For disclosure I’m not related to the following ex council member, also i consider this feedback mechanic implemented too soon, since Devs are busy with 9.2 deployment and the 100 council members weren’t picked by the end of last year, i don’t know about current status but it doesn’t feel like there’s 100 players there yet.
I’ve a concern regarding Prosident threads, this person was removed from the CC, however these topics are part of the oldest and there’s not a reply yet maybe due to 9.2 development,. some are hot topics between the playerbase.
He created so many threads with very specific important topics, If Blizzard didn’t remove his post, i could assume they are going to look back to those topics at some moment, however since they didn’t say anything about that, we don’t know if those are just being avoided.
Hopefully, Council members don’t avoid this threads just because it comes from a player that was removed or bring some of this topics again like a new Thread.
Oh my, didn’t expect this
I said it before, I’ll say it again: of course the Council was going to have a super sloggish start to begin with, having been set up during several controversies at the same time + holidays coming up at the time + apparently even during the Microsoft purchase. Of course that is no excuse for the fact that they failed to deliver on their increased communication promise (at least the TBC folk got some attention), but it is what it is. I still have my hopes that maybe, just maybe one day they’ll deign to reply, even if I don’t get to reply back. Although… please? Question mark?
As a bit of personal frustration, it does feel like they are very, very selective with the topics they reply to. It’s not all that difficult to sit down during lunch break and type out a reply, however unresearched or rushed it is. Conversation is the point of the Council, after all.
I don’t think any of those dev responses are made without going through PR or some other convoluted process at this point.
There are dangers in doing that. If they say something rushed, they may give false or misleading statements. Or players might take their rushed statement as gospel and try to hold them to it. Even get upset if they change their stance.
All that being said, it isn’t an excuse for radio silence on the plethora of threads that have been posted.
Not necessarily. It didn’t break any rules, in terms of posting ToS.
And they said they weren’t replying always but were keeping an eye on the threads.
I doubt they’ll look back but they MAY HAVE looked over some stuff or the CM did and gave devs a s hortlist of things mentioned.
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There absolutely is, but nobody and nothing has a 100% clean track record. In fact, if Blizzard is able to correct those hypothetical mistakes, they’d be mostly celebrated.
I don’t get the logic behind trying to be too safe, though. If you set up such a forum, the point is to have conversations and debates. The devs should be able to present their and the team’s views and objectives without issues, and of course players are going to challenge those views eventually. The program was set up to increase communication, after all, and not for PR politics.
They are gonna do what they are gonna do sadly 
I think they should indeed have conversations with you. Maybe they could leave specifics out. Things like “X is being changed to Y” or “Z is on our to-do list” shouldn’t be posted without scrutiny. Their personal observations and experiences would be perfectly fine though, as they are subjective and let us know what they see as issues.
To be fair to them, (pretty much all of) my posts concern very large design questions that I assume could require the answer of the larger dev team instead of just “the guy responsible for that small area of the game”, but it is frustrating me to no end to having had one reply under a retail PvP post and only having had one response a month ago at this point, with no follow up ever since.
Holinka, you are my last hope. Please.
Biggest problem I see is they seem to be deliberately ignoring the “hard questions” or “hard topics” on the CC forum and instead blue-posting in trivial/non-important threads such as some TBC chicken toy almost no one has heard of or cares about.
I don’t know if it would help to give more targeted feedback. Both situations run the risk for them to say something they might regret. The larger design goals take too much information to put into context, and small changes like numbers only satisfy a limited audience.
A more generalized “we saw this while in arena” would be a nice compromise without giving any specifics. But of course that leads us back to your main frustration, that they simply don’t answer.
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I gotta admit, though the racism was awful, and the reaction to it was half-baked, Prosident’s got some great ideas.
I bet anything they say is filtered through PR, that we barely get any communication since no communication is better then saying something bad.
Damn, I forgot that the community council was even a thing…
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I really enjoyed reading through all of those posts…
I think the reason why they removed you is because you did exactly what they brought you in to do: hold them accountable.
It appears that they regretted being held accountable.
I assume the other CC members are just butt-kissers.
err 5 posts on is pvp gear better than mythic 99+
err 2 posts pve vs pvp
err 0 posts how can the avg 2-4 hr 3 days a week be engaged not buy a $14.95 30 day game card from best buy just to play when he/she wants to that was taken away
and forced to buy 90-day game card or recurring charge
lot more behind the curtains i bet
did they tell you why you were removed?
i have a blizz account a sony account a microsoft account a iracing account
if at afforced 90 day game time buy just to play its just makes sense just to delete all subs
and resub when i the one that has to pay to play enter and delete CC info just to play a game that i sit down after dinner and enjoy
bring back 30 day subs so i can enjoy all games out there on the market
:unless there is one ring to rule them all:
He holds the world record of the fastest CC ban ever 
Shall we call him Ex Prosident 
All players want is FREQUENT communication/discussion with ANY Blizzard employee, if nothing else to be assured the game is not just going to vanish some day.