Burnt out on WoW? Looking for another MMO to fill the void?

You’ve come to the right place! Some of us in general discussion were talking about some of the other top successful MMOs on the market, and figured discussion would go better in a more appropriate location(before we were forcibly put into one).

Not sure how to get the topic started, but I can answer any questions about Final Fantasy 14 or to a lesser extent, Elder Scrolls Online. Both games are very successful at the moment and have already had a large influx of former WoW players migrating to them.


Thanks for starting this. I’ve only ever played WoW so I know very little about any alternatives with a similar feel. I had heard about FF14 but not any details. Never knew about ESO until today and it sounds pretty cool.

I’m not really interested in other games at this time, but the way things are going on in WoW, you never know. I hope this thread gets a robust conversation going, not just about specific games, but what players like to see in games.

I probably won’t be posting much, but I’ll be coming over now and then to see what folks have to say. For now, I’ve got to head for bed. But you all have a good time. :grinning:


Damn I thought you’d have something better than FFIVX or ESO :frowning:

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Any type of realm/server pop website for FF that’s accurate?
Or do they show it in game. I’m signed up for trial version but haven’t gone all in yet.
Was researching race/class, mechanics, ui stuff.
Only 1 I could find is like wowrealmpop, based on character numbers.

I think we all literally want to hear about any good alternatives that people have and why they like what they play so much.


As to FF I intrigued by the way they seem to embrace the very things wow devs want to remove. Flight and portal systems. I wonder why?


I definitely want to find a game that makes traveling easy so I can explore every inch. Getting frustrated with WoW making that increasingly difficult.


You can start discussion about something else, if you want. At the moment, arguably the top two MMOs are FF14 and ESO, and possibly GW2 but I’m not sure how well it’s doing at the moment.

You’d have to add them all up, but that’s the most recent. Numbers will go up DRAMATICALLY in July once Shadowbringers is out.

ESO, FF and GW2 all make it very easy. FF has instant teleports to any aetheryte(crystal) in the world once you discover them, for a small gil fee. ESO will let you teleport to any waypoint once you discover it, but it’s only free if you’re already at a waypoint; if you teleport from any random spot, you’ll have to pay gold and it goes up exponentially each time with an hour or so cooldown. GW2 I believe is free from anywhere(Edit: I lied, it’s another small gold fee).


How about costs amongst the 3 of them… are they like WoW with the initial game price and then a subscription fee?

ESO you pay for the initial game, and then there’s an optional sub fee(although they make it as inconvenient to play without it as possible). They do have an occasional free trial weekend.

FF, you can play the free trial indefinitely, but you can’t level past 35. So if you wanted, you could level every class in the game up to 35 before deciding to buy it. In July once Shadowbringers comes out, you’ll only need to buy the base game(which is cheap) and then Shadowbringers, as it will come with all 3 expansions bundled in.

GW2 I think you play free? There’s no sub fee. Last I knew you still had to buy the two expansions and the “living world” story packs(patches, essentially), but I’m not sure how that all works anymore.

I really like the idea of getting to level a bunch of different classes a bit so I get a chance to see how well I like certain aspects before investing money. So I may try FF first.

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That’s definitely a good selling point for it. It’s also worth mentioning that you can play every class on one character, including all of the crafting and gathering classes. So no need for alts.

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Oh that’s awesome… I’m one of those people with the max amount of characters because I like too many different things so that would be extremely helpful. Lol.

The only problem is, if you’re anything like me, it’s really tough to pick a race and stick with it. :persevere: I’ve always been a fantasia addict. (you buy them off the store for 10 bucks, it’s a complete appearance change. Everything except character name)

Oh god I do have that problem. I can’t even pick a faction. I’m almost split down the middle with the number of horde and alliance I have.

Yep I’m the same way lol. The amount of money I’ve spent on race and faction changes over the years is embarrassing. Finish changing all of my characters to horde, then X months later get the urge to play alliance again… it’s a vicious circle.

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Personally trying out FF14 myself right now, it’s pretty nice in the start, and things are pretty easy to get the hang of in the trial version, and with plenty to do as well.

If anyone wants to find me, I play on Brynhildr as a Roegadyn named Ardent Lion, though I’m mostly just goofing around and trying everything out right now. Thanks for the recommendation OP.

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In retrospect, it is somewhat silly no one has actually put together an “unofficial topic” dedicated to helping people get started with other MMORPGs after being tired out from WoW.

Thanks for taking first step on this one.

On that note, I can answer questions related to FFXIV.
Other MMORPGs? Not really.

Hopefully you enjoy it. That being said, I do have a few quick pointers:

  • The “Main Story Quest” (MSQ) is a long series of quests which runs throughout the entirety of the game, and pretty much serves as the cornerstone for the game as a whole; they’re pretty readily identified with a unique quest icon. Progression through the MSQ is effectively mandatory no matter what you do, as even expansions are locked behind the story; luckily you’re getting a pretty good story out of it. Just keep up to date on it, and it also serves as a useful XP boost for your first class.
  • Looking at classes, you have to choose one at the start and you’re stuck with it for a fair while (… I think, may have changed). The initial portions of the MSQ need to be completed before any other classes (including gatherers and crafters) can be unlocked; this initial hurdle is over when you start gaining access to the other cities (you start in one, then move to the others later) around level 10-15.
  • A handful of classes (actually all prestige classes which start at higher levels) have more stringent unlock requirements. As a bare minimum, you have to unlock the level 1-50 MSQ section; a few others are not unlocked until you reach the first expansion proper (the ones which unlock after 1-50 are from the second expansion).

In any case, everything unlocks eventually… and it is available on one character.
There’s just a few hurdles involved.

On the bright side, I think you get two of them for free. One being an early “veteran reward” (based on how long you’ve been subscribed for, nothing ridiculous), and the second for completing the level 1-50 MSQ if I’m not mistaken?

Beyond that… yeah, need to go to the store.

Also, there is a pretty extensive barbershop option (unlocked after a bizarre quest around level 15… I remember running into it by accident). It pretty much allows total character customization, everything except a race/gender change.


You can teleport to any house you own for free as much as you want.