from LFG, they’ll all do the same amount of damage. Resto sham has to be my least favorite healer, it doesn’t really do as well as the other 3 but it’s ok in a pinch. I rarely see good Resto shams in LFG.

Enhance I’ve literally never seen a single one in LFG, not sure if they exist or not tbh.

I don’t invite warriors tbh, they’re more toxic than DKs usually and provide less DPS than both a DK and a Ret so it’s like wasting a slot. Even my Prot does more DPS than Fury and Arms.

They also all want me to reserve them the axe off Loken.

Gotta lump these two together because both of them are usually chill type players to invite, they’re always grateful when they get picked and Tricks and MD is amazing in dungeon speedrunning so I usually take 1 or 2 in each run.

I hope this break down helps some of you out there in LFG, this is how most tank players view the people who play these classes.

Oh, well as a DK my experience with all tanks is that you’re the most entitled people on the planet who think they are the greatest thing since Jesus Christ.

I guess I can make stupid generalized statements too.

You’re not wrong, a lot of tanks do feel like that including myself but it doesn’t make DKs any less toxic.

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