Delve +8 is way too easy

… when in a standard holy trinity party.

That really undermines the solo aspect when the difficulty on them is so different. High solo delves demand using full class toolkits, every stun and root matters, healing, cc, getting mobs to take environmental damage. They take a lot of time, and there’s a very real risk of failure, especially if undergeared from what’s recommended.

Party D8s are yolo faceroll lols and you have to really blunder hard to run out of lives. And mob health increases so little, if at all, that everything melts before needing to engage with mechanics. The only challenge is finding someone in tank spec, they don’t even need to be particularly geared, 570 is overkill. And of course 5x the interrupts available completely trivializes the kind of tough choices that need to be made when solo.

Group delves need to be MUCH harder than this. Keep them a viable choice but not the no-brainer easymode option.


Weird thing, but is the tuning different in parties, as in, easier? I swear, I was a hell of a lot tankier when doing with a group 3, me as tank and two DPS, than when I soloed an 8.

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Who cares if they’re easier with as group? Being able to chill with a couple friends and just take your time has it’s place.


yeah in mythic 0s

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Cool, let’s just let M+ be done in 40 man raid facerolls and call it a day too, eh?


Chill in lower difficulties then.

If you can stand the absolute snoozefest they would be, since even D8s are so easy in a group.

The disparity is the entire problem, solo is balls to the wall hard.

Oh they’re easy in a party? Wow, who could’ve ever guess that the “solo” content is easier when you’re carried? Could’ve never in a million years guessed that, it’s almost like why have we been calling it solo content this entire time? Probably mass hysteria at this point.

Like we live in an actual simulation, so obviously they are “too easy” in a group.

Let’s put it this way. All this content is a pure joke right now. The real content is M+ and Mythic raid. Literally no one cares about any of this stuff. I’m not even upgrading my gear anymore, I’m just gonna wait until October when everyone is 620 ilvl and I’ll just be carried for my 1 piece of loot per 2 days.


8’s are easy as solo, what are you talking about? They just take longer and you don’t have anyone to socialize with while you’re doing it.

Being in a group just makes it a different dynamic.

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This game has so much apathy and imbalance in it, you can just auto attack your way through everything and be carried by people who are ilvl 680 while you’re 590. No one will notice, no one will care, it’s barely even a video game. Heck, you can just buy the titles lul.

No way people are 680 yet

Only if your sole purpose in this game is the rewards. Delves are fun for both groups and solo players, imo. Why are you so focused in what everybody else is doing? That just undermines all of the fun you could be having.

Sorry, I meant ilvl 700.

Of course grouping is easier, other ppl always carry you no matter how good you do . Even if you are rank 1 in wol you still needed other 19 ppl to get there , without them you are a nobody

M0 gear can’t be that high can it? I’m still 577, even pvp gear is only 538

You guys are missing my point. You can just auto attack all your gear to you, no one even cares anymore. You can just put the tank on follow.

The tank will play the game for you and also do the damage. Blizzard has no idea what they are doing.

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Nobody is going to “get your point” when you just want to talk in gross exaggerations.


I’m being dead serious right now lol. I’ve auto attacked my loot. I forgot to mention that I know because I’m doing it as we speak, oops.

Multiplying mob health by # of party members is the very least that could have been done to keep difficulty comparable. A group would still be easier because of all the added utility, but it wouldn’t be a complete pushover 30 ilvl below what’s expected.

Auto attack Heroics, get 571 loot. No one notices anything or cares because the tank is pulling the entire dungeon. Auto attack the Renown loot. You’re now good to go to get into M0.

Now you repeat this in M0, auto attack everything, the Mage and tank will be doing 5 million DPS anyway, so no one will notice anything. The tank is still pulling big also, so you probably all die over and over anyway, no one notices.

Upgrade that gear from auto attacking M0, then you switch over to M+. That’s when you actually start putting in a little effort, not too much though. Oh I forgot, auto attack in Normal raid, if anyone says anything just say your class is hard in Delves and you’re farming the Alunira mount all day. Then auto attack/watch Youtube while doing LFR.

This is a very good video game, that takes much skill. The reason damage meters were even invented is because people used to put the raid on follow in 40 mans and collect loot. Those really were the days. Oh and back when you could ninja loot the chests.

There is no room for morality in this video game, give me a break. They should call it World of Apathycraft. World of Leave Your Dungeon If I Don’t Get the Trinketcraft.

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What has me confused is why T8 Delves provide better loot than T0 Mythic, when T8 delves are silly easy and T0 Mythics are at least somewhat challenging.

T8 Delves should have given like 590 loot, not 603.