Closed, no longer seeking guild recruitments

Thanks all.

Hey my guild might be a good fit for you.

We are an alliance guild on stormrage looking for people for our fri/sat heroic team and people who wanna just have fun with the game outside of raid.

We have a lot of people who love all different aspects of the game. We have achievement hunting groups, m+ groups, mount farm nights, ect. There is something going on just about every night. A couple of times a month we even do big organized group events.

Some information about us from our gm:

Falkor [A] Stormrage was created by players who just LOVE the game. Most of our community have mythic raided or currently are and are looking for a fun relaxed community and weekend raid environment. (We call ourselves the Mythic Raider Retirement Community)

We are looking for players to help build a strong community. We are looking to build a long term home for players who enjoy wow. We are looking for experienced players to push AOTC on Tues and Thurs but, also recruiting more casual players for Fri and Sat.
We are a 21+ guild of veteran players looking to fill out our Roster and build a social fun environment. We push keys, PVP, and fun community events.

Raid Nights:
Tuesday and Thursday mythic raid 8:30PM-11PM EST
Friday and Saturday heroic raid 8PM – 11 PM EST

Progress - We got a very late start but, are AOTC 8/8H and 2/8 M
Guild Needs: We are currently recruiting for the 2nd Tier of Dragon flight.

Fri/Sat - Needs all - Casual Raiders Welcome

Interested? ADD/Message - Dille in Discord - Dille#2417

Hey there, I’d love to chat more, do you have discord? IceWarden#9352

Primordials is a pretty laid back guild and we are trying to fill some gaps in our raid team to finish off the tier and prepare for 10.1. Please reach out to me.

Hi Zaklek,

Sounds like you would be a good fit for us.

Dragon tail is a raid and mythic+ guild looking to fill its roster with likeminded people. We are currently 8/8N 5/8H with AOTC as the main goal.

We are currently looking for all roles and specs.

We hangout in discord a lot. If you are looking for a community to grow with then we might be the guild for you!

All players, new and old, are welcome!

If you are interested in joining us fee free to message me on discord: Jeriky#9574

Hello! DANNY DEVITO FANCLUB [8/8 H][2/8 M] is looking to fill its ranks for casual mythic progression and weekly AOTC clears. We raid SATURDAY at 7PM [central/server], and are looking for more!

I think our name speaks for itself, if you like our name you’ll probably like our guild. We are a group of friends who enjoy a good meme. We are currenlty rebuilding our roster, and are looking for more like minded folks to join us. Looking for those who are interested in the long haul, and want to find a new core group.

SAT 7pm - 10pm [central/server]

[Andre - GM/RL] BNET: Andreinator#1396 & DISCORD: Andreinator#8929
[Tinsley - Officer] BNET: Tinsley#11270 & DISCORD: Tinsley#9973

Hello there Zaklek!
After reading your post I just wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great night

PANDAS WITH HEADSETS is an 18+ LGBTQ friendly casual guild that’s looking for fresh new faces to do content with! We run M+, Heroic Raid on Fri/Sun @ 9-11pm EST & do fun social events on other days! Our raid team is currently looking for a tank! I would love to chat. You can add me on bnet: Izy#1699j or discord: Izzy#5574