T8 Delves in a group are trivial - is this intended?

I just did a bunch of tier 8 delves in a group with a tank and a healer (I was dps). Those runs were easier than doing a tier 4 solo, and substantially easier than M0 dungeons - by a really, really large margin. The tank’s Brann did remarkably high damage.

Bountiful delves drop better gear than M0s, and the same track as the normal raid, but the difficulty isn’t at all comparable.

This can’t be quite right?


Ha! This is a joke right? Hahahahahahaha! Best joke all day!

…wait, are you serious?

T8 with a group is too difficult on some bosses. 1-3 shooting entire groups, even with healers and tanks.


No, I’m serious. I just did several of them with a BDK, a resto druid, and me (ele shaman), with the tank’s Brann set to dps. It was trivial. Like, almost open world content level of trivial. Two other friends, who did it with a bear and a rogue, had the same experience.

I wonder if it’s class/setup specific?

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Probably. You seem to been in the dream team for T8 lol

The scaling for groups in delves was nerfed last night, so I suspect it is easier.

Reduced the amount of health and damage that delve enemies increase by when other players are added to the group.

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We did 4 T8 bountiful delves as 3 dps and it was significantly easier than going in as 1 dps. My rogue was 582 and was getting destroyed solo but I could “tank” the same
Mobs without evasion up in the 3 man group.

I decided to dip out of the solo delve quickly and just wait for my friends to be ready to continue as a group, since it was going to be so much faster that way.

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You are doing it in a group?

BAHHHHHH HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH LMAO :rofl: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

Single player content and this player is doing it in a group.


I did a t8 bountiful and then failed the second. Grouped with 2 friends and we had dps ytank and heals. We finished the rest no problem. Was a pretty big difference but might just be my class. I was getting 2 tapped on the bosses :joy:

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Dumb change - they should have upped the damage done by mobs to compensate.

Pretty dumb how easy they can be when grouped COMPARED to running them solo.

Not balanced at all - but then again, neither are the delves themselves balanced when comparing various classes and specs.


Are YOU serious? Delves are a joke with a 5stack.


Its just 603 gear. It isnt a big deal

It’s not solo specific content. Everyone seems to think so, yet I can’t find anything on Blizzard’s websites that says Delves are solo. This ain’t Mage Tower.
Easy champion track gear, hero vault gear. I’ll do 9-11 + Zekvir’s solo, for “the challenge.”

Yeah ok tell yourself that… you fully know it is intended to be solo, players choose for it to be 4 man in which case the OP’s post is hilarious.

IT IS DOWN RIGHT FUNNY TO COMPLAIN… :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :wine_glass:

They always said it was for 1-4 players and an alternate progression path for people who didn’t want to do Mythic+ or Raiding. I don’t think they ever specifically said solo only.


IDC - I find it funny as funk. :skull_and_crossbones: :skull: :wine_glass:

Deal with it.

I did them solo and in a group, tier 8 delves were a complete joke for us, that said it’s clear the majority of players are struggling with this and mythic 0s so they should really pick that group to balance the game around instead of people like me or even the 1%ers.

My biggest issues are some of the mob abilities are bugged like the plant’s unavoidable explosion or the kobold’s unavoidable fire ticks that are hitting twice for every instance instead of once (usually resulting in one-shots) or caster mobs chunking my over six million health with a single, basic cast (though that is also true of most caster mobs this expansion, not just in delves).


They didn’t - though it does seem they were targeting the solo / small group of friends and family players with delves.

IMO the issue though is tuning - either group play is undertuned or solo play is overtuned.


i did em in a group without tank, it was not that easy. hurts here and there :wink:
(bountiful w/key)

Here here! Well said! :wine_glass: