Blizzstore Mount Weekend Giveaway

I am not sure.
What I am hoping for is a minimalistic approach - gameplay somewhere between WOTLK and Panda, with the class fantasy parallel to BC.

What I am excited for is the old style spec system.

Everything else is TBD

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The new zones! Iā€™m a explorer player, i love open world. Dragon Island looks pretty and bigger than ever, as the devs said, with big open views. Canā€™t wait to fly over there with the new dragon riding system. Will be so good back to explore Azeroth again.

Also iā€™m very exited to play the new race/classe too, they are completely diferent from everything we have.

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I am looking forward to the Dragon Flying.

Although I hope that at some point I will be able to use the mount that I AM going to win RIGHT HERE!!! to fly in the Dragon Isles!!



20/187. So many more people reading this than those responding. People must not like free stuff?

I dont get it :frowning_face:

with the amount of people complaining on the forums about the xpac so far when they donā€™t even have much information to go on might have something to do with it. Usually everyone is out for free stuff. I usually stay out of the drawing but that is my preference. I rather like to be one of those doing the nice things.

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Now why would you go and say a thing like that? :cry:

You are no different than anyone else so you most certainly do :heart:

I look forward to being back on Azeroth. A little broad, I know, but it will probably feel better now that weā€™re not off stuck in some alien & unfamiliar universe or landscape.

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This is going to seem like a weird take, but one of the things about the announcement that gave me the most hope for the expansion is the lack of a timeline.

So Iā€™m excited for the seeming return to ā€œitā€™s ready when itā€™s readyā€


The new zones and the WoD style pvp gearing coming back!

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Iā€™m excited for the new zones, they look gorgeous and also the new race / class looks like it will be allot of fun! :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m REALLY excited for a healer hero class. Monk never really clicked with me, but this looks interesting.

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Iā€™m very excited for the dragon riding feature, I love travel being more interesting, rather than being totally frictionless, it adds a new layer of gameplay and Iā€™m here to it!



Iā€™m pretty stoked about well. EVERYTHING! But playing as a dragon will be quite interesting for sure!
Iā€™m also quite interested in how they will add torghast, covenant and legendary abilities into the talent tree.
Iā€™m quite addicted to my Necro Shield on my squishies.

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Very much looking forward to the new and improved Talent Trees. I will also try maining the Evoker class, I wonder how their flying ability will translate in older expansions.

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Definitely most looking forward to Dracthyr/Evoker. The race and class both. Iā€™ve been waiting for a new ranged class forever. If itā€™s good, maybe Iā€™ll even main one!

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Donā€™t enter me into your contest. Just want to say this sort of thing looks awesome and Iā€™m tempted to host one myself after yours is over.

EDIT: If this post does win, please pass the prize to CƤpslƶck


Iā€™m excited for going back to the roots of wow. No cosmic end of the universe plot just back on azeroth killing red dragons

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Honestly I am looking forward to all of it.

I am happy to see a return of the dragon flights and for them to get more time on the scene, and possibly learn a lot more about their history as well.

Dragonriding looks like it will be fun and interesting, and definitely looking forward to all the customization possibilities for my future dragon companion.

And very much looking forward to the new race/class as well, a playable dragon with a class themed around making use of ones draconic nature? Yes please (and the fact its another ranged since Vanilla, and another Mail for more possibly transmog options for Shaman & Hunters is great too). While I do hope that they open up the race to more classes in the future (class makes sense just for the race), I will definitely have at least one per faction to enjoy the race & class as is.

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Iā€™m most excited for dragon riding. Iā€™ve never been a fan of how cheaty old flight was. Iā€™d like them to take this new system to all the older flight mounts as well.

How very humble of you! Would you like to select someone from this thread to win in your place? You can do that as stated in my OP. Your name will still be entered and if drawn it goes to that person. It gives them a Bonus Roll So to speak. Or you can just pass. Up to you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you would like to select someone else out of the thread just edit your comments with their character name