Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

Was going over a gear chart

Delve Vault for a +8 = 616
Mythic + 7 Vault = 616

A M0 is far harder then a +8 Delve right now if you do Delve dungeon style with 1 tank, 1 heal and 3 DPS. And a Mythic 0 only gives a 603 item in vault

Heroic RAID gear caps out at 619

Meaning if all you do is spend a small amount of time logging in daily for some delves, you’ll get easy loot with bare minimum effort. The 603 gear from the end of a +8 Delve already makes it completely worthless to do content like M0’s.

I think allowing groups in delves was a huge mistake. They should have stayed solo only content, and been tuned to be a “challenge” for solo players, but not the mess they are right now for solo players (healers should be able to run solo in healer specs, yet I had to leave a Delve on my Disc Priest due to no interupt for final boss making it impossible)

Delves had potential, instead they just became dungeons 2.0 with the group structure and ruined other content by making it not worth doing


I kind of agree with delves replacing dungeons for group content . I’m not sure if that was their goal or not


I already decided I am skipping M+ this season, never liked it anyway and I don’t care for the mount. The effort and time to get gear in M+, why? Why would I bother? I do raid, but usually only until I get AOTC then take a break.


I don’t do mythic+ at this point unless I see drastic improvements. It’s catering too much to the esports crowd for me


In straight difficulty it’s really not. Players are coming off the steamrolled heroics of last week, and meeting some actual challenge. Mechanics matter, and even tho some of these mechanics were present last week, nobody seemed to care. The difficulty most players are experiencing in M0s is having to pay attention to the things we all ignored in heroics. That, and some mythic-only mechanics that players don’t know or pay attention to, even now.


Well, I actually do like the level of rewards it’s giving with its relative difficulty it has now. Doing Tier 7s with gear equal to what they say I should be doing it at was a challenge.

Now I agree, there are bosses out there that do need a tuning pass or to have Brann use more of his interupts based on class/spec he’s being partnered with. But overall, I’m enjoying them. sans the annoying things called Sporebits


I’ve done a few M0’s and a few +8 Delves. My +8 Delve runs have been way faster, way easier to heal, and my 0’s have had a few wipes since Heroic’s didn’t teach mechanics

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Did you run the +8s solo?

The wipe teaches the mechanic. If your group continues to wipe to the same mechanics, then someone on that team isn’t learning.

Trust me I know, I had a hpal healer in Ara-Kara M0 on Tuesday who repeatedly (like 6x) died to the webs on final boss, and if they survived the webs they died to the singularity. Some people just don’t learn well.


A few. My Disc Priest did a +8 solo with 0 deaths and got a FoS. Other one solo though I couldn’t finish as I had no interupt. Solo they are a bit whacky. But if you do a +8 with 1 tank, 1 heal and 3 DPS they become a cakewalk. Especially if you tell nobody to release and res then you don’t lose lives.

So make group delves harder. Problem solved. They’re supposed to be a challenge for solo and group. Make them that way.

No. It wasn’t. There are friends and family who DO NOT have 5 people and don’t want to pug.

Leave those people alone. Let them have their content.


Yes, there is a massive disparity between groups vs solo.

What I was getting at is this, do you think delves are too rewarding for people running them solo?

IDK, I almost died like twice in one yesterday. I say increase the rewards.


op did you do delves with a 4-5 man?

the scaling is massively wonky and it’s already been tested and confirmed.

No such thing unless this thread is flamebait if so carry on…


Delves are for the casuals and small group content

So what if it’s higher it’s prolly a oversight from devs ya know shocking one han doesn’t know what the other is doing

No. Solo they feel challenging and the reward makes sense. Which is why I said making them group content was a mistake. They should have stayed a solo thing.


I agree, with the disparity proven between solo and group content. Being grouped should make it slightly harder than being solo, as you have not only more people and more DPS but also more things to help get thru (CC’s, interupts, etc).

I am quite looking forward to being able to do some delves with my friend who’s returned after quitting due to Shadowlands.

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Only WoW players would complain that other people are getting good things from content that they don’t view as being as hard as the content that they prefer to do, while also having content to do that provides the challenge that they’re looking for and also rewards them.

Like, what does it matter if you get the same gear from the vault for doing Delves as you do from Mythics? Go do the Delves then if you don’t want to be doing the mythics, or do the mythics and be content. It doesn’t matter what other people are getting from their preferred content as long as it’s not better.


Bingo. Make it that challenge and everything is fine.


It wasn’t, but lowering the scaling like they did on Tuesday was a mistake. They’re too easy for groups now, and will probably be scaled back up. It’s like a seesaw with the changes to this content.