Blizzard shouldn't listen to the majority of players

Delve was the complaints of players who usually do 8-10 keystone runs that led to the current situation where delve have become uncomfortable. At the moment, delve, in my opinion, are comparable to a level 13 keystone or the first two to three bosses in a Mythic raid.

Due to the fact that the number of deaths in an delve is limited and the mobs, especially the bosses, have become too strong, about 80% or more of the players will no longer see rewards from delve. The reason for this is casual players who, excited by the fact that they could relatively easily complete an delve in groups, went to the forums to boast that expeditions were easy.

This was supposed to be simple content, but you ruined it. I checked the profiles of the players who posted that expeditions were too easy, and I assure you, 99% of them wonā€™t get any rewards from delve if Blizzard doesnā€™t bring back normal delve.


Who asked for group delves to be harder? They wanted solo delves to be easier.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of messages saying that group outings are too easy.


Easier =/= too easy


As someone who has done many 20+ keys (now 10 range) across multiple characters. I can assure you that mid to high range key runners are nowhere near the majority.

I also didnā€™t care for the changes made as they feel over tuned to make up for the under tuned that they dialed it to before release. Now your average to below average player will need gear that exceeds what the bountiful chest will give in order to possibly clear that range of delve. The vault rewards should still be an upgrade, but the actual in delve loot will fall behind in a few weeks.


Delves were easier than mythic 0 and gave better loot. Its a no brainer they were going to be nerfed. People arenā€™t mad at loss of ā€˜funā€™. Theyā€™re mad at the loss of easier high level loot.


Is it the majority or a few loud whiners on the forum?


You think you do but you donā€™t :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone who asks for something to be buffed or nerfed should be ignored. I tend to believe that none of those who make such requests consider the balance and all aspects of the game before demanding changes.

Many, many players. Remember, the forums do not represent the majority of feedback, Blizzard gets feedback through many channels, and these forums tend to represent the most casual of players. Essentially, they were rewarding raid quality gear for next to no effort, upending the entire reward structure.

I agree that the gear from group outings was too high. They should have lowered the reward level, not turned the outings into content for mythic raiders.

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Pretty much this. But Iā€™m glad at least that the ā€œhaha too easy git gud loserā€ people are for once, hurting themselves too.


Yeah they should double everthings health and damage in all content, remove xmog, remove warbands, remove flying. Cater to the minority players


Delves suck now. Was supposed to be fun and leas challenging than mythic+ and raiding. Yet here we are.


Iā€™ve been here too many times now.

Blizzard are hard headed and think they know better, period.

They donā€™t listen, theyā€™ll make some dumb crap up about this being a bug, but by then bunches of folks have lost faith and the game suffers.

This feels like ā€œThe Mawā€ and their strong belief weā€™d like it, in Beta we all hated it, they ignored us, game launched, everyone hated the Maw and they ignored us, BUT when the subs started dropping like flies they changed it.

Listen to us.


Agreed that the tuning needed some changing for how good the rewards are. But I would say itā€™s not just folks mad at loss of easier loot, but also mad that the scaling feels completely broken for the content.

Difficult is 1 thing, but when the scaling is now forcing people into basically running a dungeon group to do the content when itā€™s not supposed to be dungeons, something is wrong. I can only attest from a duo/tank perspective, but taking on average 600k-800k damage per second on normal small mob pulls feels nuts.

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Blizzard shouldnā€™t listen to the majority of posters on the GD forums. Most of them just post about how much they hate the game every day, how Blizzard sucks and how WoW is awful.

But you do need a sub to post here so something doesnā€™t add up.

Blizzard shouldnā€™t make the non-solo version of ā€˜soloā€™ content trivially easy. While the actually solo version was quite hard.


dont worry next week weā€™ll all do mythic+ and get better gear than what you can get in bountiful delves.

ppl will probably be progging heroic raid comfortably as well by then.

this delve content is meant to be abandoned in the dust next tuesday.
kinda reminds me of Torghast a lil bitā€¦ youā€™ll only do it if there are mats you need coming from it.

*thatā€™s probably why they tied it to the vault. at least some ppl will do it for vault choices even if subpar.