Dark Rangers Customizations in 9.2.5

I just thought to share this here with everyone on my opinion about the Dark Ranger stuff in 9.2.5:

First of all, I am mostly disappointed on how the customizations are locked. An Eye Colour and an Undead Elf skin tone, locked to each other, and not many options to go with it all, this is sort of a disappointment, and not giving people more options to express themselves, as what customizations were supposed to be. I think Blizzard has screwed up here. A 35 minute long quest chain, if you include watching cinematics and listening to the story, to just get a title and 2 options, this is disappointing and waste of time.

Second of all, I am sort of failing to understand how the Dark Rangers actually suit the Void Elves? I am not going to be like others here on the forums and claim, “oh, Alliance bias, others should’ve never received these options,” but I am kind of curious on how these things actually work, considering there really isn’t lore references to the Dark Rangers on Alliance, let alone, on Void Elves. I think Blizzard owes a lot of explanation here on this.


My suspicions is that they might be unlocked at a later time. Kind of like how shadowlands customizations were. Might be wrong. Well see.

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They don’t. There is zero lore to suggest this makes any sense.

This is annoying to me as well.

The quest chain was completely fine.

This whole thing is disappointing all around. Dark Rangers should have been a hero class or just a new class period, like a cross between a hunter and a rogue.

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I’m just sitting here thinking why NB got left out. Again. Makes as much sense as velves getting it, and yet were passed over anyway.

Makes sense because the Void Elf crowd want everything that BE’s do.

Just wait a few and you’ll get them to chime in and let you know why. And then a new request will soon follow.

I agree that the NB needs a lot of help…as does the NE.

who cares about your lore reasons for not liking this. This is one step closer to what a LOT of people have wanted for a very long time

Nightborne need a red eye option now too tho


My big thing is the quest line. That whole experience felt lack lust, and then we just got handed these. You can definitely tell that they weren’t even trying with this patch. “Hype a bunch people up so they resub, and put in the absolute most minimal effort possible.” - Someone at Blizzard most likely.

It’s just cool new vampire customization for elves.

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Ok, cool. Please excuse me, I’m gonna request for Orc Models on Blood Elves and Troll Models on Gnomes.

blasphemy about tauren rogues or something dumb like night elf paladins and thats ok to wreck the lore. but this little customization is too far. lol

Says the blood elf with purple eyes that originally belonged to the Void Elves. Belfs got a whole bunch of stuff and they still unhappy.


They are a pretty purple aren’t they. Some may be unhappy, but not all of us.

This. The worst part is the “Dark Ranger” skin isn’t even hunter exclusive. Literally any elf can use it except demon hunters. (I was surprised they didn’t plop it on them also)
So Dark Ranger feels dumpstered so they can sweep it under the rug as just another undead elf skin.

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Vereesa’s model had it for a long time iirc. I don’t think it was a velf thing.

Simple, they could have been Void Elves raised by Sylvanas in BFA.

Just because we didn’t see them. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.