What was your favorite Expansion? FREE Store Mount Giveaway Over

What was your Favorite Expansion and Why? Please feel free to be as detailed as possible.

Disclaimer: To those just seeing this now and didn’t participate in the raffle I will recap what happened. I hosted a mount giveaway. I hosted this along with Grizzle 100% on our own and out of our own pockets. Why did I do this? For fun and to generate positive community involvement. I gave Blizzard store mounts to 4 people. All people had to do to enter the raffle was share their Favorite Expansion and say why it was their favorite. Anyone who did share had their name added to a list. At the end of the weekend raffle, all the names on the list were cut up and placed into a fish bowl. 4 names were drawn at random.

In this case it was Simplyred, Irrenhaus, Ithost and Sharinah who won! So congratulations to them for winning their choice of 2 FREE Blizzard store Mounts each or 1 mount thats not on sale. Depending on their choices! I will meet up with each of them in game to get their Battletag privately to “Gift” the mounts to them. I will replay in this thread with Screenshots once they have been Gifted to the winners, This was my 3rd event like this. I plan to do it again in the future. To all that participated I would like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you.

Congratulations To


Her two Chosen Mounts




Thanks Again to Grizzle!

Here are my last 2 Raffle Links


My Favorite Expansion:
Mine was Wrath of the Lich King. Its when most of my friends were still active in the game and when we had the most fun. Wintergrasp was always a blast and ICC is still my favorite Raid in the game.

I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday! I know the two Mount winners will :two_hearts:

Grats Again to previous winners!




My Favorite Expansion:
Wrath of the Lich King. I started my WoW career just before Ulduar was released. I was still in the leveling process and was a baby Paladin. No friends in game really, no help, no direction, just wandering around and killing.

Wandered into the Wetlands for the first time as a level 25 or so, (and IIRC Wetlands was like a 30-35 or 35-40 level range zone) and saw a gaint spider, level was a “skull”…picked up my Polearm and quickly turned around and made my way back to the Crossroads in the Barrens to consider my life choices after that lol


My favorite expansion :

Burning Crusade for being the first exp, adding Draenei and Blood Elves to the game, and Nether drakes.


Favourite Expansion:

Burning Crusade, ever since loving Blood Elves and Kael’thas from WC3, my dream was always to play one, Burning Crusade not only let me be a Blood Elf but actually fight Kael’thas was just the icing ontop for me :ok_hand:t4:.

I’d say for noob moment, god that Fel Reaver destroying me several…and I mean several times, to this day he’s my sworn arch nemesis :rage:.


Just for the record, for the Christmas spirit, I’ll add in 2 more (i’ll have to get with you to discuss how to go about giving them away though :slight_smile: )


My favorite expansion is Shadowlands.

I love the idea of an afterlife. I am a role player. The drama about the systems doesn’t affect me very much, other than I feel for the people who are bothered so much by it.

The zones in Shadowlands are absolutely breathtaking. They go from beautiful and heavenly to disgustingly oozing or downright evil and sinister.

I am sure even long after this expansion is complete I will still be spending much time exploring the Shadowlands.


Thank you Very MUCH! How nice of you! You can either reply with you Btag and I will add you and we cant sort out the details or you can meet me in game in about an hour or so and give it to me there.

If you reply with your battletag once I add you feel free to edit your comment to remove it

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My Favorite Expansion:
For sure, Burning Crusade. Before BC I played often with my friend on his account whenever we hung out. By the time I was able to get my own account, Burning Crusade came out. And with that, came my most and favorite race, Blood Elves, who I play to this day! What made me so hooked is the immersion into this RPG world. I was able to witness some of my favorite characters (Illidan) more personally (compare to WC3), fought in some of the best raids (BT, Kara) and the game represented the best iteration of an MMO RPG ever. The content, the timing, the features, and my god, the music was the best. Kara alone gave me appreciation for harpsichord music. I made some long time friends that I have to this day.

I get intense nostalgia from BC, it solidified my love for WoW and Warcraft in general, and it was the expansion that hooked me into WoW forever.

What a beautiful idea, thank you OP.


I wish my other to Raffles had gotten more of a response hopefully 3rd times the charm and thank you for your kind words.


i’m not sure i have a favorite… but the expansion that affected me the most? TBC, the one I started playing during. It was quite the adventure leveling from 1-70 as a mainly-holy priest and making friends along the way. I’m kind of surprised I made it out alive, actually, that’s how into the game I felt sometimes, even though I never even finished Karazhan or anything that hard.


(passing on the drawing)

My favorite is probably Legion through the rose tinted glasses of 7.3. Despite knowing the damage it did to the game it was a lot of fun and some of the things they did:

  • Weapon sets
  • Class/spec based transmog

Were good things that sadly they never carried forward. Unfortunately that nostalgia is tempered by the fact that they also removed a lot in the process too. Also knowing the damage that the iLvL squish going into legion did is painful. But it was probably the point I had the most fun. I’ll reserve more of my thoughts on the issues for a post on game design elsewhere.


While I really enjoyed WotLK, life circumstances prevented me from playing it to completion when it was current content. So, I think my favorite expansion was Legion. While it started out weak, it just got better and better as it continued. Nighthold, ToS and Antorus were all enjoyable raids. Artifact weapons, mage tower, and class halls with class-specific quest lines all worked to make playing alts really enjoyable (I know AP grind sucked on alts, but if you were just playing them for story and cosmetics, it could largely be ignored). Things like allied races and M+ dungeons were great addition to the game, imo. Legion was definitely the expansion that I spent the most time playing and enjoyed my time doing so.

Edit: Also, elemental mount for Shaman! Definitely one of my favorite mounts ever!


Pandaland for a number of reasons. The visuals were amazing, the entire continent was mind blowing in how well it was put together. The entire story and zones flowed well and well, were mostly coherent. I loved the little farm.

And of course - big fluffy pandas!



Grumbles I’m just going to take a moment to personally say to you that I have always enjoyed reading your comments in GD. You seem to always do your best to be positive and you are a welcome addition here

I sometimes have gotten a little harshly blunt with the more melodramatic folks in General Discussion but you have always bitten your tongue when it comes to things like that and I salute you for it



Why thank you! (blushes)

(gives Grimoire a cookie)



Stuff and things


I have added you once you accept the ad feel free to remove that from your comment. Will update OP once we work out the details of your generous offer


Hello OP. Thank you for doing this.

My favourite expansion: MOP
Why?: Top in my expansion-rating-criteria is Map Design, and to me the Pandaria zones are the most beautiful in all of Wow. Also: oriental dragon mounts, enough said.

Noob moment: I guess it would have to be selling by mistake my strongest weapon and some pieces of armor, while making space in my always full bags, after getting “naked” to complete some old Ulduar achievements.



I’d say because it was my first experience. Nothing can beat nostalgia glasses.

I had this really strong desire to see Suramar. All these big maps to explore. And I thought I’d never get there because I thought you had to complete every single zone and story before you could advance to the next expansion.

I had a Worgen arms warrior on Bronze beard. Good times. It took me 4 months to get to Legion