Rearranging and Removing Portals


Where I would argue that flying allowed them to make a larger world - just look at the sheer scale of Northrend - and that the removal/reduction of flying was to allow them to make smaller, far more cramped zones. They then mitigated player inconvenience by giving us an instant teleport to the nearest flight master on a 5 minute CD, and putting half a dozen flight masters in zones a fraction of the size we had before the “flying is bad for the game” meme started.

So, in essence, removal of flying shrunk the world more than the addition of flying did.


Yeah, I am a horde main but holy cow, playing alliance without that portal for holiday events, or even any content up north there is going to be absurdly annoying to get to.


Yup. Thinking I’m done. Kaivax just responded to another thread, while this (the one he made) sits at 6k+ responses with no feedback from another Blue.

Sucks, but I’m done supporting this company, how they treat their players, and their design philosophies.



Friendly reminder that we started a discussion about other MMOs over here, if anyone’s interested. :wink:


I saw that as well, but I don’t think Kaivax can post here without them discussing this first. It’s not a change that can be taken lightly by them I guess

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100th time? I’ve been playing consistently since BC so try 10,000th time. Your world seems huge to me regardless of the portals because I played each step of the way. WE are paying YOU for the game. Why don’t you listen to us? There’s no reason to remove the portals… ever. I rolled with it when you stopped allowing flying at max level (WoD) and thought that wasn’t too bad of an idea. But seriously, forcing us long time players who have been your core support through the WoD and now BfA debacles to deal with this nonsense is stupid on your part. Guess who is farming old content again?? points to self… the last time I was doing that was back in WoD with nothing to do. Now same thing, nothing to do. How can you release such a great expansion like Legion, with seemingly endless things to do, and crap out this BfA piece of trash and then revoke my ability to easily farm old content on multiple characters in a timely manner? Your coming patches better be jam packed full of new islands (not expeditions), quest chains, FISHING CONTENT!!! and dungeons… Or this is another WoD bust. Taking the portals away at this point is seriously a slap in the face to us old players. Guess we’re all gonna be hanging out in your Vanilla version before long. Until you get it through your skulls that we want a variety of content, as Legion delivered.


I admit I don’t like the idea of removing all the portals and giving a limited number in a single location. That being said, I can understand some “clean up” of the portals. BUT… the extent of the “clean up” seems to be more than just “clean up” and more along the lines of “eliminate as many portals as possible to burden players with travel time”

As far as the portals go (still active but only in Stormwind):
Boralus: At least this was kept intact.
Stormshield: Reasonable assuming you keep your Garrision HS.
Azsuna: Odd location, but again OK if you keep your Dalaran HS.
Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest: Reasonable.
Shattrath: Reasonable. Centrally located. No need to portal at Dark Portal
Paw’don Village: Moved portal location.
Exodar: Another portal relocation.

Portals removed which doesn’t necessarily make sense:
Shine(s) or Seven Stars / Two Moons - Centrally located. Should be one somewhere.
Caverns of Time: Was more of a specialty one. These have never usually been removed. Why now?
Darnassus / Ironforge: Major city portals never have been removed and yet only Ironforge portal is in Boralus. And what about a Darnassus portal for toons under 110? Now they have to go from Shattrath or Dalaran to SW just to get to Darnassus? Why the sudden extra work? Did the Horde have portals to Thunder Bluff / Undercity / Silvermoon removed as well??

Not sure what the devs were thinking. This “clean up” goes well beyond any portal removals from expansions in the past. It sure wasn’t in line with what had been done before. I thought the idea was to err on the side of not being excessive, not on the side of being way too overly excessive. Broke their own rules and credos.


I can see where your coming from. I don’t think flying is bad for the game. I enjoy it. But the time to travel from point A to point B via flying vs. a ground mount as a general rule is shorter. I guess what I was trying to say it ended up ‘feeling’ smaller. Even if the actual map size itself was unchanged.

But if we look at the current state of the game? You can fly in outland and northrend much sooner than you initially could. Part of that is due to how the zones scale now. But it’s far easier to get about from place to place as a result and the zones by extension ‘feel’ a bit smaller now when you can fly from the off. But like portals? Who cares if someone can fly earlier while leveling an alt in old content? :smile:

I totally agree the cleanup of portals was needed, certainly in Org for us Hordies. However, removing the portals is uncalled for… resoundingly as they can see from these comments. I guess they want to throw the entire company down the toilet because they are only hurting sales at this point.

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I suppose in some ways, yes? But if I’m in those zones questing, by necessity I’m spending most of my time on the ground, doing the quests. I don’t think it’s really a bad thing if players have less empty downtime spent on flight paths getting from hub to hub.

I know some will argue “well, back in my day you had to slog your way there on foot, fighting mobs all the way.” But there are also a lot of breadcrumb quests in game that consist of “here, get on this flight path and I will send you to your next destination”, and if that’s a valid way to get from A to B, then flying under your own power should be as well, even for new players doing the content for the first time.

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Semper Fi! :us:


Apparently, and I’m only guessing, the devs think that removing/moving portals helps the game in some way. (?maybe?yes?no?) And the folks who are defending this think the devs must know what they’re doing. (?maybe?yes?no?) Honestly, I don’t accept the explanation given by Kaivax at face value either, but I’m not going to blame the messenger.

I still feel more ways to get around this very sprawling game will equal more players doing more things. Limiting travel options will just lead to fewer players doing fewer things. That’s how it seems to me, anyway.


honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they said ‘we’re pruning your hearth stones!’ in a later patch, because the world is big.

I keep checking back periodically to see if that one designer with his stubborn “big ideas” at Blizzard finally relented and listened to the community that pays their bills.

Still nope.

Meanwhile League of Legends comes out with a detailed blog post about how they’re changing their ranked mode in accordance to player feedback. Must be nice to have designers listen to feedback AND communicate directly.


Oh, I don’t blame Kaivax; he was clearly posting what he was told to post. (I blame Bornakk a little for falling into using troll tactics like “should every class have teleports like a mage?”) But you can’t deny that the posters yelling at other posters for not complaining about the “right” things are definitely aiming at the wrong targets…assuming they believe what they say about focusing on “bigger issues.”


Queue the; “I’m just asking questions!” rhetoric


They don’t want our bags to be cluttered with hearthstones, obviously.

Here, take these other teleport objects that have to be gained via rep, questing, or large amounts of gold, and clutter up your bags with them, instead.


Preach gets it