The new Delve Difficulty Is AWESOME!

I LOVE the delve difficulty it was a refreshing adventure to have to consider my every move and plan my pulls. Please keep it this difficult I love the challenge, good job Blizzard!!! (I Have 100% achievements on Elden Ring)


Is this a cringe weird flex?


Nope. It’s not.

I just enjoy being able to do them at my own pace tbh, I never did care to be forced to use addon, and look up guides, and do a lot of reading. I like to go in smash things get smashed and adapt. I don’t mind dying 200 times until I figure things out.


Yeah, I love having Brann do all the work, at 5% of his initial damage.

Totally great gameplay for a solo tank.

Or I could take a multi-million hit with every melee attack.

It’s not fun or balanced, it’s completely broken and based on spec.


Whatever Blizz had set up for tanks definitely needs to be looked at and adjusted. It was weird even before, but now it’s outright unplayable for tanks. Among all the things that got changed last night, the tank scaling’s the one thing that seems like an actual bug and I hope that gets corrected before they all go home for the weekend.

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Tanks and healers really needed to have their own “version” for solo.

A tank version of Brann would have been good in general for squishier specs, and DPS Brann should probably do more damage when with a tank or healer.


I just don’t understand how it even happened.

Tanks taking more damage than DPS, while dealing less damage than DPS, and not being able to use Brann as a tank because of the high threat of all of our abilities and low damage of Brann.

This isn’t good gameplay, this is Blizzard sleepwalking into another Torghast situation.


Still trying to figure out how to git gud my way through multiple 1m+ melee hits coming in


I bet those +2 delves are going great OP, try 8+ and get back to us.


Switch to tank, then you’ll be taking 4m hits. Problem solved. /s


Blizzard’s typical knee jerk over reaction.

Stop trolling OP.

Dividing the community isn’t helping.


delves suck now ! fun detected! kill fun, hotfix implemented!.

The obligatory minority contrarian threads have begun!


Maybe not intentionally

They literally just fixed a bug in their algorithm that was making things literally easier as a group then if you played solo. Things having less damage, and less health the more you added is not okay. It’s fine for the content to be the same difficulty as solo.

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Yeah I dunno. Along with them adding that new ‘second boss’ to T8+ last night, it just seems like an arbitrary thing. Imagine if that applied gamewide. You roll a tank for survivability, but everything gets its damage scaled up to compensate. Just…why? It doesn’t happen in raids, it doesn’t happen in dungeons, it doesn’t happen outdoors, so why do they have it happening in delves?


OP about to get lynched by the GD community.

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It’s obviously bait. I can’t blame the community on this one.

I’ll look the other way while they handle business. Didn’t see anything.


The whole point of playing a tank is to take hits and try to survive with your toolkit while slowly whittling away the HP of mobs.

I can’t imagine this aura inside the delves is going to help the tanking shortage at all.