Are these Dead Threads on the Community Council? - Prosident Threads EX CC Member

I disagree, a lot of my posts favor more casual friendly design. Unless our definition of casual is different? Mine is having a game that respects your time spent and doesn’t punish you for not logging in at regular intervals.

I wish I knew the full truth. All I know is what I can take responsibility for, which essentially is advertising my Discord on the forums (which I did not get banned for at the time).

Blizzard’s lack of response is something I kind of expected (not that it’s good, just that it’s what I’d expect). What surprises me a little is the lack of response from OTHER members of the CC forum. I don’t know how many of those 100 slots they filled up, but out of all the people they’ve approved, you’d expect a few more opinions from others in that group on each of those topics that were posted.

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Well, if you like his ideas I don’t even need to read them to know they are terrible.

Stay mad. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Stay bad. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

May I bother you to at least read one or two of them? :]

This is a major problem in the game. “I was here!” is heavily favored over “I just want to put in the same time and effort as someone else to get the same thing, but on my own schedule”. It all fuels FOMO garbage and has even gotten to the point where it festers in rep grinds.


Imagine not being able to create your own POV because someone that you don’t like had already a positive POV for a topic created by other person, sad.

I would like to hear about examples, I’ve not read anything from Dones besides some QoL that other players consider ruining their perspective of uniqueness.

And i don’t see too many collectors talking about some awful time sinks created by previous Devs and their awful approach, like moving the minimum level for love is in the air each expansion since 5 years ago.

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Imagine not being able to create your own POV because someone else finds a poster to be useless, sad.

Wow I really wonder , what did you do to each other?

Spirits, my point, you could have check my OP and other comments and post something here with your own POV, instead you saw Dones on the thread and commented about that, just ignore him if you can’t handle that kind of forum interaction.


I found out who his main is, and he doesn’t like me because I wanted the Mage Tower weapons to come back, and he also has an extreme hatred for Gen Z players, it seems.


He is easily a great candidate to quit the game and find something he can handle playing. This game isn’t for him and instead of recognizing that and quitting, he’d rather destroy it like a child.

Oh a lot of us are vocal about stuff like bad time sinks. The minimum level - maybe not so much just because we’re already leveling everything to begin with so we’re in a good spot to keep farming current content once it becomes legacy, and it falls off as a complaint priority.

But yeah, the extremely degenerate drop rate of Big Love Rocket leads to us throwing our alts at the problem, which in turns leads to other stupid things such as hitting the 10 instance/hour limit. If we’re expected to throw alts at an RNG problem, why is that limit still a thing? Of course, we wouldn’t need to go so hard core if the drop rate wasn’t 1/3333.

Who, Jolts?

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Yeah, thought he left the forums.

You should learn that there’s different perspectives on life, maybe that destroy its an improve for others, i would always complain about low % rates without proper bad luck mechanics, alt friendly, FOMO…etc there’s some topics that a huge player base consider toxic.

I’ve all the MT weapons and i don’t care if Blizzard bring those back, that could be good for the game, the problem is that Blizzard creates a system just for 1 expansion instead of doing it evergreen, we wouldn’t have scenarios of players against each other if Blizzard didn’t incentivize this kind of feature. That’s why a playerbase pushed MT back into the game and Blizzard in order to balance their previous FOMO rewards, needed to add new ones and just added recolors to a tier set.

At the end, as playerbase we provide our feedback, Devs ignore or work with what’s being provided.


I’ll be here long after you move on when you realize you don’t actually like this game.

You should learn the difference between genre of games and if you can’t handle time sensitive items and time sinks an MMORPG isn’t your thing.

Well, who said that MMORPG = time sink? FFXIV keeps almost all content relevant and a playerbase moved to that game, there’s different approach on GW2,ESO,FFXVI for their questline, instead of removing a pre patch event with big lore implications like WoW does.

MMORPG is an genre that changes constantly, so i can’t take it as a valid point, also i can tolerate time sinks, but as player i can provide my feedback and try to reach devs on my concerns, i don’t know who or how, but someone reached Devs and they changed Mechadone achievement as part of 9.1.5 because of awful RNG, so i’ll provide my feedback constantly.


The entire history of MMORPGs when they were popular says they are time sinks with time sensitive rewards.

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