What is a current goal you are working on? FREE Mount Giveaway Over

What was your New Years Resolution? Didnt make one? Make one now or Simply share a current Goal you set that you are working to meet

(This can be an in wow or out of wow Goal)

Disclaimer: To those just seeing this now and didn’t participate in the raffle I will recap what happened. I hosted a mount weekend giveaway. I hosted this along with Grizzle 100% on our own and out of our own pockets. Why did I do this? For fun and to generate positive community involvement. We gave away 2 FREE Blizz store mounts to 2 people. All people had to do to enter the raffle was share their New Years Resolution? If they make one? shared a current Goal they were working to meet

In this case it was Thallia and Chriarcy who won! So congratulations to her for winning a FREE Blizzard store Mounts of their Choice! I will meet up with each of them in game to get their Battletag privately to “Gift” the mounts to them. I will replay in this thread with Screenshots once they have been Gifted to the winners, This was my 4th event like this. I plan to do it again in the future. To all that participated I would like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you.*

Congrats to Thallia and Chriarcy!

My Past Raffles


Grizzle has doubled the pot! So there will be 2 winners! This is Second time doubling the pot!!! Thank Him!


In Game: My New Years Resolution is the same as always. To get Invincible this year.

Out of Game: My New Years Resolution was to spend more time with family and try to be closer to my sister.


To no longer waste time making false promises I never keep. Starting with making a resolution :slight_smile:


My New Years resolution was to spend more time with my wife. Thanks for doing this again Grimoire!

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My New Years resolution is to make another person feel lucky by chipping and in doubling the pot.

2 Lucky winners again!


The easiest thing I can do. To just drink a bottle of water once a day instead of a Coke or Pepsi.

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Well this is his second time pitching in to double the pot.

Looks like there will be two winners instead of one! Updating OP!


Thats a GOOD resolution!

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First of all, Yay! Another mount giveaway! :grin:

Appreciative acknowledgment aside, you didn’t give an option for those who didn’t make a ‘New Year’s Resolution.’ I don’t do that anymore.

Shall I just make up something for the sake of the giveaway?

Make one now then :slight_smile: Updated OP

I don’t exactly have a New Year’s resolution, but there are several things I’ve been actively working on for awhile that I would like to continue to keep working on this year. Mostly, I want to lower my anxiety and continue doing exercise regularly. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thats Close enough :slight_smile:

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My New Year’s Resolution is to… oh c’mon I got nothin’ here.

I’ll… keep enjoying coffee?

My New Year’s Resolution is to continue enjoying coffee. I resolve to adhere to this, my trusty resolution.

You’re A-OK Grizzle, the real MVP. :+1:

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My resolution was to make it an entire year on the wow forums without getting carried away and banned.


My new Year’s resolution was to work more on my health to get back to work after all of my long term issues after COVID. And to also be better on the forums. Part of that was swapping characters back to my main like I’ve been talking about doing for months. Been trying to be a nice person. Some around here are making that difficult, but I’ll still keep trying! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I resolved not to make a resolution.

I failed immediately…


Solid choice! I enjoy my coffee as well. May I make a suggestion? Russian Tea. Equal parts Instant Tea, Country Time lemonade, and Tang. Top off with some cinnamon and cloves. Fewer spices if you like things sweeter, more spices for more of a kick/bitterness.

Mix it all up and tablespoon per 6oz (I like mine a little stronger and do 2 tablespoons per mug)

:smiley: serve hot or cold (I prefer hot)

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My New Years resolution is to get my health in check, play a lot of WoW and just be happy I’m still around :grin:.


My new years resolution is to stay consistent at the gym and get a Frost DK buff

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Why did he get to slide for not making a resolution, but you told me I had to make one, which I grudgingly did, despite not wanting to… and you didn’t even like my post! :weary:

I’m hurt.

Hmm, that’s interesting. You gave me a full recipe and everything, haha… Thanks Grizzle! Honestly I doubt I’ll ever make it, as it doesn’t sound like something I’d particularly like, but I think it’s hella cool that you shared that.

I appreciate you.

Sunflower for you, sir.
