Burnt out on WoW? Looking for another MMO to fill the void?

Yay! If I see you on, I’ll send a linkshell invite, since you can’t send whispers. Linkshells are just chats you can invite people to.

Thanks for all this info guys… it’s really helpful. :grinning:

Is it better to separate any class/job out to an alt?
Don’t know a lot so take Black Mage, would I gimp myself if I chose wrong race?
Someone said race doesn’t matter at all?

Also is there any better to do this job first type of thing? Are healers fine for levelling?

And last, do I need to quest for awhile first or can I jump right into say fishing?

I wouldn’t. You would need to go through the main story on every single character for this, and it would be a slog. Alts are really discouraged.

Nope, races are irrelevant.

Healers are fine. Unlike WoW, healers are sort of expected to dps in their downtime, which they have a lot of. Most of the time you’re just a dps that also heals.

I believe you need to get to level 10 to be able to pick up other classes. And they’re separated between the 3 cities, so if you don’t start in the same city the fisherman’s guild is in, you’d need to wait until about 16. At that time the MSQ sends you to the other two cities and you can pick the other jobs up.

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Thank you.
That narrows me down to first class then.
Fishing starts in Limsa Lominsa, I think.

Or is it better to start somewhere else? Any more interesting?
As in ‘starting here is the most bestest awesomest?’ :rofl:

Race is essentially cosmetic only. VERY minor stat differences that no one really notices, and no racial abilities.

All jobs are fine leveling in any order. Tanks and healers are capable of DPS just fine, and as noted above there is an expectation to help out with DPS during downtime (healing is the priority, but don’t just stand around if you aren’t actively healing).

Also, the dungeon queue system can be described as “permanent timewalking” (players are scaled down to the content, opening up a HUGE pool to help people out); effectively throwing in high level players with low level players constantly.

I’ve actually taken to leveling up ALL my half-discarded classes over the past couple months. At this point I got almost every “prestige class” unlocked except Black Mage (base class at level 27, need level 30 to unlock). DPS queue times can be lengthy at times (like any MMO), but there’s a steady supply of players.

Hmm… Limsa is an interesting starting zone. I’ve only done that one and Ul’dah (Ul’dah was on my main, Limsa was on an alt on a whim), can’t say how good the Gridania storyline is. I’d say Limsa was probably more interesting, now that I think about it (definitely the better intro cutscene).

Speaking of which, all three cities have their own unique storylines before the plot converges around level 15.

Now, your initial class does determine which city you start in; it just so happens to be the same city the “guild” for the class is located.

Let’s see…

Limsa Lominsa

  • Marauder – Upgrades to Warrior (Tank)
  • Arcanist – Upgrades to Summoner (Ranged DPS) and Scholar (Healer)
  • *Rogue – Upgrades to Ninja (Melee DPS, not available at character creation)


  • Lancer – Upgrades to Dragoon (Melee DPS)
  • Archer – Upgrades to Bard (Ranged DPS)
  • Conjurer – Upgrades to White Mage (Healer)


  • Gladiator – Upgrades to Paladin (Tank)
  • Pugilist – Upgrades to Monk (Melee DPS)
  • Thaumaturge – Upgrades to Black Mage (Ranged DPS)

Just pick whichever job sounds interesting, and go from there.


Thanks :+1::grinning:

How is ESO’s PvP going these days? I had a lot of fun in Cyrodiil (sp) the first year or so, before exploits and nerfs got out of hand and players started leaving. (Not interested in BGs which I think they added later…)

Guild Wars 2 deserves more credit than it’s given. For those who play WoW “single-player” here’s an actual MMO you can play entirely single-player if you want, and it won’t make you feel like a scrub for doing it. The base game is free to play and you buy the expansions and (if you care about the story) the DLC packs. It has a cash shop but it’s really consumer-friendly, not the kind of BS you see in EA/Activision games.

As for FFXIV, it’s important to point out that it is a story-driven MMO. You have a main story that tells the story of your character and his/her group, and this is almost all you do while leveling. It’s like a quest line of ~500 quests that you have to do before the end-game opens to you. You also can’t skip to an expansion unless your character is at a point in the story where s/he has to go there.

This is unlike WoW which I could call more exploration-based. You explore the world, discover quests, do the quests, gain levels, etc. Even though the WoW quest lines are a lot more story-driven now, it is still nowhere close to what it is in FF. And when you’re leveled enough, you can stop all you’re doing and move to the next expansion.

That last line is debatable, given how much utility crap they have on their store. If you don’t buy any of the gathering tools you’re stuck buying breakable ones from vendors which is doable, but a huge inconvenience. Salvage kits, mobile bankers, I don’t know what they’re called but those special crafting areas in all of the cities that you need to buy a pass to? Sort of silly. They have a ridiculous amount of experience boosters on there, a hearthstone basically, revive orbs (soulstones in ESO, which you don’t need to buy for cash…) And lets not forget that all of the banking/npc summon items you can buy aren’t even permanent! Some are single use and some only last X days. GW2 is a fun game, but god their cash shop is the most ridiculous one I’ve seen. I don’t think anything like that would go over well at all in WoW.

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Meh. Most consumables are worthless in GW2, I pretty much threw all of mine away outside of the crafting boosters and the trader. I’m not sure what the devs are thinking to have cash shop items that are literally useless, it doesn’t look good it looks like they’re trying to scam people.

Experience boosters are worthless because the game rains tomes of leveling on you for free.

Revive Orbs cannot be used in PvP or raids and if you die in the open world it only costs you a teleport. So basically whenever Revive Orbs could be useful, you can’t use them.

The game gives you more than enough transmog charges just by playing, and unless you’re an hardcore fashionista who changes outfit daily it’s impossible to run out.

I’d say the important items to get in the cash shop are this:

  • The infinite gathering tools.
  • 2 or 3 bank slots.
  • The 2 expansions.
  • The LW chapters.

Should be about $100 to $120. I don’t think that’s bad given all you get.

Forgot you have to buy bank slots too… ugh.

Don’t get me wrong, I had fun playing the game until I hit max level and ran out of things to do (not really interested in learning to raid). The mounts are amazing, and probably my top favorite thing out of all 4 MMOs that were mentioned. The cash shop though, does not look good, especially to new players. These forums implode every time Blizzard adds a new mount skin, I can’t imagine how many people they’d lose if we had to buy bank slots or gathering tools.

This is only true for older players. When they changed the veteran reward back in 2017 so that you no longer have to be subscribed for so long to get all the rewards, the fantasia reward was removed from that and put as a reward for the level 50 quest “The Ultimate Weapon.” Those of us who already got the veteran reward are grandfathered in and now can get both free fantasia for every new character, but new players only get the fantasia from the quest, not from the veteran reward.

And another thing to note, if you use an MSQ jump potion before clearing the quest, you won’t get the fantasia reward even if you go back to do the dungeon as it’s a reward for the quest, not the dungeon, but you still get the mount reward.

I am playing FF 14 Online and played Elder Scrolls Online. I do not know which one I like better. I think I going to like FF 14 Online better. I guess it is because I like Final Fantasy in general.

I like FF14 better, also. What I like to do is play FF14 until I get bored or run out of content to do, and then I’ll play ESO and other games for awhile.

So, FF15 is not a progression after 14, but a separate game environment? 14 is the mmo, and 15 is solo rpg? I haven’t ever played the FF games, is 14 where I should start? I think I may even have a code somewhere for a free copy from Twitch. (Edit: I do! If anyone else has a Twitch Prime account, there’s a code there for a free starter edition of the game.)

I haven’t looked at Elder Scrolls yet, but a lot of friends have it in their Steam piles, iirc.

I played guild wars the last time I unsubbed from wow, during the realid fiasco, iirc, and I liked it a lot, at first, but I don’t remember what finally annoyed me enough to quit.

14 is totally separate from all of the other games. The only Final Fantasy games that have sequels and are related are 10 and 10-2, and 13 and it’s two sequels. 14 has some “callbacks” where they take areas/bosses from regular FF games, but they’re always integrated into the story so you wouldn’t know it.

Personally I thought FF9 was hands down the best one, but you can start wherever you like. We mentioned earlier that you can play the free trial for 14 for as long as you want, you just can’t level past 35.

I’ve already got a couple new folks playing with me on my server, anyone’s welcome to join us.

I’m going to download it later. Which server?

We’re on Brynhildr, Primal datacenter. If you reply to me here with your character name I’ll send you a linkshell(chat) invite, since you won’t be able to send whispers on the free trial. :slightly_smiling_face:

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FFXIV is a fun game, if a little grindy at times. Though, I feel WoW is worse these days with the “grind” since in FFXIV I know EXACTLY how long it’ll take me to get any piece of item I want, thanks to the tomes system (basically WoW’s badge system… a great thing Blizz decided to get rid of for “reasons”).

Also, even though I’ve played for a long time there are things I’ve never tried and am only just now discovering with the downtime. Like I never did treasure map dungeons before and those are a lot of fun. I’ve also been meaning to check out Rival Wings, which is PvP mech battles.

I’ve also been leveling a lot of alt classes. It’s fun to experience all their stories. It was the same thing that drove me to make alts in Legion. Plus you can level really efficiently nowadays with The Palace of the Dead and Heaven on High. They’re repetitive and I know some people hate them for that, but I actually don’t get tired of it.

Also the music of FFXIV always amazes me. That tied with the epicness of Trial battles makes for a really amazing feeling and truly gives you a sense of a grand battle.

I don’t know, there’s so much to say that I can’t really just think of what to point out off the top of my head. But, yes it does have down points… the account management features are the chief among them in my opinion. So frustrating to navigate and especially annoying buying a new expansion.

But if anyone is looking to try it out, here’s a friendcode:


It gets you (I believe) 99 free teleports as well as tokens to buy really nice level 50 gear once you hit that point. Also be sure to hit up the novice network if you have any questions about the game. It’s a chat channel for experienced players (mentors) to help new ones.

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