[A][Stormrage]<Gnome Depót> Recruiting for our AOTC Guild!

Nice to have you, I’ll be around tomorrow, just shoot me a message and we can talk about it. Welcome to the guild :smiley:

welcome to the guild!

Still lookikg for more dps? I have a 391 BM hunter and a 381 ele shaman would be happy to bring one over to raid and do mythic + with. . Im 8/8n and 5/8H, wouldn’t be opposed to trying a new class depending on the need of the guild

We are still looking, do you have a discord so we can chat?

I sent you a request, we spoke before but I took a break from wow now looking to come back :slight_smile:

awesome, I’m just trying to figure out which one was you… im sorry i got like 5 requests between last night and today.

Lol no worries, I just sent you a message letting you which one I am and added you to discord

Welcome to the family!

Looking for more weird to meld with our weird.


Still looking for more for both raid teams :smiley:

bumping for clout :stuck_out_tongue:

I pug with this guild every now and then, really nice people, great communication and community!


thanks hobz!!!

Are you still recruiting?

yes we are! your welcome to contact me on discord or in game! Byndi #5161 on disc or DireRaven#1113911 in game

Legit group, and great people

Thanks Cam!!

bumping to top :stuck_out_tongue:

Come be our friend! <3