Blizzstore Mount Weekend Giveaway

FREE Mount Giveaway Over! We Have a raffle Winner!

Congratulations Bodybagger!

Your name was randomly selected!

Mount Gifting Status: Mount Delivered
Apparently he Faction changed between posting and winning :rofl:

Disclaimer: To those of you who have never participated on one of my Raffles? Welcome! This is my 5th time doing a mount giveaway. I have done 4 in the past. Links below. This weekend I am giving away a free Blizzard Store Mount of yor Choice! (Store Mount of a 25$ value) See Raffle Details Below. I hosted this 100% on my own and out of my own pocket. Why did I do this? For fun and to generate positive community involvement.

So what are you most excited for in this coming expansion?

Reply Below

Raffle Details:
To enter this Raffle all you have to do is share what you are most excited for in 10.0. So just simply reply here with that response. Thats it! . Its plain and simple. The Raffle ends at 09:59am EST on Monday April 25th. So any valid thread remount ensemble.* Over the next few days I will be following this thread and reading responses. Please remember that I’m trying to create a Positive Community involvement thread. So trolling post will not only be ignored they will disqualify you. There’s enough negative threads out there we don’t need to turn this into one. So please post those dark edgy replies elsewhere.

How to get the Mount (Read Carefully)
On Monday April 25th at 10 am EST I will randomly select a winner. The player names of everyone who replies with a valid response (explained above of what constitutes of a valid response) will be placed into a drawing and I will literally select a name at random out on Monday Shortly after 10:00am EST. If that winner does not want a mount they can pass it off to someone else in the thread.This way its 100% fair and random. I will Quote a part of the winners post so he/she will easily know they won. The winner must at that time Quote my reply within 24 hours. I will then give you a time to meet in game.

My Past Raffles


I will go First to demonstrate a raffle entry.

I am most exited for the Return of Talent Trees. Always enjoyed being able to make differant builds


I’m most excited for the new zones. They all look really cool.

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Hello I’m here for the free stuff.

Also I’m liking the idea of the talent tree revamps and the zones that we’ve seen appear vibrant and pleasant which is good, I liked places like Nagrand, Feralas and Ashenvale and it’s a relief to see that there’s so much greenery in the expansion.

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Agreed. Anything you can add to make my character feel a tad more unique? I am all for.

Talent Trees are a big up for me,
same with M+ Seasons being on a rotation.

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A lot of it looks great, honestly. UI improvements, talent tree, crafting improvement, GW2 style mounts, etc. I think the thing I am most excited for, though, is the Dracthyr. That race is so perfect for me. I love the way they look, and the fact that they can hide armour completely in their Dracthyr forms. I love all the different colours and options we’ve seen. They’re just so perfect. :slight_smile:

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I am most excited to see how that talent revamp is going to be in 10.0. The addition of a dracthyr evoker seems really interesting and I’m willing to try it out to see whether I like the new class or not. Quality of life changes such as the new mount features is really nice, I’m hoping to see that the maximum velocity flying is also available outside of the Dragon Isles.

So, In conclusion, the talent revamp, new class/race, and the new mount feature are the things I’m most excited for in 10.0. An honorable mention would be the story, since I love Dragons. :blush:

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I like most of what I have heard ( actually listened to all teh interviews and not relied on the transcripts from teh web sites as they are quite a bit different from what was actually said )

But i do like the idea of dragon riding and customising my own dragon . Being the GM of Order of the Dragon , this fits nicely :slight_smile:

And on a similar note i think a new toon might be made GM of the guild --a dragon leading Order of teh Dragon just seems the right thing to do :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks Grimorie - i love these giveaways you do

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Grats on running a Guild. Thanks for all you do.

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I am also most excited for the talent trees coming back. It is one of the things I have missed most in retail WoW.

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I actually am looking forward to playing the new race/class. Most of all, I want to play in their starting zone. One of my absolute favorite things in WoW is the starting zones of some races, which immerses you in their race’s story and really makes you feel part of things.

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I am looking forward to the zones that seem like it’s going be great exploring. I’m also looking forward to the profession gear. It’s a nice appearance feature and profession boost. So it’s a toss up to which can claim to be my most hyped for feature.

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It is a great thing that you are doing here. The game needs more people like you. I remember once a few years ago I got into pets for awhile and a guild mate sent me a pet for a gift. It was great and one of the real good things I remember about the guild experience. I pretty much purchase my own mounts and have made free bags for people in the past. It is always nice to do something nice for returning players or even new players to the game. Best of luck with your raffle. As for me I’m hyped and looking forward to all aspects of the xpac. Looks like something I’ll be able to enjoy and a welcome change to the afterlife theme we have been forced to live through. Again best of luck with your raffle. You are a good person.


I figured with that expansion reveal a lot of people would be returning to the game. So now would be a good time to Host another one.

Thank you for your kind words

The thing I’m most excited for in DF? We finally get to play as a freaking dragon after all these years. Not to mention we are back on azeroth, not exciting in itself but a huge plus.

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Wow, this is a cool idea. Thanks for doing this!

I think I am most excited about getting back to Azeroth! I love exploring new areas, and hearing that the zones are going to be HUGE is great to hear. I love this game so honestly getting anything new is always exciting. I hope that going back to talent points really brings back the feeling of truly progressing our character. The idea of both a new race and a hero class…that actually HEALS!!! Sign me up!

I like that there is not a clear and evident threat at the reveal, just a sense of wonder, and a sense of return and renewal! We can all speculate at the threats we will face, but knowing the story and not the intro cinematic will reveal this is always something to look forward to. I cannot wait to see what new lore, and new adventures await.

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I’m looking forward to seeing all the names with “dragon” in them. It’s going to be like demon hunters 2.0.

Not here to enter, so don’t count me. I am just here to support doing such a nice thing for the community. Thank you for that! :smile_cat:

However, what I am most excited about:

Exploring the new zones and seeing what story they have for us.
WoD style PvP Gearing system
The Talent Trees
Profession Revamp
White/Gray Item transmog
The new race/class.

A lot of things look and sound great and I am eager to learn more as the expansion progresses!


So nice to see a CC drop in. Thanks so much for your Support!

Would you like to select someone from this thread to win in your place? You can do that as stated in my OP. Your name will still be entered and if drawn it goes to that person. It gives them a Bonus Roll So to speak. Or you can just pass. Up to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: