An Argument for Void Elf Dark Ranger

IMO, Void elves are a weird race in that they fit both roles as void elves who were banished from Silvermoon, and remaining high elves(as per their customization options).

IF your VE is a high elf in your headcannon, then it makes sense for your character to possibly be a dark ranger/darkfallen, since they are allowed to join the alliance if they choose to as Velonara states in the update.

IF your VE is a normal VE, then it could be possible that your character was felled and ressed in the third war and stuck around with the Magister in order to harness void powers but imo this makes less sense.

I see that people are upset that VEs got the customization, but it only makes sense BECAUSE they fit the slot of also being high elves.


Another “VE Dark Ranger” thread… Why can’t we already keep it to the already active topics out there, considering there has been a few topics already about this.

I actually didn’t see any before I posted.


Maybe it is time to look. You could’ve posted what you posted in one of the already existing threads

dont worry about sara. shes just salty that she has to share her toys


it makes no sense for void elves to be a forsaken/pure blood elf in any capacity

well somehow it makes sense to blizz.

Why do you need to make an argument, you already got the customization, just tell the haters to stay mad.

More customizaion is cool :sunglasses:


Well i like to make an arguement that, void elves joined the alliance and fought in the battle for darkshore, sylvanas killed several and had her valkyr raise them and turned them into darkfallen, the mages, rangers, and warriors etc.

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because they want to show how dumb wows lore is from shadowlands to void elves

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Continue to be upset my friend.

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you got void elves, not high elves :smiling_face:


so much salt

I don’t like either so this does not bother me, I laugh at you my friend

lmao i remember you from the troll threads

I think I’ll make a void elf dark ranger tonight named Delxania

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thats awesome. i am honored!

Nobody cares what makes sense to you

Blizzard likes the idea and they implemented

Deal with it

Except for the fact that they are not High Elves, they are Void Elves.

You can tell by the race label when you mouse over them in-game.

We asked for real, not pretend, High Elves for the Alliance and San’layn for the Horde and this was Blizzard’s answer so please don’t try to make sense of it because there is no rhyme to their reasoning.

if no one cares then why is the forums being spammed with dark ranger threads