An Argument for Void Elf Dark Ranger

From a logistical standpoint it 100% makes sense, because the character model is the same as blood elves, so it’s no extra work to extend the option to void elves.


well we got them. we got blood elves and forsaken elves now. we are basically part of the horde faction

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I don’t think the forum likes me being a Dark Ranger, it’s refused to show my Dark Ranger transmog and turned me into a ghost, lol


Void Elves using this skin do not seem to have the Tendril options. Ergo logic dictates they are simply undead elves aligned with the Alliance, as implausible as that might be.

Edit: Nope I was wrong, they can. So Idk tbh.

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With that logic there would be dark rangers for every class.
With Lore, Dark rangers are Blood elves that served as farstrider rangers, died during the attack to the city by Arthas, and then were raised as undead.
All others to include recent Night elves that were brought back during the attack on the tree are simply undead

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But there you go, sylvanas didnt stop with night elves, she also raised void elves to make a mockery of them. She didnt bother with the other races.

They are lore elitists who are not inclusive to people getting more options

Blizzard shouldnt waste time on them

I dont recall her ever raising void elves. Now that i think of it the void and death are very much at ends with each other. The void is afraid of death.

My personal speculation being sudden addition to customization would involve there being an immensely charismatic and charming diplomat within the Alliance.

Whoever the Diplomat have to be, they must have a talent for seizing opened opportunity and commonly avoids taking the messy path; which is typical of most factions.


Which is freaking stupid to me. The void is the ultimate evil of warcraft. Moreso than sargeras and the legion. Sargeras fears the void.